Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 797 Two Billion Demons in a Jar

The next moment, Ye Lin grabbed the frozen demon Yuanying and a whisk in his hand. The demon Yuanying was still trembling in Ye Lin's hand, as if it was not completely frozen, and there was a faint sound of begging for mercy.

"Fellow Daoist, spare my life. As long as you set the conditions, I will agree to anything... Even if I become your demon servant and work like a cow or a horse for you, I just ask you to let me live."

Ye Lin was not moved at all, but just put the top-grade Taoist whisk in his hand and looked at it carefully. In Ye Lin's heart, the importance of the old Taoist Yuanying is indeed far less than this top-grade Taoist weapon.

The handle of the whisk was bronze, and it was engraved with ancient characters that Ye Lin did not recognize. Ye Lin wiped the silk thread of the whisk with his hand, and a demonic aura dissipated in the air. The silk thread of the whisk turned silver-white, and the divine light could be seen faintly flowing in the silk thread.

It turned out that the silk thread of the whisk was not originally black, but silver-white. It was only later in the hands of the old Taoist that it was infected by his demonic spirit and turned black.

Ye Lin finally smiled.

"What an unexpected harvest. I originally planned to come here to hunt the demon and collect the demon's spirit body, but I didn't expect to earn a top-grade Taoist weapon."

Compared with the Ten Directions Ghost King Rosary that Ye Lin had obtained before, the power of this whisk is much stronger, and it has not been damaged at all. It can be used as long as it is refined.

The whisk turned into a spiritual light and instantly sank into the ancient ring between Ye Lin's fingers. Xiaoqi couldn't wait to study the whisk to improve his weapon refining attainments.

Then Ye Lin pinched his fingers with one hand and pointed at the frozen demon's Yuanying. The old Taoist's begging for mercy disappeared immediately. He had been subjected to the soul-searching technique by Ye Lin.

Not long after, Ye Lin opened his eyes and exhaled a long breath.

The biggest gain from using the soul-searching technique on the old Taoist's Yuanying was that he had a better understanding of the Galaxy Secret Realm.

"It turns out that there are many gods in this secret realm of the galaxy. This old Taoist has encountered them several times. He must be more cautious in the future."

"It is normal to think about it. Even in our Wan Guo Continent, there are gods who hide in the world, not to mention the vastness of the secret realm of the galaxy that exceeds any small spiritual world."

"However, no matter where they are, gods will not easily attack. Once they attack, they will strengthen their induction with the spiritual world, either their lifespan will be depleted faster, or they will be forced to ascend to the spiritual world."

"In addition, cultivators who were born and lived in the secret realm of the galaxy cannot enter most of the places of opportunity here. Those places of opportunity are only open to outsiders, but they can target outside cultivators and seize opportunities from them, just like the old Taoist wants to seize my ancient ring."

Ye Lin took out a super god-sealing bead and sealed the old Taoist's Nascent Soul in it.

Of course, when he came to his senses, he found that Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai were no longer around him. Of course, there was no demon within dozens of miles around him at this time, and no demon dared to provoke and kill the old Taoist.

At this time, Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang were killing the dense group of demons with the army of spirit insects. With each move, countless demons died and turned into wisps of demon spirits floating in the void.

When the demons saw the old Taoist being killed by Ye Lin, they were already scared and fled in all directions.

But this star field has been covered by the Sun Moon Universe Array for thousands of miles. Whenever they approach the boundary of the array, the terrifying power of the sun's true fire and the terrifying moonlight that can freeze the soul will force them back.

In a radius of thousands of miles, more than 2 billion demons have become turtles in a jar. Without the command of the old Taoist, each demon has become a headless fly and cannot form an effective combat force at all.

Some demons in the out-of-body stage organized hundreds of millions of demons to find the center of the array, break the Sun Moon Universe Array and flee in all directions.

Some demons in the out-of-body stage thought that there was no escape, and organized their subordinates to fight to the death with the army of spirit insects.

Some demons in the Out-of-Body Stage were desperate, and they turned into human forms and knelt down to lead their subordinates to kneel down and surrender, just asking not to be killed.

No matter which kind, they were all easily defeated by the tacitly cooperative army of spirit insects.

Before more than a hundred spirit insects in the middle stage of Out-of-Body Stage joined the battle, the demon army was already one-sided against the spirit insect army. Now with Xiao Bai and Xiao Qiang plus more than a hundred top-level spirit insects in the middle stage of Out-of-Body Stage, the situation was even more overwhelming.

In every breath, demons in the Out-of-Body Stage were killed, and demons in the Nascent Soul Stage, Core Formation Stage, and even Foundation Establishment Stage were killed in large numbers.

Seeing that the victory was decided, the entire space was full of demon spirits. Ye Lin waved his hand again, and tens of thousands of spiritual lights flashed, turning into spirit insect monks in different costumes.

"Meet the master!"

All the spirit insects saluted together.

Ye Lin waved his hand.

"Quickly collect the demon spirits, the more the better."

"Yes, sir."

When Ye Lin was in the ancient battlefield of Linhai, he asked Xiaoqi to lead the refining factory to mass-produce soul-gathering beads that could accommodate demon spirits. The current collection of soul-gathering beads is enough to collect 100 million demon spirits. These demon spirits are not used to feed the Ten Directions Ghost Kings or to meet the conditions for the activation of the safe island transmission order, but to serve as materials for refining and alchemy in the future.

These demon spirits are a huge fortune.

A flash of light flashed in Ye Lin's hand, and the Ten Directions Ghost Kings beads that were given to Xiaoqi for research appeared. Ye Lin moved his mind, and ten dim lights flashed and turned into a ghost king shrouded in the dark white ghost fog.

When they just came out, the Ten Direction Ghost Kings were obviously a little uncomfortable. They had been sealed by Ye Lin before, which was equivalent to entering a sleeping state. Now they woke up and felt that it was less than a moment before Ye Lin killed Huangquan Ghost Lord.

But when they saw that they were in the Heavenly Demon Nebula, surrounded by spiritual insect monks slaughtering the Heavenly Demons, they were all shocked, and then bowed their heads and knelt to worship.

"Meet the master!"

Ye Lin said: "I promised you before that I would let you devour the Heavenly Demons and restore the strength of the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body. Now is the time for Ye to fulfill his promise. There are more than 2 billion Heavenly Demons around. You can kill them at will and devour the floating Heavenly Demon spirits at will. As long as your stomach is big enough, you can eat as much as you want."

The Ten Direction Ghost Kings were all surprised when they heard this, and some ghost kings who wanted to show their loyalty kowtowed to Ye Lin.

"The master has boundless magic power, and his magical powers are thousands of times better than Huangquan Noble!"

"It is an honor for us to worship you as our master."

Ye Lin said. "There is no need to say more about these things. I just want to see what you do. If you don't fight hard enough in the future, I will replace you. Now I have a Demon Emperor Yuanying who has reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body State in my hand. Its strength is much stronger than yours in its prime."

The ghost kings were frightened and silent when they heard this. They all expressed their willingness to go through fire and water for Ye Lin, and then began to disperse and fly in all directions. At first, they wanted to pick up the ready-made Heavenly Demon Spirit Body to devour, but after hearing Ye Lin's words, they were all very active and went to kill the Heavenly Demon alone, fearing that Ye Lin would be dissatisfied with them and replace them.

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