Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 784: Inciting the Ten-Direction Ghost King to Revolt

Seeing Ye Lin chasing after him at such a terrifying speed, Huangquan Ghost Lord, who had long lost his fighting spirit, was even more frightened.

"The Ghost King of the Ten Directions obeys the order and I will stop him at all costs!"

Unexpectedly, the ten ghost kings ran away faster than the other, with no sign of turning around to stop Ye Lin. This made Huang Quan Ghost King smoke from his seven orifices.

"You're a bunch of trash, you can't afford the consequences of disobeying me!"

Allowing the Ghost King of the Ten Directions to reveal his true form not only consumes a total of three thousand years of life, but also has a fatal drawback, that is, the Ghost King's self-awareness will awaken. The strength of the awakened self-awareness all depends on the will of the holder of the Ghost King of the Ten Directions Rosary. Strong or weak.

In other words, Huangquan Ghost Lord needs huge willpower to suppress the will of the ten nobles and make them obedient. But now, Huangquan Ghost Lord is scared to death by Ye Lin, and the will of suppressing the ten ghost kings is extremely weak. Naturally, they are unwilling to do so. Be obedient.

If Ye Lin had not been present, they would have swarmed up to devour the master. In the eyes of the ghost kings, as long as the ghost king of Huangquan dies and disappears, they will be free and enter the secret realm of the galaxy for free. This is a great opportunity.

A ghost king who was as huge as a demon laughed.

"Ghost Master Huang Quan, do you think we are stupid? You have to go alone..."

A ghost king wearing tattered robes and holding a long knife snorted coldly.

"Underworld Ghost Lord, I think today is a good day for you to die."

A graceful female ghost king wearing a wedding dress and with hair several feet long also chuckled.

"Do you think we are grasshoppers on the same line as you? We are the composition of a high-grade Taoist weapon. If that person kills you, he will probably not be able to destroy the high-grade Taoist weapon himself. I think that changing to another one will be more promising and more promising. A capable and younger master, very good..."

It's no wonder that the ghost kings from all directions were so arrogant. They directly taunted their master, which made him feel heartbroken. The reason was that the ghost kings were so confident.

Whether Ye Lin kills the Underworld Ghost Lord, or the Underworld Ghost Lord kills Ye Lin, they are high-grade Taoist tools and will not be killed. The key is that this is the secret realm of the Galaxy, not the world of Underworld. I want to find a new way out of the body. Replacing them with the Dzogchen Ghost King is simply a fantasy.

Ghost Lord Huangquan was ridiculed by his younger brothers, and he was so angry that he spurted out blood.

What frightened him the most was that Ye Lin was getting closer and closer.

At this time, they were about to fly away from this small emerald green world. Ghost Lord Huangquan looked out of the small world and saw that the sky and the earth were blue-grey, and there were faintly visible huge wind blades dozens of miles wide coming from the emerald green world. Something blew outside the small world...

This is a doomsday-level natural disaster hurricane!

This small green world seems to be protected by some kind of rules. Natural disasters and hurricanes have not affected the small world at all, but once you step out of the small world, it is really the same as seeking death!

Ghost Lord Huang Quan stared at Ye Lin with a ferocious expression.

"Fellow Taoist, if you continue to chase me, I will really escape into a natural disaster hurricane. If you are willing to resolve the grudge, I am willing to compensate you for twenty middle-grade Taoist tools!"

Now, the Ghost Lord of Huangquan is in a dilemma. Ye Lin is chasing him below, and there is a shocking natural disaster hurricane waiting for him above.

Ye Lin chuckled.

"If you think you really have a chance to escape from this small world, you should give it a try!"

"Ten ghost king Taoist friends, why don't you join forces to stop him? Natural disasters and hurricanes attack indiscriminately. They will not pity your body, which is a priceless high-grade Taoist weapon!"

"The Ghost Lord Huang Quan wants to die. Is it possible that you also want to die?"

In fact, a Dzogchen master who has left the body has a high chance of surviving when he enters the area affected by a natural disaster hurricane. Not to mention a Dzogchen master who has left the body, even a monk who is in the early stages of leaving the body may survive.

But it all depends on luck.

Huangquan Ghost Lord was forced to a dead end by Ye Lin, so he wanted to leave his hope to luck, but these ten ghost kings were not forced to a dead end by Ye Lin. Ye Lin instantly grasped the key and directly instigated the rebellion of the ten ghost kings.

The ghost kings of the ten directions looked at each other with a hint of hesitation on their faces.

After all, once they betray the Underworld Ghost Lord, they will be forced to recognize Ye Lin, an unknown master. This is also an immeasurable risk for them.

What if Ye Lin is the kind of righteous monk who doesn't know how to get into things, and sees that their ten ghost kings have sinned so much that he can't save them on the spot. The Ten Directions Evil Ghost Necklace only has ten containers. Without them, it still doesn't work. It can accommodate ten Buddhas and ten Taoists...

Ghost Lord Huangquan's face changed drastically and he roared wildly.

"Do you believe him or me? If you are not from my race, your heart will be different! He is a human monk, and we are all monks in the underworld after all! I swear that as long as I ascend, I will definitely bring you to the spirit world. If you rely on It’s impossible to ascend to the spiritual world by practicing on your own, but I can!”

Ye Lin chuckled.

"Everyone has died, yet he still ascends to the spiritual world? Fellow Taoists, if you do the math, once you step out of this small world, the probability of death is at least 40 to 50%, and ascending to the spiritual world is so far away, so why not talk about the benefits in front of you. "

"I, Mr. Ye, swore to my inner demons that as long as you serve me, Mr. Ye, for five hundred years, you will be free after five hundred years. Besides, are you really willing to believe him? Just now Wangui Banner and so many ghost soldiers His fate is still vivid in our minds. The next time he encounters danger, he will surely burn the origin of your souls. Do you really think you can live to ascend to the spiritual world? "

"But Mr. Ye won't, because I'm not a monk from your world, and I don't know the secret method of burning souls at all!"

The ten evil ghost kings looked at me again, and I looked at you, and finally turned around.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, we believe in you and let's work together to kill the Ghost Lord of Huangquan!"

"Fellow Daoist Ye, remember your promise today!"

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I already like you more..."

While he was talking, the ten evil ghost kings had already drawn their weapons and shot towards the ghost king of Huangquan.

Huangquan Ghost Lord roared angrily.

"Bold, you dare to bite the Lord. Even if you succeed, your origin will be greatly damaged and your strength will plummet!"

"Besides, do you think that I haven't left any backup plans for you?"

Ghost Lord Huangquan made the incantation with one hand and recited the incantation in his mouth.

"Nine Nether Real Fire!"

In an instant, blue will-o'-the-wisps appeared all over the body of the evil ghost kings from all directions. The ten ghost kings let out shrill screams one after another, scurrying around the sky in pain, and for a moment they lost the ability to control their weapons.

But just when the Underworld Ghost Lord stopped and used his backhand, Ye Lin showed a smile on his lips. His speed increased sharply, and he suddenly arrived in front of the Underworld Ghost Lord, as if teleporting.

Huangquan Ghost Lord's eyes were full of fear, and he could only bite the bullet and fight Ye Lin at close range. He stretched out his hands, and two huge blood-red ghost claws grabbed Ye Lin. Ye Lin just clenched his fists and Punch out!


A dazzling bloody light erupted in the sky.

The blood-red ghost claws shattered in an instant. Ye Lin's fist stretched tens of feet and punched the bald head of Huangquan Ghost Lord. The next moment, a spiritual light flew out from the lower abdomen of Huangquan Ghost Lord.

Ye Lin seemed to have expected it. He grabbed the invisible void with his other big hand and heard the shrill scream of the Ghost Lord of Underworld.

"Fellow Daoist Huangquan, our grudges are settled here!"

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