Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 782: The Spirit Insect Army vs. the Ghost King Army

The ninety-nine and eighty-one magic shadow swords released by Xiaobai shuttled quickly, and the sharp sword light formed a dense black giant net in front of Ye Lin. The overwhelming weapons formed by the dense Yin Sha Qi were shattered the moment they encountered the black giant net, and all the Yin Sha weapons were destroyed by the black giant net.

At the same time, the huge golden star core driven by Ye Lin "boomed" and hit the head of one of the evil ghosts in the Ten Directions Evil Ghost Rosary. The star core was like hitting a mountain and was instantly bounced back. The speed of the Ten Directions Evil Ghost Rosary was also greatly reduced.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoqiang arrived, and the overwhelming knife light chopped hard on the head of each rosary. The evil ghost's face became more and more hideous, and it sprayed out dense Yin Sha Qi to resist, but Xiaoqiang's offensive was extremely fierce, and the Yin Sha Qi was chopped and quickly dissipated.

The face of Huangquan Ghost Lord, who was shrouded in dense ghost fog, suddenly became a little ugly.

This Ten Directions Evil Ghosts Beads is his trump card treasure. His original plan was to defeat Ye Lin and his party with the force of thunder to shock the four monks who were watching the battle. Unexpectedly, not only did he fail to hit them, but his attack was completely blocked by Ye Lin and his party.

"These people are not early stage out-of-body cultivators at all. The power of each move far exceeds that of late stage out-of-body cultivators, and even reaches the level of great perfection of out-of-body. They are playing the pig to eat the tiger, hiding their cultivation. Their real cultivation has at least reached the late stage of out-of-body!"

"If we don't deal with it carefully, there is a possibility of a disaster today!"

Thinking of this.

Huangquan Ghost Venerable grabbed with his left hand, and a Ten Thousand Ghosts Banner engraved with ancient characters appeared. At the same time, he grabbed with his right hand, and a white bone long sword appeared. They were all top-notch middle-grade Taoist instruments, only one step away from the upper-grade Taoist instruments.

"Hmph, kid, let's see how you deal with it. You deserved to die if you can make me go all out!"

He spat a mouthful of blood on the Ten Thousand Ghosts Banner, and then the Ten Thousand Ghosts Banner automatically flew out and swelled in the wind. In an instant, it grew to dozens of feet high, and finally plunged into the ground with a puff.

The Yellow Springs Ghost Lord made a hand gesture and shouted at the same time.

"Yellow Springs Hell, Ten Thousand Ghosts Devouring Souls!"

The Ten Thousand Ghosts Banner rustled, and countless densely packed Yinsha Ghost Kings roared and screamed, surging out of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Banner like a tide, rushing towards the direction where Ye Lin was.

At the same time, the white bone flying sword in the hands of the Yellow Springs Ghost Lord turned into two, two into four, and soon dozens of them appeared, with a faint light, and a flash of "swoosh" flashed away. The next moment, it had flown a thousand feet in front of Ye Lin, fighting with Xiao Bai's ninety-nine and eighty-one magic shadow flying swords.

Obviously, the flying sword with the function of splitting is not only the Demon Shadow Sword, but also the flying sword named White Bone Splitting Sword, but it has fewer clones than the Demon Shadow Sword.

Ye Lin saw the overwhelming, armored, and ferocious ghost kings about to join the battle, and just laughed.

"No matter how many there are than me, I have never been afraid!"

He waved his sleeves.

Thousands of spiritual lights shot out and transformed into humanoid monks with different looks.

"Meet the master!"

Ye Lin pointed at the surging ghost army.

"Defeat them and take the Ten Thousand Ghosts Banner."


All the humanoid monks transformed by spirit insects answered in unison, and the voice shook the sky.

Huangquan Ghost Lord, who originally thought he had won, was suddenly stunned, and then his expression froze.

The thousands of monks summoned by Ye Lin were all strong in cultivation. Among them, hundreds of monks had reached the initial stage of out-of-body cultivation, and the rest were all Yuanying Great Perfection.

On the other hand, among the ten thousand ghosts he summoned, there were three ghost kings in the late stage of out-of-body experience, more than ten ghost kings in the middle stage of out-of-body experience, more than fifty ghost kings in the early stage of out-of-body experience, and only three hundred ghost generals in the great perfection of Nascent Soul, and the rest were all below the great perfection of Nascent Soul.

In terms of top combat power, it seems that he has the advantage, but in terms of average combat power, the difference between the two is far, which made him keenly aware that something was wrong.

"This person not only hides his cultivation, but also hides his true strength. Should we stop fighting? Now that we have just entered the Star River Secret Realm, we have not yet received the teleportation order to teleport out, and we are fighting to the death with this person. There is no way out, which is not wise!"

"No, this person can drive such a terrifying army of spirit insects at a time, and he must have a treasure, which is very likely to be more powerful than my Ten Directions Evil Ghost Beads. I didn't get the teleportation order, and this person didn't get it either, and he has no way out."

"As long as I am not afraid of paying the price, it is very likely that I can fight to the death and take the treasure in his hand!"

For a time, greed defeated Huangquan Ghost Lord's reason.

He knew that there were certain risks in doing so, but he firmly believed that his chances of winning were much greater than Ye Lin's. As long as he took this risk, even if he had mediocre gains in the following fifty years, this trip to the Galaxy Secret Realm would be successful.

"Okay, okay, since you have the treasure of insect cultivation on you, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The Huangquan Ghost Venerable's hand gestures changed rapidly, and the obscure spiritual world formulas kept reciting from his mouth.

The ghost soldiers and ghost generals who rushed over suddenly let out extremely painful wails, and groups of green ghost fires enveloped them all. At the same time, their breath surged and their eyes turned blood red.

Huangquan Noble Venerable, this is burning the soul essence of the ghost soldiers and ghost generals, forcibly raising their strength to a higher level in a short period of time.

This is a forbidden technique.

Just to launch this move. Huangquan Noble Venerable consumed a full ten Jiazi of life.

Seeing the sudden increase in the strength of his ghost soldiers and ghost generals, Huangquan Ghost Venerable laughed loudly.

"Your soul essence can only burn for one hour at most. After one hour, your soul will be scattered. This is the last battle of your life. You must kill to your heart's content. Kill all his spirit insects in the most cruel way!"

Roar, roar, roar!

The Yin ghost army seemed to have been injected with the blood of a thousand-year-old chicken. They all started to roar excitedly like mad dogs. Before they could rush to the front of the spirit insect army with weapons in hand, they saw the spirit insects all pinching their hands.

For a moment, the area of ​​thousands of miles was covered by thunderclouds.

Then Xiao Fu, who looked like an old man, gave orders loudly.

"Ghosts are most afraid of thunder and lightning. Don't fight these mad dogs in close combat. Use defensive spells to keep them out and use thunder magic to resolve the battle!"

In an instant, thick ice walls, earth walls, wind walls, and fire walls blocked the front of the spirit insect army... Ghost soldiers and generals who had already gone crazy held weapons in their hands, constantly tearing and shattering layers of defensive spells, but then, another layer of defensive spells was condensed.

Boom! Boom!

The sky and the earth were illuminated by the light of thunder and turned silver-white!

Thousands of lightning snakes fell from the sky and bombarded the ghost kings and generals in the front. The slightly weaker ghost generals in the Nascent Soul stage instantly turned into a wisp of green smoke and their souls flew away. The extremely powerful ghost kings in the Out-of-Body stage were struck by thunder and their bodies were ignited with raging fire, and their strength was greatly damaged.


Thousands of lightning and thunder fell from the sky again, and only one in ten of the vanguard troops of the ghost army survived.

The two armies fought for only ten breaths before the outcome was decided.

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