Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 780 Linhai Ancient Battlefield

As the saying goes, a horse will die if it is seen too fast, and this is especially true in the outer space. Many times, a destination may not be reached even after flying for several years.

Ye Lin is now facing a similar problem.

Although the sphere is getting bigger and bigger in his field of vision, Xiao Lan has been running fast for three days, and has been exhausted and exhausted, but still has not arrived.

Behind Ye Lin, the speed of the cyan light curtain is getting faster and faster.

Fortunately, after several days of acceleration, Xiao Lan's own speed has reached the extreme. Even if it is not driven by mana now, the speed will not drop sharply in the outer space without air resistance, but will move at a constant speed along the existing speed.

In this case, if Ye Lin takes Xiao Lan back to the ancient ring space and replaces it with a mid-stage out-of-body bug, then he will have to speed up again, and will soon be caught up by the natural disaster hurricane. He can only let Xiao Lan hold on for a few more days.

Along the way, it seems that because the demons are also afraid of the natural disaster hurricane, there is no demon to stop them. Occasionally, they meet a group of demons, and they gather together to fight against the natural disaster hurricane, and have no idea about Ye Lin and his party.

Three more days passed.

Ye Lin's consciousness once again sensed the thunderous sound of the hurricane. The majestic power frightened Ye Lin, and his face became very solemn.

The small sphere that was originally too small to be seen finally turned into a large green sphere world that blocked most of the vision in the eyes of Ye Lin and his party.

As the hurricane got closer and closer, Ye Lin and his party were getting closer and closer to the big green sphere. When they saw that the hurricane would wrap up Ye Lin and his party in a few dozen more breaths, they finally came to the sky above the big green sphere world and felt the long-lost gravity.

At this time, Xiao Lan was close to coma, and the mana and vitality in his body were close, so he could not slow down and land safely.

Ye Lin waved his hand, and a golden sphere appeared, which was spinning straight. The sphere expanded rapidly, and in just a blink of an eye, it completely wrapped Xiao Lan and Ye Lin and the other two.

It was a star core.


The high-speed golden sphere touched the air, and instantly burned red, turning into a huge meteor that streaked through the sky and fell into a primeval forest with no visible edge.


The earth trembled violently, and a big hole appeared on the ground. Red flames suddenly erupted from the primeval forest, and the majestic hot air waves swept out. Thousands of towering ancient trees were instantly reduced to ashes, and all kinds of monsters living in the forest disappeared together.


The underground magma rolled out.

Even if it was tens of thousands of miles away, this spectacular and terrifying doomsday scene could be clearly seen.

The raging mountain fire began to burn, and groups of monsters roared and quickly moved away in the forest.

A light blue escape light shot out from the huge fiery red hole that was spewing magma.

It was Ye Lin and his group who had landed safely. At this time, the exhausted Xiao Lan had entered the ancient ring space to rest. The fart bug under Ye Lin was called Fart Bug 9321, which was also good at farting to accelerate, but the speed was not as fast as Xiao Lan.

The bug carried Ye Lin and his group to a height that was difficult for the magma to reach. Ye Lin stood on the bug's head and looked down at the forest that was already burning with flames and thick smoke.

He pinched his fingers and muttered something.

Soon, thick black clouds gathered in the sky, and lightning jumped in the clouds.


Ye Lin's spells changed rapidly.


Heavy rain fell from the rain clouds, and the raging forest fire was extinguished in a short time. The magma eruption point also came into contact with cold water, and the temperature dropped sharply, and no more magma erupted.

This natural disaster was caused by Ye Lin's fall. Even though there could be no mortals around this forest, Ye Lin had to deal with it a little, otherwise the forest fire would spread, and I don't know how many towering ancient trees and creatures would turn into charcoal.

After putting out the forest fire, the butt bug turned into a blue light and flew towards the south at a high speed. Ye Lin's consciousness sensed that there was an ancient battlefield ruins there, and many cultivators were exploring opportunities in it.

At present, the natural disaster hurricane has enveloped the entire Hurricane Star Region. Ye Lin can no longer go to the outer space in a short time. He can take this opportunity to find the star map and transmission order in the ruins of the ancient battlefield, and ask other cultivators about the whereabouts of his senior sister and Qin Jiner.

This green world can't actually be called a small world. It is extremely vast. The endless primeval forests and winding rivers account for eight or nine tenths of the entire world. Hundreds of feet high, thousands of years old trees can be seen everywhere. On the ancient trees, there are all kinds of monsters, most of which Ye Lin has never seen.

"The resources of this small world are quite abundant. Only in this way can we raise monsters and spiritual herbs everywhere. If a giant spirit gathering array is set up here, it will definitely be twice the result with half the effort when practicing. It is a good place to settle down."

The butt bug carried Ye Lin for half a day and finally arrived at the destination.

Looking down from the sky.

The mountains and rivers here are broken, canyons are everywhere, rivers are cut into several sections to form huge lakes, there are huge skeletons as big as mountains, moss grows on the skeletons, there are old trees, and broken weapons can be vaguely seen on the ground.

An ancient and ominous breath hits you.

Ye Lin saw the skeletons as tall as mountains, and his face was solemn.

"When these beings were alive, I am afraid that all of them had at least the cultivation level of the God Transformation Stage, or even above the God Transformation Stage, but they fell in pieces here. They are countless. I don't know what happened many years ago."

Even a Taoist artifact will decay after hundreds of thousands or millions of years, but these bones are still tough and have not been weathered. It can be seen that these bones are tougher than ordinary Taoist artifacts.

Just as Ye Lin was about to land, he saw a ray of light speeding towards him, and a strange monk with a flying sword, a slightly fat man, and no hair on his forehead appeared in front of Ye Lin.

Ye Lin's face remained unchanged and he just cupped his fists.

"May I ask what you have done for me?"

This person's cultivation has at least reached the state of out-of-body Dzogchen, which is unfathomable.

The bald monk looked at Ye Lin carefully, and then said with a smile: "Does this fellow Taoist want to enter the Linhai Ancient Battlefield to find an opportunity? To be honest, fellow Taoist, I was the first to discover this Linhai Ancient Battlefield, and later discovered it. Monk, if you want to enter it to hunt for treasure, you have to pay enough entrance fee."

Ye Lin frowned slightly when he heard this.

"How much is the ticket price that my friend mentioned?"

The bald monk stretched out his hand.

"Five middle-grade Taoist utensils, no one can deceive anyone."

Ye Lin smiled and did not directly answer whether to hand over or not, but just asked.

"I would like to ask my friend if you have any surrounding star maps or teleportation orders for sale?"

The bald monk shook his head, looking a little unhappy.

"Don't talk nonsense. Without five middle-grade Taoist tools, you can't even think about setting foot on this ancient battlefield."

Ye Lin nodded.

"There are indeed some middle-grade Taoist artifacts, but I don't know if you have the ability to get them!"

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