Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 766: Galaxy Vision

After Elder Sun attended Ye Lin's Dual Cultivation Ceremony, he did not stay in the Qin capital for long. About ten days later, he started traveling alone. During this trip, he would arrive at the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty from the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty without relying on the teleportation array, and then go to the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty. After exploring the Ten Thousand Insect Cave, Elder Sun will go to the Heavenly Demon Sea and return to the Xunlong Mountain Range from the Heavenly Demon Sea teleportation array.

Ye Lin also secretly sent a butt bug who had entered the early stage of leaving the body to follow him, secretly protecting his master's safety.

The first time Ye Lin entered the Ten Thousand Insect Cave was to carry out the sect's mission of Zhenhai Xian Dynasty to suppress the Demon Sect. Ye Lin keenly sensed that the core of the Ten Thousand Insect Cave contained a big secret about insect cultivation. At first, he planned to cultivate into Nascent Soul. Or explore it after achieving out-of-body experience.

However, due to the emergence of the Galaxy Secret Treasure, Ye Lin changed his plan in order to avoid unexpected problems and no longer planned to explore the Ten Thousand Insect Cave in detail in the near future.

In his opinion, the Ten Thousand Insect Cave has stood in Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty for who knows how many years. The ancestor of the Zhou family, a family of insect masters, should have visited it many times, but failed to find out clearly. It can be seen that he wants to gain from it. Opportunities are rare. He has the blood of the Insect King, so entering it is not necessarily a good thing.

After Ye Lin broke through the out-of-body stage, the spirit insects stuck in the Great Perfection of the Nascent Soul successively broke through the tribulations in the ancient ring space. Several talented spirit insects such as Xiaobai, Xiaolan, and Xiaoqiang all had calamity cloud scales. It has reached 30,000 miles, but the pressure it brings is extremely limited. The out-of-body catastrophe that every monk is extremely afraid of is tortured in the ancient ring space.

After the master left, Ye Lin began to practice wholeheartedly with fellow Taoists in Jinling Palace, and prepared wholeheartedly for the trip to the secret treasure of the galaxy.

Four years later, senior sister was the first to enter the middle stage of out-of-body experience, followed closely by Qin Jin'er.

Five years later, Situ Yu survived the out-of-body catastrophe, with a cloud scale of 3,500 miles, followed closely by Fang Qingya, with a cloud scale of 1,500 miles.

Soon after, Ye Lin successfully entered the middle stage of out-of-body experience and his strength greatly increased.

One night six years later, a colorful glow appeared in the sky. This spectacle could be seen anywhere in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent. Everyone thought it was a manifestation of gods, but there was a rumor in the monk circle that a strange treasure was born in the outer starry sky. Most monks do not have the strength to explore the outer starry sky.

All the way up, leaving the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent and flying into the outer starry sky, you only need the strength of the Nascent Soul stage. However, if you want to safely explore the outer starry sky, even the monks who are in the early stage of leaving the body are far from enough. Under normal circumstances, they need to go out in large numbers. It would be a little safer if monks in the orifice stage formed a team.

Even so, every once in a while, horrifying news of the complete annihilation of the monks' team in the out-of-body stage would still come from the outer stars.

Only a handful of peak cultivators know that this colorful ray of light is a vision of the Milky Way's secret treasure gate that is about to condense. In half a month at most, the Milky Way secret treasure's gate will open.

After a lapse of one hundred thousand years, the Tianjiao monks from the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent will enter the Galaxy Secret Treasures again!

They will compete for opportunities with some talented people in the spiritual world and other talented people in the mortal world.

After this trip, I don’t know how many monks can return safely, and I don’t know what kind of opportunities they can get, how many earth-shaking treasures they can bring back, and how many volumes of the Galaxy Book they can bring back.

The gains and losses of the Galaxy Secret Treasure will directly affect the pattern of the entire Ten Thousand Nations Continent!

Late at night, Ye Lin was breathing in and out in the practice room.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a gentle knock on the door.

"Please come in."

I saw a beautiful girl who was dressed extremely delicately and had an extremely graceful figure walking into the practice room.

It's Ye Lin's second apprentice Jiang Waner.

Jiang Waner bit her red lips and bowed respectfully when she saw Ye Lin.

"Meet the Master."

Today, Jiang Wan'er has completed her alchemy cultivation and will go through the Nascent Soul Tribulation in a few years. Her cultivation qualifications are not as good as those of Qin Jin'er, a peerless genius who has never been born in ten thousand years, but her opportunities are no worse than Qin Jin'er. Every time I travel abroad in the past few years, I have gained a lot.

Ye Lin smiled and nodded.

"Say it."

Jiang Waner pinched the corner of her skirt and mustered up her courage.

"I heard that Master is about to venture out into the stars. I wonder when he will return?"

Ye Lin nodded.

"Is such that."

Jiang Waner was a little worried.

"My disciple heard that the outer starry sky is extremely dangerous... Of course with Master's strength, all dangers can be resolved, but I am still very worried and can't sleep at night."

Jiang Waner's eyes rolled.

"Disciple, can you please give me a squeeze on Master's shoulder? Master practices hard every day, and his body must be very tired. Even with my kindness, I can sleep more peacefully at night."

Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Ye Lin came to the chair in the practice room and leaned against it. Jiang Waner came behind Ye Lin and gently kneaded Ye Lin's shoulders. The technique was extremely skillful and she had learned it before. Ye Lin felt quite comfortable and narrowed her eyes slightly.

At first, it was quite normal for Jiang Waner to hit and knead the area, but then she gradually moved downwards, and her body got closer and closer. Ye Lin seemed to be able to smell the fragrance of Jiang Waner's body.

Feeling very comfortable, he suddenly opened his eyes and pinched Jiang Waner's increasingly wanton hand.

Ye Lin coughed twice.

"As an apprentice, you don't know how to be more reserved. It's not cool."

Jiang Waner's pretty face turned red with embarrassment and her head lowered.

"I am about to be separated from Master for many years... My disciple is really reluctant to part with me... so I can't help myself and ask Master to punish me."

Ye Lin rolled his eyes at Jiang Waner.

"You can't help but perform superb massage techniques? You have been practicing secretly for a long time... Your junior wives and your senior sisters should all be your practice partners..."

Jiang Waner lowered her head and remained silent. After a moment of silence, she spoke in a weak voice.

"You know, I like you very much...becoming my master. In addition to wanting to repay your kindness in the future, I also just want to get closer. In my heart, you have never been a master in the true sense."

When Ye Lin heard this, he suddenly had one head and two heads.

Sometimes, love luck is too strong, which is also very distressing.

He touched Jiang Waner's head.

"If you are willing to wait another three hundred years, and by then you still think that I am the person you want most, I will consider accepting you. In my opinion, you may be overwhelmed by your desire to repay your kindness. ”

Jiang Waner's eyes seemed to have an unprecedented light.

"Three hundred years? Three thousand or thirty thousand years doesn't matter. I'm willing to wait!"

In the past, she really didn't see any hope of Ye Lin accepting her. Tonight, she took the risk and took the initiative to stick to him. She just wanted to give it a try before leaving. In fact, she didn't have much hope.

After Jiang Wan'er left, Ye Lin sighed slightly. He had enough Taoist companions now and he was very satisfied. It was not appropriate to have feelings for her again.

Just as Ye Lin was preparing to practice cultivation again, there was another knock on the door.

Wearing light clothes, Fang Qingya, who was so charming that it was hard to look away, came in. She just said one sentence in an extremely domineering manner.

"Ye Lin, I want to have a baby, and your fellow Taoists have all agreed. Just think of it as my reward for working for you for free for the rest of my life!"

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