Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 764: The Cool Elder Sun


The sound of firecrackers can be heard in the streets and alleys of Qindu, and gorgeous and festive fireworks can be seen everywhere.

It is said that all the fireworks on the market are free, all provided by Lord Ye, and fireworks worth more than five immortal stones are set off every day in the city.

This is not to celebrate Lord Ye's successful breakthrough in the out-of-body stage, but to celebrate his double cultivation ceremony with the 99th Princess Qin Jin'er, which is being held in the palace.

According to the marriage contract granted by the Emperor of the Great Qin, as long as Ye Lin and Qin Jin'er break through the out-of-body stage, they can hold a double cultivation ceremony to announce to all the cultivators and forces in the entire Wan Guo Continent that Ye Lin has become the son-in-law of the Emperor of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, and has been deeply bound to the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, and their destiny is one.

For the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, this is a marriage full of political atmosphere.

But for the bride and groom themselves, there is no political atmosphere.

It's just a pair of proud lovers who can achieve each other on the road of cultivation and finally get married.

If Qin Jin'er and Ye Lin were low-key and unobtrusive, they would naturally not want to hold a grand ceremony of double cultivation. However, due to Qin Jin'er's special status and the fact that a grand ceremony would help increase the prestige of the Qin Dynasty and make the country more prosperous, the two had no choice but to let the emperor, queen, and Qin Jin'er's mother plan the event.

One month before the wedding, Qindu was already crowded, even more lively than the last time Qin Jin'er survived the tribulation.

After all, there was a fee for watching the tribulation ceremony, but to attend the wedding, you only needed to give a red envelope, no matter how big or small, you would not be driven out. Even mortals who were no more than the Qi Refining Stage would be warmly received as long as they could come to the newly established welcoming hall of the Qin Palace and give a symbolic red envelope of one copper coin.

Therefore, during this period of time, everyone in the cultivator area, inner city area, and imperial city area could pass freely.

Of course, the fact is that even a small area of ​​mortals is a natural chasm that is difficult to cross for mortals with low cultivation. It is too vast for them, so the mortals who can finally reach the palace are extremely rare, and almost all of them are brought by passing cultivators.

In addition to the hundreds of millions of guests who came to congratulate, the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty sent out wedding invitations and invited major forces from the Ten Thousand Nations Continent to come to watch the ceremony. Even the Underground Demon Kingdom, which has always had a very bad relationship and occasional friction, sent a large number of Shura emperors in the Out-of-Body Stage to congratulate.

Of course, their real purpose is naturally not to celebrate the great event of Ye Lin and Qin Jin'er. They came here mostly to feel Ye Lin's true strength after breaking through the Out-of-Body Stage up close.

When Qin Jin'er passed the great tribulation of the Out-of-Body Stage, the 5,000-mile tribulation cloud descended, and the world was shocked. All the major forces in the Wan Guo Continent were extremely afraid of Qin Jin'er. As long as Qin Jin'er broke through the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Stage, the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty could truly declare its resurgence and expand outward to seek benefits unstoppably.

The influence of Qin Jin'er entering the Out-of-Body Stage alone was so terrible, so what about Ye Jue, who was known as the first genius of the era? Since no one knew that Ye Lin passed the tribulation, the outside world had many speculations about the scale of his tribulation cloud and his strength after passing the tribulation, but most people believed that the scale of Ye Lin's tribulation cloud, even if it did not exceed Qin Jin'er, was very close.

Now that the two of them are tied together, it is a real strong alliance. This marriage will really affect the situation of the entire Wan Guo Continent for the next thousand or even ten thousand years, and affect the fate of countless cultivators. It can be said to be highly anticipated.

The imperial garden of the palace is full of flowers.

Four people are squatting under a towering tree.

One of them is wearing a dragon robe, and he is the dignified Emperor of the Great Qin.

One of them was wearing a Taoist robe of Taixuan Sect, with a wine gourd hanging around his waist. His hair and beard were white, but his face had few wrinkles and his eyes were extremely bright. He turned out to be Ye Lin's master, Elder Sun.

One of them was wearing a long dress with floral patterns, with long hair like a waterfall and a petite figure. He was Ye Lin's eldest disciple Tang Xiaodie.

Another one was wearing a white dress, with a beautiful appearance, and the second disciple Jiang Wan'er, who was a disaster to the country and the people.

Since Elder Sun was present, the purpose of the four people squatting under the tree was self-evident.

Watching ants...

Elder Sun drank a lot of wine while telling the other three people about the great way of ants. There were ants with disabled bodies but strong wills, ants who defended their country on the battlefield and finally had their bodies eaten by the enemy, and ants who had great ambitions when they were born but ended up being just ordinary worker ants...

The three people had different feelings after hearing this.

At first, the Great Qin Emperor just met Elder Sun, accompanied him to visit the Imperial Garden, and chatted with him to enhance his relationship with this old man in the Nascent Soul stage, and indirectly maintained his relationship with Ye Lin and Qin Jiner. Then he was dragged to see the ants. At first, he was a little absent-minded, and gradually lost his mind as he listened.

Only then did he understand that the inconspicuous ant kingdom was actually not much different from the huge Eternal Immortal Dynasty. Every little ant has its own life, and every little ant is a part of the ant kingdom. If you want the country to be strong, you must work together, unite like worker ants, and fight to the death like soldier ants when facing the enemy even if you know you will lose.

He confirmed some ways of governing the country.

Tang Xiaodie's eyes widened. He was only thirteen years old. He was just curious. It turned out that the story of ants was so interesting. He had never discovered it before... This master's master was really an extraordinary person. Although his cultivation was surpassed by his own master, his soul was unique in the world.

No wonder he could teach such a talented person like Master.

Jiang Wan'er treated this strange master with great respect. She listened to and chewed on what the master said. She chewed out the various aspects of life from the experience of the ant, and her heart to the Tao became more determined, and she became more respectful to this master.

As for Elder Sun, he was originally traveling around the world, catching and searching for rare spiritual insects. During this period, he also encountered many dangers, but he got through them safely.

His cultivation also improved because of his travels. It will not take too long for him to break through the late Nascent Soul. Elder Sun was not anxious about his realm. Even though he had been surpassed by his two disciples, Ye Lin and Fairy Qingyao, he still had a normal heart.

In his opinion, his talent for cultivation was far inferior to that of Ye Lin and Fairy Qingyao. On the road of cultivation, he should take one step at a time, steadily, and go with the flow. The realm will be accumulated and released, and sooner or later he will break through.

He didn't have any great ambitions in his life.

What kind of achievement of incarnation, ascension to the spirit world, and overcoming the heavenly tribulation is too far away for him. He only sees the realm in front of him and only walks the road under his feet.

This time, he came to the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, in fact, by invitation.

After all, Ye Lin and Qin Jin'er got married. Qin Jin'er's side has the Great Qin Emperor, the Queen, and her mother, but Ye Lin has no direct elders still alive in the world, so he can only invite the master to come.

Elder Sun now feels that he is very cool. If he returns to the Xunlong Mountains, he can brag to his acquaintances that he has seen ants with the Great Qin Emperor. By then, watching ants there will definitely become a highly sought-after noble activity!

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