Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 762: 50,000-mile Out-of-Body Tribulation

"It took two whole years, and the Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue and the Emperor's Qi Condensation Technique were finally completed!"

Ye Lin finally completed the set practice goal before the tribulation.

In the past, Ye Lin rarely took action in the battle between spirit insects. The main reason was that the gap between his strength and that of top spirit insects such as Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, and Xiaolan was too large. His action would not only not help them, but might even cause them a burden.

From this moment on, Ye Lin's personal strength has grown to a new level. Not to mention that his personal strength is better than Xiaobai, it is still possible to compete with Xiaoqiang now.

Two years ago, the senior sister refined the five elements of the tribulation cloud into a five-color lotus and planted it in the ancient ring space. The efficiency of the spirit insects in the ancient ring space increased dramatically, which can be said to be a thousand miles a day. Not long ago, the group of spirit insects with the highest cultivation level had already achieved the great perfection of the Nascent Soul. As for Xiaobai, relying on Ye Lin's Yuanyang Qi, he was stuck at the level of the Nascent Soul Great Perfection several years ago.

As long as Ye Lin passes the tribulation and breaks through the out-of-body stage, the spirit insects can follow him and break through one by one, and Ye Lin's overall strength will achieve a qualitative leap.

When Tang Xiaodie saw Ye Lin coming out of retreat, she ran to Ye Lin in a flash, while Jiang Wan'er tried her best to maintain the gentle image of a lady from a noble family and came slowly.

After the two stood still, they saluted together.

"Welcome Master to come out of retreat."

Ye Lin was naturally in a good mood at this time. She touched Jiang Wan'er's head, pinched Tang Xiaodie's delicate and smooth face, and laughed out loud.

"You two little guys, you usually wait outside this door, afraid that your master will suddenly run away."

Tang Xiaodie's eyes were like crescent moons, she held Ye Lin's hand and laughed.

"That's right, a master like you is not easy to find. If he runs away, we will regret it for the rest of our lives."

Jiang Wan'er's face was slightly red, she lowered her head, and didn't dare to look at it more. At the same time, she was still complaining in her heart.

"I'm almost 30 years old, why am I still treated as a little girl..."

Jiang Wan'er also wanted to embrace Ye Lin's arms and act like a spoiled child like Tang Xiaodie did, but she could only envy him... She was indeed not a little girl anymore, and had a great figure. If she did so, there would inevitably be awkward contact... After all, they were still a formal master-disciple relationship.

After Ye Lin came out of retreat, Jinling Palace held another banquet. The participants were still the same group from two years ago, but there was one more person, Fang Qingya, a tall, palace-dressed, and charming lady.

Fang Qingya's main job was to preside over the operation of several Wanxian Towers in the Demon Zhenhai Fairy Dynasty. She had developed there for a long time and had many resources. Therefore, when Ye Lin left the Zhenhai Fairy Dynasty, he did not come to Qindu immediately in order to maintain the stability of Ye Lin's business.

Now that Ye Lin has been away from the Zhenhai Fairy Dynasty for almost three years, she has naturally made relevant preparations and transferred the focus of her many resources to Qindu more than a year ago.

Through Feng Jiutian's relationship, he became the chief steward in charge of the five Wanxian buildings in the entire Qindu. At the same time, he was still responsible for connecting with Ye Lin and selling Master Ye's brand treasures.

Fang Qingya's cultivation finally entered the Yuanying Great Perfection, and she had already sensed the out-of-body tribulation. The time of the tribulation would be five years later, close to Situ Yu's time of tribulation.

Senior sister's belly still didn't see any bulge, and she didn't look like a pregnant woman for three years.

Situ Yu was still lively and cute, but she was a little more mature and stable than when she first met Ye Lin. Seeing that Ye Lin practiced so hard, she also worked hard, fearing that the future would be very different from Ye Lin.

Three days later.

In the restricted area of ​​the Qin Emperor Mountain Range, the place of tribulation, Ye Lin stood on the head of Xiaolan floating in the void, looking up at the sky, like a sculpture. Beside Ye Lin were Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang.

Thousands of miles away, on the top of a high mountain, Qin Jiner, Senior Sister, and Situ Yu, three stunning beauties, stood side by side, their long hair and dresses like waterfalls fluttering in the wind.

Since Ye Lin's tribulation may cause strange phenomena in the world every time he crosses the calamity, Ye Lin did not let anyone other than his Taoist partner come to watch the tribulation, nor did he let the protector Huoyun Laozu follow him secretly.

This is not because Ye Lin does not trust Tang Xiaodie, Jiang Wan'er, Qin Qing and others, but some secrets, it is not necessarily a good thing for them to know. As for people around him like his Taoist partner, no matter how much Ye Lin hides, he can see the abnormality after a long time of living together day and night, so there is no need to hide it.

Although Qin Jin'er has not really practiced hard with Ye Lin now, she is just waiting for Ye Lin to break through the bottleneck of the out-of-body stage, otherwise the majestic yin energy in her body will be wasted. Otherwise, she would have become a formal Taoist partner long ago.

After today, Ye Lin breaks through the out-of-body stage, and the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty will begin to prepare for their dual cultivation ceremony.

Situ Yu pinched the corner of Fairy Qingyao's clothes, and her expression was inevitably a little nervous. Although she had seen Ye Lin fight against the Yuanying tribulation, she was still afraid of any unexpected situation.

Fairy Qingyao and Qin Jin'er both smiled, and did not seem to be worried.



Clouds surged!

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and the terrifying might of heaven descended from the sky, like an unshakable mountain pressing on the heart. Situ Yu's breathing stagnated, and her face turned a little pale.

Senior sister pointed a finger at Situ Yu's eyebrows.

"Do your best to stabilize your mind, otherwise when you pass the tribulation, you will definitely be afraid."

Situ Yu blinked to show that she understood.

After taking a few deep breaths, her face returned to rosy.

She looked up at the sky.

"The last time Sister Jin'er passed the tribulation, there was no such strong pressure!"

Qin Jiner said: "On that day, my calamity cloud was only 5,000 miles wide, but my husband's calamity cloud has just condensed and it has already condensed 5,000 miles wide. This will be an unprecedented and terrible calamity that has not been recorded in history books and ancient books!"

As soon as Qin Jiner finished speaking, the thick and ink-like calamity cloud had condensed. As she said, Ye Lin's calamity cloud had just condensed and it was 5,000 miles wide!

Then, the calamity cloud quickly spread and expanded.

10,000 miles!

20,000 miles!

30,000 miles!

Finally stabilized at 30,000 miles.

Senior sister said.

"Whether in the spiritual world or the mortal world, the largest calamity cloud is only 30,000 miles. As the saying goes, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. Three represents all possibilities, so there is a huge difference between a 30,000-mile calamity cloud and a 30,000-mile calamity cloud. Some people's calamity clouds are only 30,000 miles, while some people's calamity clouds seem to be 30,000 miles, but in fact they are millions or tens of millions of miles."

When the senior sister said this, Situ Yu's face turned pale again. This was not because of the pressure of the calamity cloud, but purely because of his concern for Ye Lin's safety.

Qin Jin'er's face became more solemn than ever.

"So, what is the scale of my husband's calamity cloud?"

The senior sister raised a hand.

"Fifty thousand miles!"

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