Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 760 Senior Sister’s Conjecture

Ye Lin briefly told the secrets about the ancient ring to his senior sister when he returned from the Demonic Sea to the Xunlong Mountain Range, but it seems that the senior sister currently knows more information about the ancient ring.

Even so, Ye Lin didn't hesitate much. He stretched out his hand, and the Ancient Ring of the Insect King appeared, relaxing his mind.

The senior sister held the five-color lotus flower and made a secret with one hand. The lotus flower, which carried the vast essence of the five elements, slowly shrank in the palm of the senior sister's hand, and finally turned into a stream of light and flew into the ancient ring of the Insect King.

The reason why Ye Lin dared to be so bold was that he believed that the nature of his senior sister had not changed. Secondly, only the Insect Emperor Holy Body of the Ye family's bloodline could control the ancient ring. Now that the ancient ring has recognized its master, even if it is an unimaginable method, The ancient ring cannot be stripped from him.

Nothing unexpected happened. Ye Lin only felt that a huge five-color lotus suddenly appeared in the ancient ring space. With Ye Lin's thought, the five-color lotus appeared in the sky, controlling the five-color lotus to bloom slowly.

Every time the five-color lotus blooms a little, the majestic five-element essence spreads out. All the spiritual plants and fairy grass in the ancient ring space are absorbed crazily, and the body size suddenly increases.

Tens of millions of spiritual insects living in the ancient ring space cheered.

"Senior Sister is giving you benefits!"

"Long live the Mistress!"

"Long live the master!"

The spirit insects also began to passively absorb the five elements essence surging in the air. After refining, they can strengthen their physique, cultivate themselves, and improve their cultivation qualifications.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin was overjoyed.

"It will take decades for this five-color lotus to fully bloom. Even after it blooms, the rich five-element essence in the ancient ring space can still last for more than a hundred years. During this period of time, the cultivation efficiency of all spiritual insects is as high as It’s like getting chicken blood, and the qualifications of all spiritual insects will increase to varying degrees.”

After the senior sister cast the spell, her pretty face was slightly pale. It was obvious that it was not easy to completely refine the 30,000-mile fifth-level calamity cloud and plant it into Ye Lin's ancient ring space.

After Ye Lin confirmed that the five-color lotus was completely stable in the ancient ring space, his consciousness returned to the outside world, and then he took the senior sister's soft body into his arms.

"Senior sister is so kind."

The senior sister said softly, "Hmm", her pretty face blushed slightly.

The two became intimate for a while, and Ye Lin no longer disturbed the senior sister to stabilize her state. At the same time, she meditated to recover the mana she had just consumed.

Ye Lin looked at the senior sister's state after entering meditation, with a gentle smile on her face.

"It's great to have senior sister by my side!"

In this way, he looked at the senior sister in silence for several hours. The senior sister's face finally returned to rosy. After the tribulation, her temperament seemed to have undergone some slight changes.

The original senior sister seemed cold and cold, but people close to her could feel her kindness and gentleness. Now the senior sister is more cold and arrogant. She seems to be aloof. In this mortal world, there is nothing that can be taken to her heart. , very rarely.

When the senior sister's eyes turned to Ye Lin, her eyes were full of tenderness and love.

It seems that in this mortal world, the senior sister believes that Ye Lin is the whole world, and there is nothing more important than him.

The senior sister smiled and touched Ye Lin's head.

"There are some things I didn't tell you before. I remembered some things from a long time ago. My husband's ancient ring of the Insect King is not a thing from the spiritual world, but a treasure from the immortal world. It should be a Hongmeng Taoist weapon, born in the unopened world of chaos. Hongmeng World.”

"It seems that your ancient clan, the Ye family, stood at the top of the fairy world a long, long time ago and was the overlord."

"Although I don't know who I was in my previous life, I somehow sensed the inseparable fate of my husband. I guess that my predecessor or previous life was to repay the kindness of the ancient Ye family, or to experience The world of mortals has come through the tribulation of love. The details will only be known after more memory is recovered. "

Ye Lin didn't have much shock on his face and just listened silently.

He already had some guesses about the origins of his senior sister, the Insect King Ancient Ring, and the ancient Ye family. Although they were not as specific as what his senior sister said, fortunately, he was already mentally prepared.

Ye Lin said: "The affairs of the ancient Ye family are still too far away from me, so I won't care about them for the time being. I just want my senior sister to be well now. I can't become another person by practicing hard at night. , especially with such a big background, you can’t turn around and slap me to death..."

The senior sister burst out laughing.

"No, in the situation I mentioned, even if all my memories are recovered, it will not change my original character, let alone deny everything now. Senior sister is still the same senior sister, she just has some more identities and abilities."

Ye Lin was slightly relieved when he heard this.

Of course what he fears most is not being slapped to death by his senior sister. He is afraid that his senior sister will become a complete stranger and deny their feelings and relationship. Moreover, there is a little Ye Lin in the senior sister's belly. If she turns into another high-ranking fairy, she will not be allowed to slap him. Beat the gestating child to death.

As for the senior sister saying that the Ancient Ring of the Insect King was some kind of Hongmeng Taoist artifact from the immortal world, Ye Lin didn't even feel it. It was too far away from him, as if someone was telling an ant that there is delicious food hundreds of thousands of miles away. .

Ye Lin asked another key question.

"Will Senior Sister leave in the future? For example, by what means, will she return directly to the fairy world?"

Senior sister shook her head.

"Not yet. Senior sister wants to protect her husband from ascending to the spiritual world. This is a mission engraved in the soul."

Ye Lin asked again.

"What about after ascending to the spiritual world?"

Senior sister still shook her head.


Ye Lin suddenly felt a little heavy.

The senior sister comforted her again.

"For monks in the immortal world, ten thousand years or one hundred thousand years is just a snap of the fingers. A retreat and a deep sleep may last longer. With your husband's ability, you can ascend to the ninth heaven, cross the immortal world, and become an immortal immortal. It’s just a matter of time. Besides, Senior Sister is an immortal being in the immortal world. If your husband cannot live forever, won’t Senior Sister have to watch you die of old age?”

Ye Lin nodded, indicating that he recognized the senior sister's reasoning, but his mood was still a little low.

No matter now or in the future, he does not want to be separated from his senior sister.

"That's the truth, but it feels like ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, it's still a long, long time... After all, I'm not even six years old since I was born."

"Of course, I also know that with my current strength, I have no ability to change. Next, practicing diligently and increasing my strength is the right way."

Ye Lin sorted out the situation, and in the end he could only sigh in his heart, and drove Xiaolan back to Jinling Palace with his senior sister.

In the past, Ye Lin had not relaxed much in his practice, but he had never felt much pressure. But now, he felt like there was an unshakable mountain pressing on his heart.

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