Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 753: Prepare for the Disaster

The two of them sat opposite each other like sculptures.

About three days later, wisps of fresh air slowly gathered.

At first, the fresh air was like hair, and then it became thicker and thicker. After more than ten days, the fresh air suddenly turned into a dragon, circling around the two bodies. The dragon's scales were all purple-gold and shimmering.

These two dragons were obviously transformed by the luck of the two. According to the records in "Emperor Yunqi Jue", the initial transformation of luck into dragons means that the skill has entered the realm of small success. Next, the strength of the luck dragons It will become stronger and stronger, and the body of the dragon will become larger and larger.

If a dragon wants to transform into a real dragon, it needs to reach the Great Perfection state. The color, length, and tyranny of the real dragon can reflect the amount of personal luck.

The average Great Qin emperor would have a dragon of luck that was almost a hundred feet long, but a dragon of luck that was only a hundred feet long could increase his strength tremendously.

The current Emperor of Great Qin, Qin Jin'er's father, although he can't break through to the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body, and his strength is at the bottom among the Great Perfection monks, but after running the "Emperor's Qi Accumulation Technique", he is still strong enough to compete against the ranking of Out-of-Body Great Perfection. A middling monk.

More than a month later, the two luck dragons beside Qin Jin'er and Ye Lin had grown to a hundred feet long, but they still showed no tendency to transform into dragons.

Two luck dragons were entwining and playing around the two of them, making them look very intimate.

In fact, an individual's luck dragon naturally has no intelligence. Every move of the luck dragon is influenced by its owner.

Qin Jin'er opened her beautiful eyes first, with a look of excitement in her eyes, followed by Ye Lin who opened his eyes soon after.

The moment the two opened their eyes, the two luck dragons turned into purple gold energy and spread out, and then submerged into the bodies of the two.

Qin Jin'er looked a little tired and her pretty face was a little pale. She said regretfully: "It is indeed a middle-grade mental method at the heaven level. It is really difficult to practice. At present, there is still some distance from the perfect mental method. It is estimated that before the tribulation, there will be no way to master it." By cultivating the mind to the state of Dzogchen, the dragon of luck will be promoted to the true dragon of luck."

Ye Lin had a strange look on his face.

"Your ability to comprehend is already abnormal. Normally, it would take hundreds of years for monks in the out-of-body stage to comprehend and master low-grade heavenly spells, or go to extreme environments to witness natural disasters with your own eyes... But you only need a month or two to do it. Cultivating the middle-level mental skills to the level of Xiaocheng will make those monks in the out-of-body stage envious to death."

Of course, when practicing the "Emperor Qi Accumulation Technique", both Ye Lin and Qin Jin'er have the advantage of the right time, place and people. First of all, they are in the place where the luck of the Eternal Immortal Dynasty gathers. Secondly, the golden dragon of Qin's luck is similar to them and they are willing to accept it. Refining turns luck into their own strength. Finally, Qin Jin'er's comprehension ability is extremely abnormal.

If this were not the case, even Qin Jin'er would not be able to cultivate this middle-grade mental method of the heavenly level to the realm of Xiaocheng in less than a few decades, and it would be even further away to reach the realm of Dzogchen.

Qin Jin'er's eyes fell on Ye Lin.

"You still say that I'm a pervert, but you...are you different and perverted? I feel that your progress in cultivating your mind is no worse than mine, maybe even better than mine... It really goes with the old saying, it's not like a family can't live together. One family.”

Ye Lin showed an awkward smile.

In fact, his ability to comprehend can only be described as mediocre. If he were to comprehend this mid-level heaven-level technique by himself, even if he was given five hundred years, he might not be able to reach the level of attainment.

Fortunately, there are tens of millions of spiritual insects in the ancient precepts space that can help him realize enlightenment together, otherwise this practice will be embarrassing in front of his future wife.

"Let's go back and rest first. We can't be too forced to practice."

Qin Jin'er nodded.

Comprehending the skills is an extremely energy-consuming task. Generally, monks will become dizzy after studying for a few hours every day. At this time, they can only meditate or sleep to regain their energy. Qin Jin'er and Ye Lin understood one or two at a time. Yue, speaking of it is already an astonishing feat.

The two said goodbye to the old prisoner and drove Xiaolan quickly back to Jinling Palace.

At this time, it was less than five months before Qin Jin'er faced the catastrophe of leaving his body.

The pregnant senior sister will pass the tribulation in a year, but her belly still hasn't changed at all. Little Ye Lin doesn't know how many years and months it will take for her pregnancy to be completed.

As for Ye Lin's out-of-body catastrophe, it will be two years later.

Situ Yu has now also entered the Nascent Soul Dzogchen, but has not yet sensed the out-of-body catastrophe.

In the following time, while Ye Lin continued to practice the "Emperor's Qi Yun Jue", he also had to be fully prepared for the people around him and himself to overcome the disaster.

Ye Lin's first disciple, Xiaodie'er, got up early to have a meal, and then began to practice "Five Elements Vajra Kung Fu" in her own training room. Tang Xiaodie has been under Ye Lin's disciples for several months, and has already been transformed. Now she is wearing light pink The dress is lively and cute, the skin is pink and white, the appearance is exquisite, and there is a trace of immortality that is not stained by dust. When she grows up, she will definitely become a fairy who brings disaster to the country and the people.

The entire Jinling Palace loved Tang Xiaodie very much, especially the senior sister. During Ye Lin's absence, they cared about her life and practice progress almost every day.

It has to be said that Xiaodie'er's cultivation qualifications are far behind those of Ye Lin's Eighteen Streets back then. In less than a few months, she has already completed the fourth level of foundation building. The "Five Elements Vajra Kung Fu" has reached the second level, and the most difficult "Five Elements" training has been achieved. "Hunyuan Jue" has also been introduced. I am afraid that at the age of 16 or 17, I will be able to establish the foundation of heaven.

Ye Lin's second disciple Jiang Wan'er did not rest last night. She knew that her cultivation aptitude was far inferior to that of a true peerless genius, so she always adhered to the principle of diligence. When Ye Lin was around, she would accompany him to eat and enjoy the view. When Ye Lin was not around, she would completely go crazy, resting once every three to five days, and only for an hour each time.

The senior sister is now pregnant and is much lazier than before. In her words, this is called nurturing the fetus. She has to sleep until the sun rises before getting up every day. After eating, she will bask in the warm sunlight, like a lazy cat, living a leisurely life.

Now she is waiting for the heavenly tribulation, and the cultivation task is indeed not heavy.

If Ye Lin is at home, she sometimes needs to practice hard with Ye Lin. After all, as a Yuanying cultivator, a hard practice will not cause a miscarriage. If Ye Lin is not at home, she will do whatever she wants, completely without restraint.

Situ Yu relied on Ye Lin's hard training and spent an extremely long time to absorb the Yuan Yang Qi and entered the Yuanying Great Perfection. Perhaps because the realm of cultivation came too easily, she could not sense the out-of-body tribulation.

Situ Yu was very distressed about this.

If she still could not sense the tribulation after Ye Lin successfully passed the tribulation, she could only go out to experience it.

In order not to leave Ye Lin and make him worry, Situ Yu did not dare to slack off in her cultivation. Every day, she was either comprehending spells or practicing the body-building exercises "Nine Transformations of the Demon God Body" taught by Ye Lin, trying to learn by analogy and break through the bottleneck.

Her brother Situ Yu's cultivation is only in the early stage of the Yuanying, and he has gone out to travel. He has a follower who is like-minded and very immature, Wang Tiezhu... The two vowed to be chivalrous and become a generation of heroes who are famous in all countries. The place they traveled is an extremely dangerous wild monster country.

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