Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 751 The Queen of Qin

Emperor Qin returned to the throne and said lightly to Qin Ziyan.

"The emperor is ruthless, and has always been so."

"You hate that I have no feelings for your mother, and I have no feelings for you. You are right. I will not blame you for this."

"You have been pregnant for fifty years and are destined to be extraordinary. You have secretly carried the fate of my Great Qin royal family. Next, I will give you all the compensation your mother deserves."

"As for what achievements you can achieve in the future, it all depends on your personal destiny and abilities!"

Qin Ziyan remained silent, obviously not moved by her father's so-called compensation.

Qin Ziyan, who lives at the bottom of the mortal zone, longs for money and strength, but these things must be based on what she has earned herself. In addition, she has never imagined that the kindness of others to her will change her current life. .

Ye Lin said: "Your Majesty, I suggest you train her as the next crown prince, and then give her the Great Qin Prince's Great Seal to refine and keep. I think she will be qualified for the job in the future."

As soon as Ye Lin said this, Emperor Qin was a little confused. He smiled bitterly and pointed at Qin Ziyan with a strange expression.

"Nephew Ye Xian, it's not that I don't listen to your advice, it's just that this Ziyan girl, she is a girl...and she has just returned to the palace and has not read a few books. How can she talk about governing the country and bringing peace to the country?"

"Isn't this a bit too sudden and too ill-considered... Even if I agree, the ministers in the court will be upset at least, and the people of Da Qin will think this is ridiculous and lose confidence in our royal family. "

Ye Lin just responded calmly.

"Your Majesty, in extraordinary times, extraordinary things should be done!"

"Besides, I don't want her to become the prince now. I just want her to refine the prince's seal, train him to the prince's position, and carry the prince's destiny. In other words, this matter is not needed for the time being. Make it public."

"My biggest purpose is to determine the candidate for the crown prince, stabilize the destiny of the Qin Dynasty, and help Jin'er survive the disaster safely."

"As far as I know, in the history of the Qin Dynasty, female princes and even female emperors have appeared rarely but not never. There are always one or two every ten thousand years."

"If Your Majesty is worried that Miss Zi Yan will not be qualified for the position of crown prince in the future, just replace her with a prince with outstanding ability. Jin'er and I will not have any objections."

The Emperor of Qin fell into thinking after hearing this, and then breathed out slightly.

"Indeed, in the entire Great Qin, it is only you and Jin'er who are most important in overcoming the tribulation. Since my nephew believes that girl Zi Yan can carry the prince's destiny and stabilize the country's destiny, I have no objection."

"If she really has that ability, it is not impossible for her to officially become the crown prince and ascend the throne to become the Empress of Qin in the future."

The Emperor of Qin smiled.

"It seems that my nephew is very thoughtful. As an emperor and a father, I am naturally not as good as him."

Ye Lin smiled: "Your Majesty is too modest."

Even the Emperor of Qin had to flatter Ye Lin to live his life. Although he was a little aggrieved, when he thought that the current new order was established by Ye Lin, the Emperor of Qin felt much less aggrieved.

He is loyal to the Imperial Family of Da Qin, and he also knows his position as the steward of Da Qin. As long as the Immortal Dynasty of Da Qin can grow from weak to strong... and flatter Ye Lin, and have a good relationship with Ye Lin, that is a wise move.

If it relied on him alone, even after a thousand years, Great Qin might not be able to rise again.

Now that the matter of the crown prince has been finalized, the Emperor of Qin quickly asked the eunuch to fetch the crown prince's seal and handed it over to Qin Ziyan without hesitation. Qin Ziyan didn't say much about it.

Since she decided to give up everything in the past to repay Ye Lin's kindness, she would do her best to arrange it for Ye Lin.

After receiving the crown prince's seal, a eunuch in python robe announced the decree.

"By God's blessing, the Emperor of Qin issued an edict that the one hundred and thirty-third princess Qin Ziyan was born extraordinary and has outstanding qualifications. I am very happy and will give you one hundred top-grade Heavenly Demon Pills, one hundred top-grade Yuan-Pui-Yuan Pills, and one Immortal Yuan Stone. One hundred pieces, a low-grade Taoist artifact, giving the leader of the Dragon Vein the right to build a palace, a territory and a continent, and..."

There was a series of various rewards, and it was dizzying to see. The eunuch in the python robe took a cup of tea and finally finished reading the contents of the imperial edict.

"My daughter accepts the decree!"

Qin Ziyan knelt down to receive the order.

Her current cultivation level is only at the foundation-building stage, and she has no out-of-body cultivation level. Kneeling down in front of her father does not hurt her self-esteem.

After receiving the order, Ye Lin and his party flew into the sky in Xiaolan and flew towards Jinling Palace.

Qin Jin'er said: "Sister Zi Yan, you have just returned to the palace and you have a heavy responsibility. I suggest that you build the palace around my Jinling Palace, so that you can take care of me. Before the palace is completed, you He will live in our Jinling Palace.”

Qin Ziyan nodded slightly.

"Then I'll have to trouble my sister."

Qin Jin'er naturally has a good impression of this half-sister. Firstly, she took over the crown prince's seal as soon as she returned to the palace. Next, she will bear great luck to help her overcome the disaster. Secondly, Ye Lin is optimistic about her becoming a generation of empress. , thinking about it, there must be something extraordinary, and thirdly, this woman's attitude towards their father is almost carved out of the same mold, it can be said that they have the same chemistry.

It has to be said that after obtaining inexhaustible cultivation resources, Qin Ziyan's cultivation talent was fully unleashed, which was even worse than Qin Jin'er's back then.

In just three months, she ushered in the calamity of the Dan Jie stage, and before she turned nineteen, she entered the Dan Jie stage.

In addition to practicing hard, she almost always holds a book in her hand, reads while walking, and reads while eating. Even in her sleep, she controls her dreams to recall the contents of the book.

In her Ziqi Palace, famous scholars from the Qin Dynasty come to teach every day, and many famous men and women in Qindu discuss academic principles with her.

If she meets Ye Lin, she will tirelessly ask about some philosophical principles in the book and the principles in the world. Ye Lin will not get tired of telling her carefully. Sometimes when encountering some profound questions, it is not surprising to discuss them seriously in the room all night.

Ye Lin has to admire the serious and persistent spirit of this woman. Ask yourself, he is far from being as good as her.

Qin Ziyan reads books, but she does not read books blindly. She has been struggling in the lowest level of society since she was a child. She has long understood the principle that human nature is evil. She can draw inferences from the principles in the book, and sometimes asks Ye Lin speechless.

Ye Lin should bring out the clever Xiao Bai to answer why it is not working. Then he can only bring out Xiao Fu who is more professional than the old scholar and has truly read a million volumes of books...

After many exchanges, Xiao Fu is very optimistic about this woman becoming the crown prince and the empress in the future.

Another half a month later, a woman with a cold temperament moved into Qin Ziyan's Ziqi Palace. It was Qin Qing, the leader of the Righteous Alliance, who Ye Lin invited from the Evil Dragon Grassland to teach Qin Ziyan.

Qin Qing's ability to coordinate, manage, and plan is the most outstanding Ye Lin has ever seen. If Qin Ziyan can learn 70% of her skills, she can expect to become an empress!

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