Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 745 True Identity

Jiang Waner's qualifications and state of mind are obviously not as good as Ye Lin's first disciple Tang Xiaodie. This girl stumbled in the first level, with veins popping out of her body in pain, her pretty face twisted, and her eyes red.

The originally stunning fairy's temperament and appearance were completely destroyed in the first level. This made the female monks who were jealous of Jiang Waner's beauty and temperament applaud and cheer, while the male monks closed their eyes in pain. I just wish I had looked at her a few more times and ruined her image of a perfect fairy.

Jiang Waner is different from Tang Xiaodie. Jiang Waner was born in a family of officials. She grew up in fine clothes and fine food, and was carefree. Even when practicing, because of her excellent aptitude, she suffered very little.

Because of this, the first level was like falling into hell for her. The endless pain almost caused her to have a mental breakdown. Once she had a mental breakdown, she would lose her qualifications for the test.

But deep in her soul, there was always a belief that made him persist until the end at all costs.

"We must repay the Lord's kindness! This is the only wish in this life!"

Three hours passed.

Jiang Waner, who looked as pale as a female ghost, finally passed the first test, which made many monks around her applaud and applaud. They never expected that this beautiful fairy who seemed to be pampered and pampered was actually a ruthless character.

Jiang Wan'er rested for a moment, calmed down, and started the second test.

The second bronze mirror is called Wenhun. Those whose souls are not tough enough and not clear enough will suffer even more than the first level.

Not long ago, Jiang Waner could not kneel down in the face of the overwhelming momentum of more than a dozen out-of-body strong men. This not only shows that this woman has a strong will, but the tenacity of her will also affects the tenacity of her soul.

But a tough soul just means that being able to endure hardship does not mean that you will not suffer. The reason why Tang Xiaodie easily passed the second level was because her soul was not only tough, but also clear enough.

Jiang Waner's soul is not clear.

In the bronze mirror environment, Jiang Waner experienced the strong wind blowing the soul, the thunder refining the soul, and the mysterious ice freezing the soul... But in the end, she survived until the end. When she passed the test and opened her eyes, she was almost weak and fell to the ground.

Some of the young masters who wanted to come forward to show their courtesy and take advantage of it to help Jiang Waner were kicked away by the leader of the Imperial Guard before they even got in front of Jiang Waner.

After Jiang Waner rested for a while, she staggered to the third bronze mirror.

She also learned some information in advance. She knew that the name of the third bronze mirror was Wenwen. She finally didn't have to endure the hardship, but it didn't mean that it was easy to pass this level.

Asked, asking about the heart towards the Tao.

Jiang Waner just wanted to repay Ye Lin's kindness and stay by Ye Lin's side for a long time. She didn't have much obsession with immortality or ascending to immortality.

You can persevere through the first two levels by gritting your teeth, but in this level, even grinding the silver teeth into pieces won't be of any use.

So this level was the one she was most worried about.

In the illusion of bronze mirror.

Jiang Wan'er seemed to have forgotten all the misfortunes she had encountered, and returned to the happy days of the past, and was even happier than before. Her father was an upright official, but he was appreciated by His Majesty. Her official career was prosperous, and her originally tight life was much better. She purchased a large number of Master Ye brand treasures in the Ten Thousand Immortals Tower.

There is his favorite flying sword, a top-grade magic weapon, a high-grade meditation talisman branded by Master Ye, and an extremely expensive magic-suppressing golden elixir.

Her cultivation is going very smoothly, and if there are no accidents in this life, she has a high chance of breaking through the out-of-body stage.

His mother was going around trying to arrange blind dates for him. She had seen one after another the princes of the Qin capital, but she still couldn't take her fancy...

This kind of happy and happy life made her carefree, but she always felt that she had forgotten something and was missing something.

On a moonlit night, Jiang Waner, who felt a little sad for no reason, sat alone on the roof, playing with Master Ye's Calming Talisman in her hand...

"What did I forget..."

"It would be great if Master Ye's meditation talisman had a spirit. It would definitely help me solve my problems..."

"Master Ye..."

"Master Ye..."

"Ye Lin..."

When she reached this point in her soliloquy, Jiang Waner burst into tears, and she remembered.

It turns out that I still have a debt of gratitude that I cannot repay to Master Ye.

Jiang Waner came to her father's study, knelt down and bowed to her father, and bid farewell to her father who was smiling dotingly at her.

"Dad, you said that a drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring of water. My daughter will become Lord Ye's disciple, follow him forever and ever, and repay his kindness to our family."

Jiang Wan'er's father smiled.

"Go ahead."

The illusion was shattered, Jiang Waner burst into tears, and the whole audience was silent!

Surprisingly, someone really passed the test of the three bronze mirrors.

At this time, not only the people who came to participate in the test were stunned, but even the imperial guards who maintained order had their eyes wide open, their mouths were so big, and they couldn't say a word for a while!

The gate of Jinling Palace suddenly opened.

I saw a cute little girl wearing a red dress, who looked to be no more than ten years old, with a pretty face and a pair of ponytails, poked her head out of the door, with her big, watery, clear eyes. She was looking very curiously at Jiang Waner, who had a complete mark of ancient characters between her eyebrows.

"This beautiful elder sister, ah, it should be a beautiful junior sister. You have passed the test set by the master. Please follow me to pay homage to the master."

Seeking immortality is the way.

Seeking to be invincible is the way.

Seeking freedom is the way between heaven and earth.

Seeking repayment of kindness is also Jiang Waner's way.

Ye Lin had long expected Jiang Wan'er to participate in the three tests, but Ye Lin was skeptical about whether she could pass the test. He was optimistic that Tang Xiaodie was far better than her.

Ye Lin had already made a plan. If the girl failed to pass the test, Ye Lin would give her an opportunity at the right time. If she passed the test, that would be great.

In this way, Ye Lin got a second disciple, Jiang Waner, a beautiful girl whose understanding and qualifications were slightly inferior to Tang Xiaodie.

Some time later, Ye Lin was preaching and practicing for two disciples standing in front of him in a martial arts arena in Jinling Palace. Qin Tianjian's dead soldier Qingniao suddenly appeared in front of him.

The blue bird bowed and saluted.

"Reporting to Lord Ye, the information about the mortal area, Wang Tiezhu, Wang Ziyan, and the blind master has been investigated clearly..."

Ye Lin said.

"tell me the story."

Qingniao said: "The girl named Wang Ziyan was originally born to a palace maid who was expelled from the palace. After verification, she is of the blood of the royal family who lived outside the palace, so her name should be Qin Ziyan!"

Ye Lin was shocked.

"What about the one named Tiezhu? Is it possible that he is still a prince living outside? It shouldn't be true. Although my future father-in-law doesn't care much about his children, he won't let them live in the mortal area and suffer. They are not that old. Like a member of the royal family who can make huge mistakes.”

Qingniao added: "Wang Tiezhu was adopted by the palace maid, and he is just an ordinary person."

"The blind master was a man from the rivers and lakes that the palace maid once rescued when she traveled around the world. Later, she was seriously injured in a battle with the enemy. In order to repay her kindness, she promised the palace maid to secretly protect Qin Ziyan and Wang Tiezhu."

"Where is the palace lady?"

"Reporting to Sir, he died eight years ago!"

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