Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 731 Miss Mengyue

Ye Lin's eyes fell on the handsome scholar, and he smiled without saying a word. However, his fingers under the table flicked at the handsome scholar, and a faint spiritual light flashed across.

The handsome scholar suddenly felt a slight pain in his stomach. He couldn't help but cover his stomach and look away from Xiaobai...

"I'm sorry, I don't know if I'm hungry... we'll talk later."

Ye Lin smiled and nodded.

As he spoke, the handsome scholar quickly ran to the toilet on the first floor of Ziyan Pavilion.

As a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage, it is really embarrassing to have diarrhea, but it is not impossible. Sometimes if you take pills of substandard quality, diarrhea is considered a minor problem.

Of course, the reason why this handsome scholar had diarrhea was not because he ate something he shouldn't have eaten, but because Ye Lin used extremely subtle magical power to penetrate the meridians throughout his body without anyone noticing.

Although this blow was not enough to kill the handsome scholar, it was enough to make him seriously ill and lose a year of his life.

This can be regarded as a small punishment for him.

If this handsome scholar was just staring at Xiaobai, Ye Lin would not take action. After all, everyone loves beauty. Both Xiaobai and senior sister are stunning beauties. They were stared at when walking on the street. Normal.

The reason why Ye Lin wanted to punish this handsome scholar was because he had a vicious heart.

He also said that the father of the girl playing the piano once appreciated him and invited him to attend the banquet, which was a small favor to him. However, after the fall of the fourth-rank official, he showed no mercy to the girl playing the piano. Instead, he wanted to add insult to injury. Not only did he want to see her wandering in Ziyan Pavilion, but he also dreamed of taking the opportunity to kiss Fangze.

No matter how guilty the father of the girl playing the piano was, his behavior was really unsightly and made Ye Lin disgusted.

On the stage, the melodious piano music sounded again. Ye Lin once again focused his attention on the stage, tapping his fingers on the table according to the beat, and his mood was not affected at all.

Xiaoya, the maid who led the way, saw Ye Lin's face full of intoxication and enjoyment, not to mention how desperate she felt.

"This man is by no means a truly talented scholar. The sound of the piano is so rigid that it almost makes me suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder. I wish I could go on stage and take away the guqin to play it myself. But he is still so intoxicated by it... Appreciation level How can you be so low..."

More than an hour has passed.

It was already late at night, and even the popularity of Ziyan Pavilion was visibly reduced. After all, wealthy customers with a lot of girls had already begun to spend spring nights with beauties in the treasure chest room.

Xiaoya was resigned to her fate, tonight was definitely going to be wasted, there would be no profit left...

The handsome scholar who had been squatting in the toilet for more than an hour shivered slightly as he walked, clutching his belly and walking back with a pale face. His smile was a little forced.

"I'm sorry, I can't chat with my brother tonight... Damn it, I probably bought a fake elixir. I'm going to go find the merchant who sells the elixir to settle the score. I will never buy discounted products from roadside stalls again. "

Ye Lin stood up with a smile.

The handsome scholar thought that Ye Lin was going to get up and give him a gift to get acquainted with him, a talented scholar with a good future. Unexpectedly, Ye Lin just pointed at the girl playing the piano on the stage and said to the maid who was leading the way.

"Arrange a nice private room. I want this young master to accompany you tonight."

As soon as these words came out, the three people were stunned and stiff.

The first person was a handsome scholar who had diarrhea until his legs were weak.

The second person with a surprised look on her face was Xiaoya, the maid who led the way.

The third person on the stage is a girl playing the piano who already has alchemy cultivation and a natural hearing!

Xiaoya was the first to react. She was a little surprised and said: "Master, this girl on the stage seems to be a real beauty. She will spend at least ten top-grade spiritual stones in one night because she has not received any guests yet. This The price for the first time is naturally more expensive..."

Xiaoya really couldn't believe that Ye Lin, who had only ordered a pot of mountain spiritual tea worth three medium-grade spiritual stones for several hours, could spend dozens of top-grade spiritual stones at once. The key is... he also ordered it. Such a sloppy girl with poor piano skills.

She believed that Ye Lin was either crazy or a complete scapegoat with a big problem in his head.

Ye Lin chuckled and took out a fairy stone that shone with spiritual light from his sleeve...

"Is that enough? Let your responsible steward speak to me."

One Immortal Essence Stone is equivalent to one hundred top-quality spiritual stones!

When Xiaoya saw the Immortal Essence Stone, his eyes lit up, and he quickly played a communication talisman.

"That's enough, of course that's enough, sir, just a moment!"

After a while, a beautiful middle-aged woman in thin clothes and extremely gorgeous walked over quickly with a smile on her face.

"Young Master is really interested in Miss Mengyue? You have really good eyesight, I tell you. On the surface, Miss Mengyue seems to be relatively ordinary, but a year ago, she was a stunning beauty comparable to an courtesan." …”

Ye Lin didn't talk nonsense to her.

"Make a direct offer."

The middle-aged beautiful woman said with a smile: "The price of 20 yuan of top-quality spiritual stones for receiving a customer for the first time is absolutely authentic, but the young master must not touch her in the slightest. He can only listen to the talent show. This girl is a true shepherd." , I have a strong temper and have long been determined to die, please forgive me."

When Ye Lin heard this, he frowned slightly and seemed a little disappointed.

"Unfortunately, I happen to like this kind of strong-willed girl. How much does it cost to meet her?"

The beautiful middle-aged woman was silent for a moment, as if she was communicating with her boss through her spiritual sense, and then her expression was a little unnatural.

"The madam who manages Miss Mengyue said that this girl's virginity has been booked long ago by a noble guest who can't afford to offend, so even if you are rich, I am afraid that you can only disappoint you."

"Why don't you consider other girls? There are many beautiful prostitutes in Ziyan Pavilion. As long as you can afford the price... everything will be fine."

Ye Lin's face was a little gloomy.

"She has been booked? I heard that this girl has only been sent to Ziyan Pavilion for a month... Who is so in love with Miss Mengyue? You might as well tell me, maybe if I say hello to him, he will give the opportunity to me."

The beautiful middle-aged woman's expression became even harder.

"This is about the privacy of the customers, so it's not easy to disclose it. When we do business in Ziyan Pavilion, the most important thing is reputation. This young man should change a girl..."

Ye Lin looked like a well-known and wealthy man, but the fact that he couldn't make money made the middle-aged beautiful woman very upset.

Ye Lin's brows suddenly relaxed and he smiled.

"Ten top-grade spirit stones, just to listen to the piano. This young man originally just admired this girl's piano skills. Go and arrange a room quickly."

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