Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 722: Seeking medical help in desperation

It is really easy for a monk who has the cultivation level of the Dan Formation Stage to calculate a Foundation Stage Stage monk who has no experience in martial arts. It is so easy that it takes no effort!

Escort Zhu showed a cunning smile as if his plot had succeeded.

"Old man, you have lived for more than a hundred years, but don't you even understand that you can take random medicines and not speak nonsense? You really have lived in a dog's belly."

"It's written clearly in black and white, and there's your signature. Where does the calculation come from, and do you have any treasures worth calculating? You are so poor, you really think I value your income from storytelling. That little money?”

"In addition, you have been left with the mark of our Tengu Gang, including your granddaughter. Don't think about running away. If you dare to leave this monk area, you can't afford the consequences."

"I have ten thousand ways to sell your granddaughter to a brothel and become a prostitute in her teens!"

"Go back and make money, and try to pay off your debts before you die!"

"The laws of the Qin Dynasty stipulate that the debts of the father must be repaid by the son. Grandpa's debts can also be repaid by his granddaughter. If you fail to repay your debts before your death... your granddaughter, who is quite talented, will be raised by my Tengu Gang. Used to pay off debts.”

For a moment, the white-haired storyteller turned extremely pale, as if he had lost his soul.


The white-haired scholar was so angry that a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and he spoke word by word.

"Even if I die without a burial place, I will definitely pay off my debts. Don't even think about touching a hair of my little butterfly!"

With that said, he pulled the extremely anxious Xiaodie'er and walked quickly towards the outside of the Tengu Gang.

Escort Zhu didn't pay attention to the white-haired scholar's departure, and just sneered softly.

"Do you really think you can pay off your debts? You have lived for more than a hundred years and you are still so naive. You are really living like a dog."

"It's no wonder that I'm ruthless. Who makes your son and daughter-in-law often show off that little girl has the best spiritual roots when they are escorts... Selling her to be a concubine or a furnace is much more valuable than a low-grade magic weapon. ”

"But you damn old man, that Jiazidan can only give you three more years to live, but you insisted on holding on for five years, and now you see the end is coming. You must be unable to let go of that little girl."

"We have to arrange for someone to do it secretly and tell the old man to get out of here as soon as possible, so as not to have something unexpected happen and ruin the good thing."

"Because His Royal Highness the previous Crown Prince was found guilty of misconduct by the Ninety-nine Princess, he was removed from the position of Crown Prince. As a result, the princes, princes, grandsons, civil and military officials, and major gangs in Kyoto were all in danger and did not dare to behave like before. Be unscrupulous, otherwise you will directly kill the old man secretly and kidnap the little girl who is quite talented, how can it be as troublesome as it is now..."

"That's good. The old man is now very capable of making money as a storyteller. Give me some more before he dies. Small mosquitoes are also meat..."

The white-haired storyteller quickly walked out of the Tengu Gang's helm and headed home, pulling the tearful Xiaodie'er.

Xiao Die'er, who had always been lively and cute, seemed to have completely lost her energy after that. She just cried silently. Xiao Die'er is now eight years old and can already understand a little of the dangers in this world.

"It's all useless grandpa..."

"It's all useless grandpa..."

The white-haired storyteller wiped away his tears and murmured softly again and again. When the two of them passed by the wine shop where they used to tell stories, they saw a handsome scholar and a girl with double ponytails stopping them. the way to go.

The handsome scholar saluted the white-haired storyteller and said with a rather enthusiastic expression.

"My Song Changsheng is a crazy admirer of Lord Ye. He has always taken Lord Ye as his role model. If you can tell Lord Ye's story in such a... humorous way, you must know Lord Ye quite well."

The white-haired storyteller was a little dazed at first. After waiting for a long time, he finally calmed down and forced a smile.

"It's certainly not true to say that I know the high-ranking Lord Ye very well. To be honest with you, the old man's previous stories were all made up based on hearsay."

The handsome scholar had a look of disappointment on his face, and he let out a long sigh.

"To be honest with this old gentleman, our husband and wife came to Qindu just because we wanted to see Lord Ye in person. If we could get an autograph, that would be a great thing, but we were very distressed and searched for a lot of information. Even in the shop, I couldn’t find the exact whereabouts of Lord Ye…”

Ye Lin had only arrived in the capital of Qin for one day. After entering the palace, he was out of sight of the public. In addition, he had been flying around. Only a few people standing on the top of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty knew that Ye Lin lived in Jinling Palace. Most people naturally Don't know.

The white-haired storyteller looked at Ye Lin and Xiao Bai with a hint of hesitation on his face.

"Old man, old man...maybe you know where Lord Ye is staying..."

When the handsome scholar heard this, his eyes suddenly shone, and he enthusiastically took the white-haired storyteller's hand.

"As long as the old gentleman is willing to tell you, we, husband and wife, will definitely thank you very much!"

Unexpectedly, the white-haired storyteller fell to his knees with a thud and kowtowed to Ye Lin. Ye Lin quickly supported the storyteller.

At this time, the white-haired storyteller could only seek medical treatment in a hurry. As long as there was a chance, he could not let it go.

"Old sir, why is this?"

The white-haired storyteller looked sad and cried bitterly.

"I know that I should be struck by lightning for bringing disaster to you, but I am incompetent and there is really no other way. Their goal must be my little Die'er, and I want her to live in hell all her life!"

"I can die and be torn into pieces, but my granddaughter must live well. I hope you will be kind and save my granddaughter!"

"Little Die'er, kneel down quickly!"

The little girl who had been crying for a long time also knelt down on the ground with a plop.

The handsome scholar looked anxious.

"Old man, little girl... There is no need to do this, there is no need to do this. My husband and I have always done good deeds every day when we traveled in the world. We are quite famous in the world. If you have any difficulties, please tell us in detail. If we can help, we will definitely not refuse."

"Old man, little girl, please stand up and talk first."

The white-haired storyteller was overjoyed, and a glimmer of light seemed to appear in the clear eyes of the lovely little Die'er.

The handsome scholar and the cute girl were naturally Ye Lin and Xiao Bai.

Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and the two were pulled up by the gentle magic power.

Ye Lin took the white-haired storyteller into the wine shop, found a secluded room and ordered two pots of wine. The white-haired storyteller then told the story of what had just happened.

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