Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 497: Array

When the three-headed demon king saw Ye Lin summon thousands of Jindan-stage spirit insects with just a wave of his hand, they were immediately frightened and turned around and ran away.

The group of demons brought by the three-headed demon king seemed to be more than 100,000, but in fact most of them were demons in the foundation-building stage, and there were less than 100 Jindan-stage demons in total.

And when Ye Lin waved his hand, the Jindan power of the two was ten times that of them!

In addition, Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai had acted too exaggeratedly when protecting Ye Lin to break through the realm before, which made the demons subconsciously think that these more than 1,000 Jindan-stage spirit insects were probably similar monsters, and they were not afraid of their most proficient soul attacks at all.

Two monster spirit insects were difficult to deal with, and a thousand... If you run slowly, you will definitely die!

Seeing that the three-headed demon king was so scared that he started to run for his life, the black army of more than 100,000 demons fell into panic, and the demons that were still attacking fled to all directions in the blink of an eye.

The three-headed demon king roared as he ran.

"A bunch of cowardly trash!"

"This king orders you to stop them. Anyone who dares to escape privately will be subject to military law!"

The mentality of "I'd rather die than die than die" is not exclusive to human cultivators, but also applies to the demons.

The roar of the three-headed demon made the fleeing demon army pause slightly, and then the demon army became even more frightened and ran faster...

The wisdom of the demons is no less than that of adults. They all understand that the three-headed demon king is now busy with his own affairs, so there is no chance to deal with them. If they stay, they will die. If they run fast, they may have a chance to survive.

Behind them, thousands of Jindan stage spirit insects have rushed into the demon group and started killing. The demon group, which was already demoralized, had almost no resistance. All spirit insects were killed by a knife, and even the Jindan stage demons were killed by the cultivators transformed by spirit insects at the first sight.

Just like cutting wheat, pieces of black demon aura rose around the island.

In the sky, Xiaoshu, who was dressed as a man and dressed in white, waved her jade hand, and a flash of light flashed, and a white jade plate as big as a millstone appeared in front of her.

This white jade plate was extremely delicate, and it seemed to be engraved with many ancient characters and array patterns, and there were also array flags of different colors and as tall as toothpicks inserted.

Xiaoshu pinched her hands and then injected magic power into the jade plate.

The jade plate floating in the air suddenly shone with spiritual light, and the ancient characters and array patterns on the jade plate flashed with dazzling brilliance.

"Go!" Xiaoshu shouted softly.

The white jade plate instantly flew into the sky, and then quickly shrank in the field of vision, and soon became a small light spot. Xiaoshu changed the magic formula again and shouted softly.

"The Thunder Demon Trapping Array, rise!"

Then lightning flashed in the sky and flew quickly in all directions.

If you have excellent eyesight or use your spiritual sense to perceive, you will find that each lightning is actually a huge formation flag full of thunder power. In just a few breaths, the formation flag has flown more than ten miles away, and then settled in the sky. A huge thunder light curtain covering a radius of twenty miles quickly connects the sky and the sea, including most of the demons.

Xiaoshu couldn't help but smile when he saw the formation quickly.

"It's all the master's money, where is it going?"

If there is a master who is proficient in the formation, he will definitely exclaim at the first time. This is a priceless formation plate!

The so-called formation plate is to arrange the formation in advance. Once it is needed, the formation plate will be directly sacrificed, and the formation will be arranged in a very short time.

For example, now is the case. Even with Xiaoshu's attainments in the formation, to arrange such a huge heavenly thunder trap demon formation, many spirit insects need to act together, and it also takes a period of preparation time to arrange it successfully. With the formation plate, it can be arranged in a few breaths.

However, array plates have many advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, array plates are extremely difficult, complex, and time-consuming to make. This is not because the materials are precious, but because making an array plate requires the cooperation of those who are proficient in arrays, those who are proficient in talismans, and those who are proficient in refining equipment.

For example, the array plate of Xiaoshu, the deduction of the array position and the array pattern are all completed by Xiaoshu, but the ancient characters on the array plate are engraved by Xiaofu in the way of making talismans, and even the array flag is not an ordinary array flag. It is specially made by Xiaoqi to match the five elements of the array plate.

The most important thing is that the array plate still has a limit on the number of uses and the use environment.

At present, the array plate of Xiaoshu's Heavenly Thunder Trapped Demon Array can only be used five times, while ordinary array plates can be used three times. Thank God. Once the number of uses is exhausted, the array plate will collapse and need to be remade.

At the same time, since a certain array method has been restricted on the array plate, this also limits the layout environment of the array method. For example, this Heavenly Thunder Trapped Demon Array cannot be arranged in water.

Therefore, array plates are extremely rare in the world of immortal cultivation. They are usually the life-saving trump cards prepared by cultivators. The value of array plates that record high-grade arrays is no less than that of top-grade magic weapons.

However, no matter how precious or rare the array plates are, they can be mass-produced here by Ye Lin. Because the materials are cheap, he doesn't feel bad at all.

After Xiaoshu saw that the Heavenly Thunder Demon Trapping Array had taken effect and even the three-headed Heavenly Demon King could not break it in a short time with his spells, he slapped the spirit insect bag on his waist again.

Dozens of spiritual lights flashed in front of him, and a large group of array spirit insects holding array flags appeared in front of Xiaoshu.

"Although we also have a small dragnet array, but now that the three-headed demon king has been trapped, and the Yuan Ying will not come out of the body in a short time, we take the opportunity to manually set up the small dragnet array to capture the three-headed demon king's soul. Baby, we must not let them escape from our hands."

"Form Dao Team, you go to the sea to set up the formation!"

"As you command!"

"Second Formation Team, you will join me in setting up the formation in the sky!"

"As you command!"

The coverage area of ​​this small dragnet formation is not very large, so under normal circumstances, the formation must be deployed in the sky and on the ground at the same time to prevent the Nascent Soul from escaping in all directions without blind spots.

In the past half year, Ye Lin only had time to let Xiao Shu set up an array in the sky, but there was no formation at the bottom of the sea, so he lost two Nascent Souls of the Demon King.

Although most demon kings will consider that it is more dangerous for Nascent Soul to be haunted by big demons under the sea, and it is safer to run to the sky, there are still some demon kings who panic and choose their way out at the critical moment of life and death, and subconsciously choose to run away from the bottom of the sea. Unexpectedly, they are actually hit by mistake. Successfully escaped after accidental collision.

So Ye Lin learned from the pain and organized Xiaoshu, Xiaofu and Xiaoqi to study the method of making the array disk. Now that the research results were just obtained, Ye Lin asked Xiaoshu to take them out and practice them.

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