Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 493 Master Ye Arrives

More than a month later, in the middle of the vast and boundless Heavenly Demon Sea.

In the dark crowd of demons, the sounds of fighting and explosions and the frightened roars of the monks continued to be heard.

"You devils, you are so brave. We are from the Jiulin Sect of the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty, and the master is a master in the out-of-body stage. I have just sent a message to the master for help. In a moment, the master will It will definitely come and sweep you away, why don’t you retreat quickly!”

A middle-aged woman's roar exploded like thunder among the demons.

"No, that's right, our supreme leader will definitely not sit idly by and wait for the devil to retreat quickly. We will keep our peace." Another woman's roar came out, but she obviously lacked confidence. .

At this moment, a rough and strong man's voice sounded from the group of demons.

"Hahaha, do you think that we just came out of the space vortex and don't know anything about the surrounding information? To be honest with you two, I am quite lucky. In less than twenty days after leaving the space vortex, I have already swallowed a A human Nascent Soul cultivator and eight Alchemy Formation cultivators!”

"After these people's souls are swallowed by the demons, many memories will be integrated into the souls of our demons, including their skills, secrets, spells, and other information!"

"The Jiulin Sect you are talking about is just a declining second-rate sect. It is millions of miles away from here. The communication talisman cannot fly millions of miles away, let alone bring in reinforcements!"

"Several beauties and handsome guys, I have just entered the human world and am very interested in the relationship between men and women of your human race. Even if you are an old Taoist nun who is old and wan, I will not dislike it. I will definitely make you feel comfortable in a while. I'm so stunned. Hey, hey, little door, step up the attack and take down these human monks later. Your benefits will be indispensable!"

"As you command!"

There were four men and five women who were besieged by the demon. Among them, the old woman's cultivation was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. The others looked quite young, and their cultivations were all in the elixir formation stage.

At this time, the nine people each took one side and formed a nine-pointed star defensive array. This defensive array could not only resist the spells of many demons, but also resist the soul attacks of the demons like a tide.

As the demon attacked hard again, the mana shield of the formation became darker and darker under the siege of the demon, and the faces of the nine people became paler, as if their mana was about to be exhausted.

Thinking of the fate of being broken by the demon and going up together, the nine people all looked frightened and desperate.

Everyone in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent knows the reputation of the Heavenly Demon. The Earthly Demon only likes to eat alive people, while the Heavenly Demon likes to torture people and collect negative emotions to practice. Any monk who falls into the hands of the Heavenly Demon alive will be subjected to all kinds of imaginable or unexpected tortures. The ways will come in turn.

In the end, the soul and spirit face collapse. When the demon cannot collect the negative emotions, it will devour the soul and flesh and blood, and the memory of the life will be spied on by the demon.

The white-haired old woman who was the leader gritted her teeth and shouted.

"I, Liu Sangu, have been walking around the world for hundreds of years, and have never been humiliated even when faced with strong men. It is absolutely impossible for me to be invaded by demons before I die. Once the formation is broken, I will destroy myself. Ying, all of you, fellow disciples, can run away if you can, but if you can't escape... just choose for yourself whether to die in humiliation or to commit suicide!"

The other eight people's faces were ashen when they heard this, and many of them already had death aspirations in their hearts.


There was another muffled sound, and a huge mountain-cutting ax ten feet long was slashed down in the hands of a two-foot-tall bald man, and the nine-pointed star defense array completely collapsed with a "click".

This giant man was transformed into a demon king who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

The old woman and several other monks immediately began to make secrets, obviously intending to immediately destroy the Nascent Soul or the magic elixir. But at this moment, a dazzling blue light suddenly shot out from the clouds, and a man's voice resounded. The sky.

"It's just a demon. If you see Master Ye coming, if you don't kneel down quickly and beg for mercy, otherwise your soul will be shattered and you will never recover!"

This voice is not only full of energy, but also carries awe-inspiring righteousness. It makes people awe-inspiring as soon as they hear it. They subconsciously think that "Master Ye" is a great human race, at least he started in the out-of-body stage.

The demon transformed by the giant man and the many trapped monks were slightly startled, and then their faces showed ecstasy and they quickly stopped casting spells.

Someone actually came to rescue them.

The giant man looked up at the sky, subconsciously showing a look of panic, because he could not sense the cultivation aura of the several people flying towards him.

"Master Ye? Which Master Ye?"

This is not only a question in the mind of the Demon King, but also a question in the minds of many monks.

Among the famous out-of-body powerhouses in the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty, Master Ye had never been heard of before. When the blue escaping light approached, everyone showed a look of horror.

The giant man was horrified at first, and then laughed wildly.

"Master Ye, I thought I was an incredible strong man, but it turned out that I was just a deputy professional master in the Dan Formation stage. I just want to save people, and I want to make me kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"I'm not afraid of laughing my ass off!"

The giant demon king swung his huge ax and flashed, then turned into a black light and flew into the sky, heading towards the blue light where Ye Lin was.

"It seems that I'm lucky today, and I actually encountered such a rare fool to kill him!"

Ye Lin, who was sitting cross-legged on Xiao Lan's head, saw the Demon King attacking. His expression did not change at all. He just flicked his finger at the giant Demon King, and then said a word lightly.


A black light and a silver-white light shot out from the air. In the blink of an eye, the black light turned into a dark-skinned young man holding a sword, and the silver light turned into a stunning girl in a white dress.

The dark-skinned young man said coldly: "My master has always been kind and gave you the opportunity to kneel down and beg for mercy, but you didn't know how to cherish it and you are looking for death!"

"Try the combination moves created by my brother, the sword dance!"

He crossed his swords and then the whole person began to spin rapidly. Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, a series of sharp swords and swords rotated rapidly with him. The whole person turned into a tornado composed of swords and swords in a breath, and rushed towards the Sky Demon King at a speed as fast as lightning.

The stunning girl in the white dress held a blue crystal ball magic weapon. With just one hand, hundreds of huge black ice swords as big as tombstones condensed in the sky, and then pointed at the Sky Demon King.

"Mysterious Ice Demon Sealing Sword! Go!"

Hundreds of huge Mysterious Ice Swords immediately emitted a buzzing sound of sword chanting, and with a "whoosh" sound, they simultaneously transformed into a blue sword beam that shot down from the sky, until they reached the approaching Heavenly Demon King.

When Heavenly Demon King saw Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai attacking him, he was stunned for a moment, and then felt his soul trembling, as if a great terror was about to come, and his face suddenly changed.

"How could a mere Jindan-stage spirit insect possibly perform such a powerful move? This insect is invincible."

"Master Ye's strength is not fake!!"

The giant Heavenly Demon King, who was originally preparing to kill Ye Lin with two axes, turned around and fled, shouting as he fled.

"Stop them, stop them!"

However, at this time, he was already too far away from his Heavenly Demon army.

This is the distance between life and death!

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