Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 489 Concealment and Planning

On the edge of Lihua Island, an old man wearing a robe of the Demon Suppressing Sect and a silver flying sword was looking anxiously in the direction of the entrance to the Black Iron Mine Cave. Suddenly, a ray of blue light flew out of the cave entrance.

The old man's face showed a look of joy, and he quickly activated the silver flying sword under his feet to turn into a silver escaping light and rush forward.

Although the escape speed of this blue escape light was extremely fast, the direction was towards the direction of the old man. Soon, the blue escape light stayed in the sky, revealing a huge butt bug, the butt bug. Standing on the body are naturally the two brothers Ye Lin and Situ Yu.

The old man clasped his fists enthusiastically from afar.

"Master Ye, I wonder what's going on with the Blood Corpse King?"

Ye Lin had a look of regret on his face.

"The Blood Corpse King is indeed very ferocious, but the three of us have joined forces to kill him physically. However, the Nascent Soul God has disappeared, and we are unable to capture it. We don't know where it is escaping to."

As he spoke, Ye Lin waved his hand, and a spiritual light shot out from the storage ring in his hand. Then the body of the Blood Corpse King and three heads appeared. Scarlet corpse energy slowly spread from the corpse, and the head of the Blood Corpse King appeared. The blood stains on the broken areas have not yet dried up.

The old man looked horrified when he saw the corpse of the Blood Corpse King.

"The strength of Master Ye and the young prince and princess are truly terrifying. They are geniuses that our Immortal Dynasty has only seen in five thousand years. As a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, I am really ashamed of myself."

"The Nascent Soul itself is elusive, and its escape speed is unmatched by anyone. It is reasonable that Master Ye cannot capture it. As far as I know, the Blood Corpse King's Nascent Soul cannot seize the body of a normal monk, so he can only find another blood corpse to seize the body. , after seizing the body, the essence of Yuanying will be depleted, and it will fall into a period of weakness for at least a hundred years. This guy will no longer have the strength to cause trouble in a short time. "

Ye Lin looked happy when he heard this.

"In this way, I feel more relieved. I was worried about where to find the Nascent Soul of the Blood Corpse King before. Even if my mission is completed, my senior brother will have to bear witness for me when he returns to the sect."

The old man laughed.

"Of course it is, and it should be. The pear blossoms on Lihua Island will be in full bloom. When the time comes, the pear blossoms all over the island will be so beautiful. Why don't Master Ye and the young prince and princess rest on the island for a while, so that I can show my friendship as a landlord? ”

Now that the Blood Corpse King has been eliminated, the old man naturally wants to make friends with the two brothers Ye Lin and Situ Yu. This opportunity is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

Ye Lin smiled and said: "We appreciate Senior Brother's kindness, but we have important things to attend to and cannot stay for a long time, so we left."

As he said that, the two brothers Ye Lin and Situ Yu hugged the old man.

The old man had a look of regret on his face and could only clasp his fists.

"Then I wish you all a safe journey."

After saying goodbye, Xiao Lan flapped her wings again and turned into a blue light and quickly disappeared into the clouds.

The old man looked at the direction where Ye Lin and others disappeared and murmured softly: "Although I can't make friends with these three people, I should be able to make a small profit by selling the information about their successful killing of the Blood Corpse King. Those three princes His Highness and many forces attach great importance to the intelligence of Ye Lin and Situ Yu."

The reason why Ye Lin concealed the news that the Blood Corpse King's Nascent Soul had been captured by him was naturally because he did not plan to hand over the Nascent Soul to the sect. The Blood Corpse King's corpse could already be used as evidence of the completion of the mission.

Every cultivator has gone through untold hardships to condense the Nascent Soul. Under normal circumstances, a monk only has one Nascent Soul, and the Soul Soul represents the life of the monk, so it is naturally very precious.

There are many uses for monk Yuanying. It can be used to fuse spirits when refining high-grade treasures, and can be used to refine Yuanying-level ghost kings. However, the most common use is to refine Yuanying Pills.

A Nascent Soul Pill can add hundreds of years of life to a monk. For any monk whose life span is exhausted, it is more precious than anything else.

Of course, each monk can only swallow one Nascent Soul Pill in his life. Repeated swallowing will not increase his life span. Almost all treasures or pills that increase life span have such characteristics. Therefore, if you want to rely on increasing your life span, It is impossible for Shouyuan's treasure to achieve immortality.

With Ye Lin's current influence, he is not afraid that the Demon Suppression Sect Mission Hall will give the blood corpse king Yuanying he captured to Tan Mo, but if he wants to get it back, he must go through an extremely cumbersome process.

And by handing it over, Ye Lin sealed the soul memory of the Blood Corpse King, which may be noticed by the strong, so he can find a way to unlock the seal and expose the secret of the "Nine-turn Demonic Body".

In the past, Ye Lin was still an unknown person, so naturally no big boss of the Demon Suppression Sect would pay attention to him. But now, it is normal for him to be paid attention to by big bosses.

Ye Lin has always been cautious and would not leave such a big hidden danger.

Above the clouds, Ye Lin and Situ Yu were standing firmly on Xiao Lan's back. As they were running fast, their long hair and robes were blown by the wind.

Situ Yu said: "Brother Ye, where are we going next? We can't just wander aimlessly on the sea."

Situ Yu said: "Even wandering around on the sea with the young master accompanying you is very romantic."

Ye Lin coughed twice, speechlessly, and then a flash of inspiration appeared in his hand, and a map jade slip appeared. This jade slip was the limited edition of the complete map of the Continent of All Nations that Qin Jin'er had given to Ye Lin.

In the past, Qin Jin'er told him that it was worth dozens of top-quality spiritual stones. Ye Lin didn't believe it at the time. Later, Ye Lin learned from Fang Qingyajian that this map was not circulated in the market at all, but was specially made for the royal families of the three eternal immortal dynasties. The ones used by members are rarely circulated in the market. If Ye Lin wants to sell them, the price of hundreds of top-quality spiritual stones at auction will be more than wrong.

When Ye Lin heard this, he immediately had the urge to sell it and make a fortune, but he resisted it in the end. Firstly, he was not in a hurry for money now, and secondly, if such a perfect map was sold, he would not be able to sell it again. Yes.

You can't go to the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty to find Qin Jin'er to ask for another one.

Ye Lin took out the map and looked at it carefully and after thinking about it, he said: "There are still one or two years before the outbreak of the space whirlpool craze. Let's go to Six Star Island to find a place to stay first. Six Star Island is the most prosperous in the Demonic Sea. The island is actually controlled by your family. There should be more than one out-of-body powerhouse stationed on the island, right? "

Situ Yu said: "As far as I know, there are two out-of-body masters stationed on Six-Star Island, one in the early stage of out-of-body experience and one in the middle stage of out-of-body experience."

Ye Lin nodded after hearing this.

"That's good. Six Star Island is a good place. Firstly, we can obtain information about the Demon Sea in time. Secondly, we can go on adventures in the sea at any time and return at any time. Thirdly, if we meet someone not far from Six Star Island, If you encounter powerful enemies that are difficult to fight against, you can also send messages to the experts to ask them to come to the rescue.”

Situ Yu's brother and sister's eyes lit up when they heard this, and they seemed to be looking forward to going to Six Star Island.

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