Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 485 The Powerful Blood Corpse King

"What beautiful... pear blossoms, Xiaoxuan, come out and see... they are blood red, hehe... blood-colored pear blossoms are so beautiful."

"Xiaoxuan, why... don't you come out yet? These are your favorite pear blossoms. Where have you been? Xiaoxuan is gone!"


"Who stole my Xiaoxuan, who killed her!"

"No matter who it is, even if I become a fierce ghost or a refined corpse, I will avenge you, so go ahead!"


A beast roar like thunder suddenly exploded, and the whole cave trembled "buzzing", as if it might collapse at any time in this roar. At this moment, the seal ban shone brightly, and the shaking and vibration of the mine cave subsided instantly.

At this moment, the light pink corpse gas in the mine cave suddenly turned into a strange blood red.

Hearing this intermittent whisper, Ye Lin frowned slightly.

Situ Yu also wondered: "Although blood corpses and refined corpses look similar, the methods of refining are completely different. Refining corpses only requires the flesh of dead cultivators, and even the remains of many ancient cultivators can be refined into refined corpses, while blood corpses need to be refined by living people, and the refining method is more cruel. The stronger the resentment of the person being refined, the stronger the power of the blood corpse after it is successfully refined. In the refining process, some soul fragments must be integrated to increase the spirituality of the blood corpse."

"Logically speaking, the wisdom of the blood corpse king with such a high level of cultivation should be no different from that of a normal cultivator, but listening to his words, he seems a little crazy."

Situ Yu sighed faintly.

"It sounds like he is a lovelorn man with a story. If it weren't for the mission, this guy is extremely cruel and violent. He has devoured hundreds of miners on Lihua Island. I would like to let him go."

In the Wan Guo Continent, there is no distinction between good and evil. Situ Yu and his sister are both temperamental people. They are naturally fond of this kind of lovelorn man. After all, in the world of immortal cultivation where interests are the top priority, there are really too few lovelorn men.


Another earth-shattering roar, Situ Yu and Situ Yu both cried out in surprise, because they saw a pair of ferocious and bloody eyes suddenly appear in the blood-colored mist.

These eyes were staring at them through the sealed barrier.

"It's you, you must have killed Xiao Xuan, no matter where you run to, I will chase you, eat your flesh, swallow your soul, and avenge my Xiao Xuan!"


As the Blood Corpse King spoke, he waved his palm as big as a palm fan and slapped it hard on the sealed light curtain. The entire black iron mine cave trembled violently, and the ancient characters on the light curtain kept flashing, and the color seemed to be much dimmer.

Ye Lin looked directly into those blood-red eyes.

He said lightly: "It seems that he has completely lost his mind. His consciousness has been dominated by the hatred and malice of the Blood Corpse King. No matter what kind of person he was before, he is now just a beast that chooses people to eat. Cut off his flesh first, capture his Yuanying, and make him unable to harm others!"

Situ Yu and Situ Yu both nodded solemnly. When Situ Yu opened his mouth, a small sword with a lavender glow and thunder shone out. The small sword quickly grew larger and made a buzzing sound of sword chanting.

This is also a top-grade magic flying sword.

And Situ Yu picked up the jade flute at his waist and pinched his fingers with one hand. It was obvious that he was ready to face the enemy head-on.

This jade flute is also an extremely rare top-grade magic weapon.

A black spiritual light and a white spiritual light flew out from Ye Lin's sleeves, turning into a boy and a girl. These two people are Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang.

Ye Lin said: "In the next battle, Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang will be the main attackers. Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu, you should all try to use long-range attack methods to assist the attack."


Ye Lin shook his sleeves again, and a flash of light flashed. A white jade-like snow silkworm appeared in front of him. Around the body of the snow silkworm, several toothpick-sized formation flags were constantly flying around it.

"Xiaoshu, go and set up the formation. You must stop the blood corpse king's Yuanying from escaping later!"


Xiaoshu disappeared in the vast bloody corpse gas with a flash of white light.

Ye Lin pinched his fingers with one hand, and the seal stone in his hand slowly flew up, and then the seal stone automatically flew to a groove at the entrance of the cave and embedded it. After Ye Lin pulled away from the distance of dozens of feet, a spell was injected into the seal stone.


The seal stone suddenly shone brightly, and the brilliance of all the ancient characters disappeared without a trace in an instant, and the formation barrier also suddenly dissipated.

A rare breath of viciousness, violence, and resentment came to his face.

Almost at the same time, the blood corpse king, whose size was comparable to that of a demon on earth, roared wildly and took a step forward. The ground exploded with a bang. With a "whoosh", the blood corpse king turned into a deep red blood light and shot towards Ye Lin and others like an arrow.

Xiaobai quickly transmitted the message: "I don't know what kind of body-building exercises this blood corpse king has practiced. His body is extremely strong. Don't let it get close to the master!"

The dark-skinned boy Xiaoqiang, holding a knife in one hand and a sword in the other, also took a step forward suddenly. The ground of the black iron mine cave trembled violently, and then sand and gravel splashed. A big pit appeared on the ground because of the huge force of this step.

The distance of a hundred feet was reached in an instant.

Ding Ding Ding!

Sparks flew.

In just a breath, Xiaoqiang fought with the blood corpse king for several rounds. For a while, the sword light and the knife light enveloped the blood corpse king, and the blood corpse king kept resisting with sharp blood claws.

Although the Blood Corpse King's cultivation level has dropped to the early stage of the Nascent Soul, his physical strength is still in the late stage of the Nascent Soul. His melee reaction ability is only faster than Xiaoqiang who has practiced many body-building exercises, and the Blood Corpse King's body is covered with a thick blood-colored corpse gas. Whenever the claws fail to resist the attack, the blood-colored corpse gas will automatically generate a blood skull shield to resist.

In just two or three breaths, Xiaoqiang was beaten back again and again, and every step left a footprint on the ground.

"Let's also help fellow Daoist Xiaoqiang!"

Situ Yu shouted softly, and then a spell was injected into the Thunder Flying Sword on standby in front of him.

"Thunder Nine Slashes!"

The flying sword suddenly turned into a silver-white lightning and shot out. In just a blink of an eye, the silver-white lightning was only a few feet away from the Blood Corpse King. At this moment, a huge Thunder Sword shadow slashed towards the Blood Corpse King.

The Blood Corpse King roared wildly, and two skeleton ghost claws suddenly appeared behind him. The palms of the skeleton ghost claws quickly grew larger, and in the blink of an eye they grew to several feet wide. The two ghost claws slammed towards the lightning sword shadow that was slashing down.


A large amount of thunder power exploded, and at the same time, a faint wail of a flying sword was heard.

The two wide skeleton ghost claws held Situ Yu's lightning flying sword tightly in their palms. No matter how Situ Yu urged it, the lightning flying sword could not be pulled out!

Situ Yu underestimated the strength of the Blood Corpse King.

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