Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 481: Sea Scarlet Snake Swarm

Situ Yu looked at the direction where the Heavenly Demon Tornado disappeared, and said with lingering fear: "Is this a space vortex? Just one vortex spewed out more than a hundred thousand Heavenly Demons, and there were also three Nascent Soul Heavenly Demon Kings, headed by The Heavenly Demon even possesses the Nascent Soul Dzogchen cultivation level, and in the Heavenly Demon Sea, thousands of space vortexes will be born every day!”

Situ Yu said: "The space vortex we encountered just now should be regarded as a large vortex. Small and medium-sized vortexes cannot spit out so many demons at once, and even most vortices will not spit out demons. Otherwise, our Demon City would have been attacked by the demons long ago. Even the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty will no longer exist.”

"Fortunately, Brother Ye has great insight and discovered the spatial changes in advance, giving us the opportunity to dive under the water to hide the aura. Otherwise, even if we were not involved in the vortex, we would have been besieged by the hundreds of thousands of demons spewed out, and the consequences would be disastrous. "

Ye Lin said in a deep voice: "It is not yet the outbreak period of the space vortex frenzy. Once it reaches the outbreak period, it is estimated that space vortexes can be seen everywhere on the sea, and the big monsters on the seabed will definitely surface to look for opportunities. In addition, there will be thousands of people coming from the sea. There are countless powerful human beings in the country, and there are countless devil tornadoes raging on the sea... Just thinking about it makes one's head numb. "

“But it’s also a great time to make a fortune!”

As he spoke, a flash of light flashed in Ye Lin's hand, and a palm-sized, oval-shaped stone exuding a light blue glow appeared.

"When the vortex just spit out a hundred thousand heavenly demons, it also spit out a lot of valuable treasures. For example, this blue moon stone contains the majestic sunflower water essence, which is a common material for refining water attribute magic weapons. This little A piece of it is worth more than ten pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones, and the tens of thousands of pieces it just spat out.”

"This thing, in the eyes of the demons outside the territory, is not even as good as garbage, just like the mud and stones we see on land, but to us human monks, they are valuable goods."

Situ Yu said: "Although the blue moon stones are good, we were unable to use our magic power to absorb them all when they were spit out. Now they have all sunk into the sea. If we want to collect them piece by piece, we are afraid that a lot of them will be wasted." time."

Ye Lin chuckled.

"A waste of time? It doesn't exist! Don't forget my old profession!"

As he spoke, Ye Lin just waved his sleeves and saw thousands of spiritual lights flashing through him. A large group of densely packed red snakes the size of thumbs appeared in front of Ye Lin. Most of these red snakes were in the foundation building stage and were extremely powerful. A few have reached the elixir formation stage.

"See Master!"

As soon as the silhouettes of all the little snakes flashed, they were already arranged in a neat square formation, like an army.

"You will go into the water and fish out all the blue moon stones that have sunk to the bottom of the sea."

"As you command!"

The little red snakes immediately plunged into the water and soon disappeared completely.

Situ Yu and Situ Yu were both shocked.

"Brother Ye actually cultivated so many Hai Chi Lian without saying a word!"

The so-called Hai Chi Lian ranks more than 300 among the spiritual insects in the human world. It is not particularly rare, but it is not particularly common either. Hai Chi Lian is a group of monsters that live in the sea. There are hundreds of small Hai Chi Lian swarms and large ones. There are tens of thousands of Hai Chi Lian groups. Hai Chi Lian is cruel in nature, is very good at water magic, and is extremely poisonous. It is the nightmare of the adventurous monks in the Demon Sea.

Ye Lin used to live on land, so most of the spiritual insects he cultivated were those that flew in the sky or crawled on the ground. There were very few spiritual insects that were good at fighting in the water. Although Xiaobai had excellent fighting skills in the water, Ye Lin could not cultivate them in batches. A lot of novices came. In order to make up for this shortcoming, Ye Lin specially bought some water spirit insect eggs to cultivate in Wanxian Tower.

These thousands of Hai Chi exercises are one of the results of Ye Lin's training in the past ten years.

After a moment, white water arrows appeared in the sea. Behind the water arrows, a red tail could be vaguely seen swimming quickly.

It was the Hai Chi practitioners who had completed their mission and returned.

Wow, wow...Hai Chilian poked his head out of the sea one by one with blue moon stones in his mouth. The Chilian snakes, which were originally only the size of a thumb before setting off, had now grown to the size of a bowl, and their heads were blazing red. , the heads of thousands of fiery red snakes poked out of the water at the same time, the scene was chilling.

Ye Lin just waved, and all Hai Chilian spit out the blue moon stones in his mouth. Tens of thousands of blue moon stones gathered towards him under the capture of Ye Lin's magic power, and they turned into auras and flew into his hands. In the storage ring worn on the body.

After completing their mission, the Haichi practitioners shrank their bodies again, swam and flew happily to Ye Lin's side, and then disappeared into Ye Lin's sleeves.

The two Situ Yu brothers looked at Ye Lin's sleeves with some curiosity. Many of Ye Lin's spiritual insects flew out from here and got in. However, the two of them, who were used to seeing treasures, never noticed that Ye Lin's sleeves had anything. Why was it so extraordinary? Although the two of them were curious, they didn't ask any more questions.

Situ Yu said excitedly: "Young master is making money too fast. The total value of tens of thousands of blue moon stones is dozens of top-grade spiritual stones. It only took one meal."

Ye Lin smiled.

"It's not like this kind of good thing happens all the time. If not, I would have become rich a long time ago, richer than the Emperor of the Immortal Dynasty. Let's continue to set off. Judging from the chart, we should only be three days away from Lihua Island."

Xiaobai also flashed and turned into a bracelet on Ye Lin's hand, while Xiaolan flew out and became the car of Ye Lin and the others again, escaping at high speed toward the southeast.

Ye Lin's plan after going to sea is to rush to Lihua Island first, get rid of the Blood Corpse King in the mineral veins, complete the sect's mission, and then travel on the sea, hunting the demons to collect the energy of the demons, and looking for the space that appears on the sea. Try your luck in the whirlpool, and maybe you will be lucky. You don't have to wait for the outbreak of the space whirlpool frenzy. Ye Lin will get an unimaginable opportunity to break through the perfection of the alchemy in one fell swoop, and even trigger the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation to come and condense the Nascent Soul.

Three days later.

A ray of blue light flew into an island with many pavilions and pavilions and ancient pear trees that were thousands of years old.

The blue escaping light figure paused, and then the figures of Xiao Lan and Ye Lin appeared.

Before Ye Lin and others landed, they saw several rays of light flying from the ground, and several monks wearing robes from the Demon Suppressing Sect appeared in front of Ye Lin and others a moment later.

The leader among them was a male monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. He glanced at Ye Lin and others, and then his face showed surprise. "This is Master Ye and the young prince and princess? I wonder why the three of them came to Lihua Island?"

Ye Lin pointed his finger, and a piece of jade flew out.

"Is this senior brother the person in charge of stationing on Peach Blossom Island? We were ordered to carry out the first-class mission of killing the Blood Corpse King. I wonder where the Blood Corpse King is now?"

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