Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 472 Homesickness

After some troubles by the two obedient maids, Ye Lin finally completed the very difficult process of getting up.

It was indeed difficult. If he had any evil thoughts, he would be out of control. He didn't know how to go back to see his senior sister. After all, the two of them made a vow, and Ye Lin promised to keep Yuan Yang to help his senior sister practice.

Ye Lin was also a man of blood, but no matter how great the temptation was, he had to keep his promise. Once he fulfilled his promise, things would be much easier in the future.

Not long after Ye Lin got up, a sharp escape light flew into the fairy peak.

In the Demon-Suppressing Sect, the only people who could ignore the protection of the mountain protection formation were Situ Yu and his sister, and the person who came was Situ Yu.

Unlike Ye Lin, who was lazy recently, Situ Yu practiced sword in the fairy peak all night and now came to have breakfast.

The breakfast prepared by Xiaobai and Situ Yu for everyone was not rich, and there was no big fish, meat, or delicacies from the mountains and the sea. It was a pot of steaming vegetable porridge, a basket of soft white flour buns, and a basket of fragrant and appetizing meat buns with thin skin and lots of meat.

However, these ingredients were all grown in Ye Lin's ancient ring space, which contained rich five elements of energy, and eating them was very beneficial to the body.

Situ Yu and his sister have been with Ye Lin day and night for a full ten years. Just like with Song Lingtian and others, Ye Lin is not afraid to reveal some secrets in front of them.

If Ye Lin doesn't say it, they naturally won't ask more, won't spread it, and won't think about exploring his secrets.

As soon as Situ Yu came, he wanted to grab the freshly baked white flour buns with his hands, but Situ Yu hit him back with a chopstick "snap". She smiled sweetly and gave the first bun to Ye Lin.

"Brother Ye hasn't started yet, why are you in such a hurry..."

Situ Yu was helpless.

"You haven't even married Brother Ye yet, but you're always bending your arms and legs. Is that appropriate?"

Situ Yu said, "Anyway, you're the master's person in life and the master's ghost in death. Does it matter whether you marry or not? Eat quickly. Even white flour buns can't stop your mouth."

Situ Yu picked up another bun and stuffed it into Situ Yu's mouth.

Xiao Bai saw that Situ Yu was so attentive, so he naturally wouldn't fall behind. He also picked up a meat bun and put it on the plate next to Ye Lin's porridge.

"Master, eat more. Last time, you had a flash of inspiration while eating buns, and broke through the bottleneck of the late stage of Jindan..."

Ye Lin looked at the meat buns with a little disdain.

"So, is this the reason why you steamed meat buns for three consecutive months?"

Although he said he disliked it, Ye Lin began to drink the porridge and swallow the buns in big mouthfuls.

Eating porridge with steamed buns and dumplings was actually a habit that Ye Lin developed in the Lin Mansion when he was still a servant. However, at that time, except for festivals or the birthday of Grandpa Lin, there was basically no white flour steamed buns and meat buns. Most of them were porridge with coarse flour steamed buns.

When Ye Lin was in Taixuanmen, he didn't miss this kind of breakfast very much.

But since he came to a foreign country, perhaps because Ye Lin missed his hometown, he missed this breakfast habit more and more.

At this time, sixteen years have passed since Ye Lin was teleported to the Demon Sea.

And Ye Lin still has two bottlenecks to break through the Nascent Soul Realm, namely the bottleneck from the late stage of Jindan to the great perfection of Jindan, and the bottleneck from the great perfection of Jindan to the Nascent Soul stage.

These two bottlenecks are like two insurmountable mountains, and like two layers of vaguely visible gauze. As long as Ye Lin enters the great perfection of Jindan, he will have the opportunity to sense the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation.

When the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation arrives, it can also be brought forward by swallowing some pills that trigger the Heavenly Tribulation.

Ye Lin had been eager to return home, but breaking through the bottleneck required opportunities, which were not something he could control.

After dinner, Ye Lin sat cross-legged beside the tea table on the top of the Immortal Peak, looking at the clouds around the Immortal Peak, and fell into deep thought, while Xiaobai was silently brewing tea.

"The longest battle between good and evil in the Xunlong Mountains ended in hundreds of years, and the shortest was a sixty-year period, but that was based on the fact that the two sides were evenly matched, or neither side had a crushing advantage."

"When I left, the strength of the two sides was already very different, so this battle between good and evil may not last for a sixty-year period at all, and it will be the fastest battle between good and evil in history."

"Wait for five more years at most, whether you have condensed your Nascent Soul or not, you must go back!"

Ye Lin didn't want to wait any longer.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly flashed across the sky, and Ye Lin waved his hand to take it into his hand.

A gentle and moving female voice came.

"Mr. Ye, Qingya is below, and I am invited to visit you."

Ye Lin stood up immediately.

"The guests have arrived. I will go to greet them. Xiaobai, you should prepare the tea."

"Understood, Master."

As he spoke, Ye Lin's body flew into the air and soon passed through the layers of clouds. He saw a graceful woman with long hair like a waterfall and wearing a lavender palace dress standing quietly on a jade flying sword.

This woman was naturally Fang Qingya, the head shopkeeper of Wanxianlou in Hongzhou City. However, that was her previous position. Now she is one of the nine general managers of Wanxianlou in Zhenhai Xianchao.

This woman's rapid promotion was naturally inseparable from Ye Lin's contribution.

In the past ten years, Ye Lin helped her win the championship of a new guest competition, and provided her with excellent quality elixirs, high-quality magic weapons, and talismans with increasingly sophisticated craftsmanship.

Because of these products, the reputation of "Master Ye" is getting louder and louder. Now the items produced by Ye Lin's spirit insect assembly line are popular among the cultivators of Zhenhai Xian Dynasty, and even the reputation has begun to spread to other Xian Dynasty. Some cultivators come here to buy rare magic weapons of "Master Ye brand".

Ye Lin not only sells magic weapons, but also does business of customizing magic weapons. The price is ridiculously high, and as long as the order is accepted and never defaults, many cultivators are proud to own Master Ye's custom magic weapons.

Ye Lin has thousands of spirit insects producing day and night, and he has no worries about sales. Whatever he produces can be sold out, so he naturally makes a lot of money every day and earns a lot of spirit stones.

Wanxianlou also made huge profits from Ye Lin. Fang Qingya's ability was once again valued by the headquarters of Wanxianlou, so she was promoted to regional manager.

At present, she is the boss of the shopkeepers of Wanxianlou in ten large towns.

Ye Lin smiled.

"Miss Fang, long time no see."

The two have known each other for ten years. Due to the contract of Wanxianlou, they have naturally had a lot of contact. She has been to Ye Lin's fairy peak five or six times.

When Fang Qingya saw Ye Lin, a look of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Young Master Ye's cultivation is really fast. Now he is about to enter the great perfection of Jindan. More than ten years ago, Fellow Daoist Ye was only in the late stage of foundation building. I am afraid that if he waits for a few more decades, his cultivation will surpass mine."

"Young Master has to refine a large number of elixirs, magic weapons, and talismans without delaying his cultivation. I am afraid that he has to use his mind and three things to the limit every day. If Young Master had not refined so many treasures in front of me with my own eyes, I would not dare to believe this is true."

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