Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 470: Information from the Great Qin Dynasty

With just a casual wave of his hand, two Yuanying-level monks, Situ Wu and Situ Quan, were slapped on the wall of the hall by their father, Situ Sheng. Their bodies were even embedded in the wall, and they could not be buckled off.

At this moment, two women hurriedly rushed in from the door of the palace. One of them was wearing a phoenix crown and palace clothes, with a beautiful appearance, and the other was wearing a lavender dress and seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen years old. Shaped like a girl.

The two men fell to their knees when they saw Situ Sheng.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. The eldest prince and the eighth prince are both your blood and flesh and blood!"

"Your Highness, please put the royal bloodline first and spare the two princes!"

These two people were naturally the queen and concubine who came after hearing the news. They were the mothers of Situ Wu and Situ Quan. After receiving the information that their sons had returned to the palace, they knew that nothing good happened this time, so they waited early. Outside the main hall in case of unexpected events.

As Situ Sheng's bedfellows, they also knew very well that Situ Sheng was moody and ruthless. If they didn't protect their baby, and if Situ Sheng accidentally beat him to death, they would have no hope for the rest of their lives.

Among them, Situ Wu's mother was the empress of the Immortal Dynasty, and her cultivation was in the early stages of leaving the body. Situ Quan's mother was a high-ranking noble concubine, and her cultivation was Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

Situ Sheng glanced at his two sons coldly, and then he stopped and removed his magic power. Situ Wu and Situ Quan, whose bodies were almost completely embedded in the palace wall, regained control of their bodies and vomited blood while exiting the palace. They struggled to the ground and fell to the ground with a thud.

"My son, I know I was wrong, and I beg your father to forgive me."

"My son, I must change my ways. I beg your father to calm down!"

The two men were already bleeding from their mouths and noses, and they obviously suffered serious trauma.

Situ Sheng snorted coldly.

"You know you made a mistake? Do you know where the mistake is?"

Situ Wu hesitated and said: "My son... I shouldn't lose the face of my father... I shouldn't..."

Situ Quan also hesitated and hesitated: "My son... shouldn't, shouldn't..."

The queen and concubine on the side were very worried. They were the ones who were best at guessing Situ Sheng's thoughts. Just when they were about to give them some guidance from their spiritual consciousness, Situ Sheng glanced at them again.

"Look at what kind of trash you gave birth to!"

"Let me tell you!"

"The biggest mistake is that I know that even if I come back to complain, I will have nothing to do with the Demon King for the time being, but I still want to come back. Do you want to see my joke?"

"King Mo Lin has great personal combat power. It is impossible to assassinate him. Send troops to attack him? Doesn't that give him a chance to brazenly rebel? Moreover, he has eight million soldiers. Once a fight starts, it will affect our entire Immortal Dynasty. national destiny!”

"The second biggest mistake is that you are all bullies and bullies. You bully men and women every day outside. You come back to complain when you encounter a little tough guy. Please tell me, how old are you?"

"A hundred and twenty-three years old!"

"The other one is ninety-five!"

"In the mortal world, at this age, you are already an old man, and you still think of yourself as a child?"

"You have spent so many resources and cultivated so many forces, but you can't rely on your own abilities to get your face back? Can't you rely on your own abilities to get back the lost majesty of the royal family?"

"Although King Molin is arrogant, as long as you don't kill his baby, as an elder, he will not take action against you personally. You are so afraid of him that you don't even understand the basic rules of the game!"

"As for that mere Ye Lin, in your eyes, he should be as weak as an ant. You can't deal with King Demon Lin's kind. It shouldn't be difficult to find a way to kill Ye Lin and regain your face!"

The two princes became paler as they listened, and at the same time they felt extremely regretful.

If I had known that if I came back to complain, not only would I not be able to deal with King Demon Lin, but I would also be beaten up by my father, why would I have come back...

He really just came back to ask for a beating.

Situ Sheng said again: "Now, tell me how you should deal with it next!"

Situ Wu, who was still thinking quickly, said quickly: "My son must first find out Ye Lin's true identity, and monitor Ye Lin's Immortal Peak at all times to understand this person's movements. If it is confirmed that this person is a threat, , they contacted the people who took action against Ye Lin and King Mo Lin, borrowed the knife to kill people, and transferred the danger to other forces. If it was confirmed that Ye Lin was not a threat, and he directly sent a master to kill Ye Lin when he was out without protection, he would only form a pill. At mid-level cultivation, killing him is no different than crushing an ant!"

Situ Quan said: "My son's thoughts are similar to those of my elder brother, but he must be aware of his shame and then be brave. He must work harder to practice and break through the out-of-body stage as soon as possible. When the child reaches the great perfection of out-of-body cultivation, he will personally solve the big threat of the Demon King." , If you are not strong enough, you will definitely be bullied. As long as your child is the best in the adult world, no one in the world will dare to say no."

Situ Sheng smiled slightly when he heard this.

"It's not that stupid, let's all get up."

Everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Father (Your Majesty)"

The queen waved her sleeves, and several eunuchs immediately brought a new dragon chair. Situ Sheng sat on the dragon chair. The queen and the nobles quickly went up to rub their shoulders and legs.

Situ Sheng said again.

"Now that you are all back, I allow you to use part of the imperial court's intelligence capabilities. In addition, I obtained relevant intelligence on the day this incident occurred, and ordered the intelligence department to fully investigate Ye Lin's coming and his true identity. The background and direction of the investigation are from the Eternal Immortal Dynasty. It won’t take long for this person’s true identity to come to light.”

"Your Majesty (father) is wise."

The queen said: "Ye Lin is most likely just an ant. If he is really an important figure in the Eternal Immortal Dynasty, why would he choose to join the Demon Suppression Sect to practice? This logic does not make sense."

The noble man also said: "This kind of thing may not happen once in a thousand years. The probability of being encountered by our royal son is really low. The Wan Guo Continent is so vast. Maybe he was born in some remote place and cannot be found out at all. Wait. If there is no information for a period of time, it is likely that this person is bluffing. At that time, any force can kill him. "

At this moment, a ray of light flew into the hall, and a white-haired eunuch holding a jade slip appeared in front of everyone.

The white-haired eunuch knelt on his knees and said, "Your Majesty, we have sent key information about Ye Lin to the intelligence forces in the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty."

Situ Sheng was slightly startled, while the expressions of the queen, concubine, Situ Wu and Situ Quan all changed slightly.

Situ Sheng waved his hand, and the jade slip held by the eunuch fell into his hands.

"Is it possible that this son has something to do with the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty?"

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