Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 467 Our child has finally made progress

If it were in the past, the eldest prince would have been frightened after hearing these words, and secretly kept a distance from such a crazy eighth prince, but now, but now they have become grasshoppers on the same line.

The crazier and more hateful the Eighth Prince is, the better it will be for him.

"In the future, I can drive away tigers and devour wolves. When the eighth brother kills the second brother and angers King Demon Lin, his strength will definitely be greatly reduced. At that time, I will stab him in the back. This throne will belong to me." "

Thinking of this, the eldest prince said with the same hatred: "Eighth brother has great ambitions. Brother, I have long been dissatisfied with King Mo Lin. The same must be true for my father. When dealing with King Mo Lin, my father will be on the same front as us. Let's do it now Immediately set off back to Kyoto, and will arrive soon to report this matter to my father."

"Dad Pin, we haven't been afraid of anyone yet!"

The Eighth Prince said: "Okay, let's set off immediately!"

So the two of them eagerly took out a high-grade magical flying boat and sped towards Kyoto in the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty at extremely fast speeds.

In the study room of the Lord's Mansion of Molin City, Molin King Situ Miao sat on a chair, resting his legs on the desk very comfortably. He was holding a rather old ancient book in his hand and was flipping through it.

Situ Miao looks to be in his thirties, with only a slight stubble on his face. He is very different from the public impression of a dominating prince with eight million soldiers in his late stage of out-of-body experience.

About a quarter of an hour later, Situ Miao seemed to have thought of other things and sighed slightly.

"Those two little guys disliked their noisy behavior at home, but now that they left home, they felt that the house was empty. I don't know what kind of unusual charm Ye Lin has, so they insist on making noises to find him..."

"It seems that those two little guys were right. This guy does have a lot of secrets. He has become a master of three professions without telling anyone. He has extraordinary potential."

"Xiaoyu seems to be interested in him, which is really a headache..."

"Even if this son becomes a grand master, he is not qualified to marry Xiaoyu, unless he is...a master of three professions. After all, although the sub-professional profession can make money quickly, if you want to be the Demon King in the future, having super personal strength is the only criterion , No matter how much money you have, you can’t hold it if you don’t have the strength.”

"But if we stop Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu will definitely be depressed and leave hidden dangers. In the future, she will be afraid of suffering from the catastrophe of inner demons leaving the body..."

"But if you don't care, this little girl will definitely do something that will bring shame to the family... Forget it, the family's honor is damned, or my daughter's happiness is more important..."

"Back then, Xiaomeng and I practiced hard, went through untold hardships, and experienced many moments of life and death. Wasn't it just that we could be free and easy after gaining enough strength and status, and no one would dare to point fingers?"

"If anyone dares to laugh at the girl, I will kill him. This way, there will be no damage to the family's reputation!"

Dong dong dong...

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Report to the prince, there is the latest important information about the young prince and the young princess!"

Situ Miao was stunned for a moment and said calmly: "Come in."

I saw a middle-aged soldier wearing armor striding up to Situ Miao, then kneeling on one knee and offering a jade slip with both hands.

"Your Majesty, this information is eight million miles urgent!"

Situ Miao was not surprised but happy.

"In the past, when these two guys went out for training, all they encountered were trivial things, which were not in line with their status at all. This time they finally encountered something big!"

"These two guys are so immature. They must encounter more big troubles before they can grow up!"

Situ Miao was not worried about the safety of the two of them. Before the two Situ Yu brothers left home, Situ Miao had left many life-saving means on them. Even if a strong person in the out-of-body stage took action, they would not be able to break through it in a short time. Moreover, Situ Yu also asked a personal guard who was in the middle of his body to follow him, keeping a thousand miles away from them at all times.

The reason for maintaining a distance of a thousand miles is that the two of them objected to having bodyguards follow and monitor them because they felt that they were not comfortable enough. The second reason was to cultivate their independent abilities. Moreover, in the event of danger, the distance of a thousand miles is very important for people in the middle stage of out-of-body experience. Existentially, it takes just a few breaths to get there.

Situ Miao rubbed his hands excitedly, then picked up the jade slip, and his spiritual consciousness instantly invaded it.

His expression immediately changed, first he was surprised, then he frowned slightly as if he was quite unhappy, and finally he looked confused. The next moment, Situ Miao's figure disappeared from the place in a flash.

Soon after, Situ Miao appeared in a secret room. Sitting on a futon in the center of the secret room was a stunning woman wearing palace clothes, with a slim figure and long hair like a waterfall.

The stunning woman sensed Situ Miao's appearance and suddenly opened her beautiful eyes.

"My lord, what happened?"

"My dear concubine, those two little guys have finally become successful. They even dare to provoke the prince. They really make us proud!"

Under normal circumstances, these words would sound like irony, but at this moment, Situ Miao looked excited and his tone was very sincere, and it didn't sound like irony at all.

This stunning woman is naturally the mother of the two Situ Yu brothers and Situ Miao's Taoist companion.

The princess raised her eyebrows and quickly took the jade slip. Then her expression froze. After a moment, she frowned slightly.

"This Ye Lin is so brave. He just wants to be Xiao Yu's big brother, but actually... let Xiao Yu be his maid. I'm so angry!"

Situ Miao smiled bitterly.

"I don't know where this kid got the confidence from. If this matter gets out, I'm afraid the whole world will be shocked. However, the emperor will not let anyone talk about it casually. This matter will damage the dignity of the royal family. No one dares to talk about it. Let's just treat it as a child's play... Isn't the focus of this information that our child has finally made it?"

"You dare to bully the emperor's seed. You are worthy of my bloodline!"

Situ Miao was proud again when he said this.

The princess snorted coldly.

"If Ye Lin was in the Demon City, he would definitely suffer a little! It's really nonsense!"

Situ Miao smiled.

"Young people always like to play a little. Let's not interfere too much. In the past, it was because of our excessive desire to protect that Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu had such strange personalities and it was difficult for them to integrate into the world of immortal cultivation. Now we completely let go. I hope it's not too late."

The princess could only sigh faintly.

"We need to arrange personnel to investigate the true background and identity of Ye Lin. The direction of the investigation is the Eternal Immortal Dynasty. It's okay that this boy has many extraordinary qualities, and he doesn't seem to be afraid of those princes at all. This is not reasonable."

"My beloved concubine, are you saying that this boy is from the Eternal Immortal Dynasty? Our advisers also speculated that this boy is the reincarnation of a strong man."

The princess said.

"It's all possible. We should try our best to investigate first, but don't make this boy too disgusted. He should have no ill will towards Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu."

Situ Miao said.

"The emperor will be furious when he hears about this... but it's just impotent rage. Those old immortals in our Situ family can't come out unless the family is in danger. How can they care about such trivial matters? However, the emperor dare not retaliate against us, but he may take action against Ye Lin."

The princess said.

"Arrange the guards responsible for secret protection to pay more attention, but unless Ye Lin is at the critical moment of life and death, don't help him. Let's see how this boy will deal with the crisis. It's not an easy thing to marry our precious daughter."

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