Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 455 A follower and a maid

In short, it's not good to be followed by this woman. Only by getting rid of her can you practice seriously.

No matter how beautiful the woman outside is, it will only affect his practice speed, but the senior sister will not.

Situ Yu nodded obediently, and then pinched his fingers with one hand, and a spiritual light quickly penetrated the wall and disappeared. Not long after, Ye Lin heard a knock on the door.

"My most beloved and most admired brother Ye, your younger brother, Situ Yu, is here to visit!"

Ye Lin: "..."

He seemed to smell a bad breath.

"Hehe, come in, there's no need to be so exaggerated, I saved you just to kill the Demon King, and later, I also accepted the benefits of your palace guards, everyone just treat each other as friends."

Ye Lin also said that he accepted the benefits of the monk in the bamboo hat. His purpose was naturally to lower his image in the hearts of the two brothers and sisters, so that the two people would change their views on him.

When the door opened, Ye Lin first felt a burning gaze, and then saw Situ Yu, who sold better than Song Lingtian, came to Ye Lin in white clothes, extremely excited.

"Brother Ye, you are really a gentleman. It would be fine if you didn't talk about this matter. Once you talk about it, I admire your noble character even more. You are the only straightforward person we have seen in our many years of traveling in the world."

Ye Lin: "..."

Ye Lin was complaining crazily in his heart.

"I just told the truth. How can I have noble character and become a straightforward person? I think this image is even higher? This guy is too imaginative!"

"No, these two siblings are really difficult to deal with. I'm afraid I can't handle it today. It's a good idea to send them out later and then sneak back to change my identity."

Ye Lin felt a headache at this time, feeling that he was completely defeated by these two siblings in terms of brain circuits.

"Ahem, let's not talk about this matter. Don't be polite. Sit down and have some tea."

Situ Yu heard this and immediately grabbed the teapot before Ye Lin and started to make tea for the three of them. In order to express that Ye Lin did not welcome them very much, Ye Lin did not use the precious spiritual tea in his collection, but used the cheap tea given away by Yuelai Inn.

Unexpectedly, the two siblings drank with relish and did not seem to mind at all.

While drinking tea, Ye Lin started chatting with them. The content of the chat was naturally why they came and where they were going next.

If he didn't listen, Ye Lin still had a glimmer of hope that he could sneak away.

After hearing this, hope turned into despair.

It turned out that Situ Yu and Situ Yu had traveled three times in the past five years, met many people and many things, and perfectly experienced the cruelty of the rivers and lakes and the greed among the monks.

But the more so, the more they missed and admired Ye Lin.


Not only was Ye Lin the first strange cultivator they met after they went out, nor was it just because Ye Lin had extraordinary strength and saved them, but more importantly, they all thought that Ye Lin had qualities that other cultivators did not have.

For example, frankness.

In the Jianghu where people's hearts are separated from their stomachs, the purpose of each cultivator must be guessed. When facing any cultivator, one must keep a hundred and eight eyes, otherwise he will be calculated.

But Ye Lin is straightforward.

Another example is kindness.

In the folk, this should be a basic virtue, but in the world of immortal cultivation where the weak are the prey of the strong, this is a precious quality. After saving them, Ye Lin once showed sympathy, and did not covet the treasures on them, let alone rely on them to rise to prominence.

Among the cultivators they met in the past few years, some may have a single characteristic, but there is no one like Ye Lin.

Therefore, the more they traveled around the world, the more they wanted to see Ye Lin again. It was too tiring to communicate with other people, but they felt relaxed and happy around Ye Lin...

So, Situ Yu admired Ye Lin more and more, and took Ye Lin as an example to do a lot of chivalrous things to help the weak.

And Situ Yu...she had never thought that her future husband must bring her power, strength, and cultivation resources, etc. She thought that it would be good for two people to be relaxed and happy together...It just so happened that Ye Lin was the only one who met the requirements, so she was eager to be Ye Lin's wife, fearing that Ye Lin would be snatched away by other beauties.

After learning about the two's travels, Ye Lin finally figured out the brain circuits of these two guys. It turned out that they were not abnormal people, but too normal.

As time went on, they missed Ye Lin more and more, so after Situ Yu's coming-of-age ceremony, the two siblings couldn't wait to arrange people to investigate Ye Lin's whereabouts.

They thought it was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and they didn't know when they would see Ye Lin again, but they didn't expect to get news about Ye Lin that day, and learned that Ye Lin had become an inner disciple of the Demon Suppression Sect.

So the two of them proposed to their father that they would go to the Demon Suppression Sect to practice hard, without any assessment. His father just said a word, and the two of them became inner disciples of the Demon Suppression Sect. The head of the Demon Suppression Sect also wanted to accept them as apprentices and make them true disciples, but they were ruthlessly rejected.

Because Ye Lin, as the eldest brother and the "husband", was only an inner disciple, how could they have a higher status than Ye Lin?

And they also chose the cave residence in the surrounding area of ​​Ye Lin's Immortal Peak.

This means that even if Ye Lin returns to the Demon Suppression Sect... he will have to be their neighbors, and he will not be able to get rid of these two sticky candies in a short time.

Ye Lin was very troubled by this, but he had to accept his fate.

He actually had a good impression of the middle-aged brother and sister. In this world of immortal cultivation, the qualities of these two people were also rare. It was only their noble status that affected their friendship.

But from another perspective, these two sticky candies were so noble and regarded him so important. Staying with them might be another kind of safety.

So, after a conversation, the brother and sister got what they wanted. Situ Yu decided to be Ye Lin's little follower and learn more noble qualities and world experience from him.

And Situ Yu still wanted to be his wife simply, but Ye Lin would definitely not do it, so Situ Yu could only say aggrievedly that she wanted to be his maid. Ye Lin also stipulated that she could not take the initiative to warm his bed...

Situ Yu thought she was disliked, and she had deep doubts about her appearance and figure. She looked even more aggrieved and pitiful. Ye Lin had to comfort her and said that she was not mentally mature yet, and she would make a decision when she was fully mature in the future.

Ye Lin had been in the Wan Guo Continent for several years, but he actually had no trusted friends. Now, he finally had two, which reminded him of when he first entered the Tai Xuan Sect and met Song Lingtian and Wang Changsheng.

The three of them chatted together, the atmosphere was quite relaxed, and laughter could be heard from time to time.

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