Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 453 How could it be her?

The first binding force of this contract still relies on the blood oath of the inner demon. Once the contract is breached, the person who makes the contract may be counterattacked by the inner demon. However, the blood oath of the inner demon is not a fatal and powerful binding force. There are many ways to eliminate and kill the inner demon. It's different, but after encountering the backlash of the inner demon, you will be in danger of life, and you will die if you are not careful.

The second binding force of the contract is the Wanxian Tower itself.

Although Wanxian Tower is a business power, don't forget that their branches are all over the Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms, and behind them is the Fengming Immortal Dynasty. In terms of real strength, they are definitely a behemoth in the entire Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms, even the king of the Super Immortal Dynasty , and dare not offend easily.

If the consequences of breach of contract are too serious, Wanxian Tower can launch a reward and hunt for the defaulter in any country.

Seeing that the contract was completed, Fang Qingya breathed a sigh of relief, and her beautiful eyes became brighter.

After Ye Lin showed all his sub-professional strength, Fang Qingya gave up trying to win over Ye Lin in a private capacity, and stood on the side of Wanxian Tower and tied Ye Lin to the chariot of Wanxian Tower in a business-like manner.

Now, she succeeded.

In the future, as long as Ye Lin can supply goods stably and bring more business to Wanxianlou's increased sales, she will be considered to have made a great contribution to Wanxianlou, and she will definitely receive many praises.

Of course, if Ye Lin doesn't do her best, or if something unexpected happens, her life will be over.

Ye Lin was bound to Wanxian Tower, and she was bound to Ye Lin.

It's a big gamble.

Fang Qingya decisively bet everything she had on Ye Lin. She firmly believed that she could obtain unimaginable benefits from this huge gamble.

In the future, if Ye Lin is successfully promoted to a rare three-professional master in all countries, she will surely have unprecedented market appeal, and the opportunity for her to make a comeback will come.

Fang Qingya calmed down the surging emotions in her heart a little, and then continued.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ye, you officially have master-level supplier treatment and licensing rights in Wanxian Tower."

"Since the interests of every Grandmaster-level supplier are deeply bound to our Wanxian Tower, Grandmaster-level suppliers will enjoy higher treatment than Rookie Guests. Below, I will explain to you the details of the treatment. content."

"First, the Ten Thousand Immortals Tower will provide you with strong protection. As long as the young master is not wanted by our Fengming Immortal Dynasty, you can take refuge in any of the surrounding Ten Thousand Immortals Towers at any time. Unless someone dares to break through the Ten Thousand Immortals Tower, you are safe."

"Second, every ten years you can mobilize a strong person in the early stage of leaving the body in Wanxian Tower for personal protection for half a year."

"Third, each Ten Thousand Immortals Tower will provide you with a cave full of spiritual energy. You can use earth fire for free and borrow high-grade alchemy furnaces for free."

"Fourth, you can borrow money from the Ten Thousand Immortals Tower without interest, but you currently only have a limit of 100 top-quality spiritual stones. The limit will increase with the benefits you obtain for the Ten Thousand Immortals Tower."


After Fang Qingya's eloquent explanation, even Ye Lin was slightly surprised. The privileged treatment of a master-level supplier was actually much better than that of his rookie guest, and many of the benefits were particularly practical.

In line with the principle of not taking advantage of the bastard, Ye Lin planned to exercise the relevant rights of the master-level supplier immediately. He coughed twice first.

"Ahem, um, Shopkeeper Fang Da, Ye is currently facing some difficulties. The cost of materials required for refining weapons, elixirs, and making talismans is quite high..."

Fang Qingya was slightly startled when she heard this. She also didn't expect that Ye Lin was really a man who didn't care about face.

Generally, male monks will always deliberately appear generous in front of beautiful women, but Ye Lin... it's just the opposite.

"Young Master, there is no need to say more. These are one hundred top-quality spiritual stones. You can take them away as long as you sign a contract and return them within twenty years. If this is not enough for you, I can also provide some private funding."

Now Ye Lin is related to Fang Qingya's future. If Ye Lin has difficulties, just like she has difficulties herself, she must do her best to help.

Ye Lin does have some difficulties. Now he has made a lot of money. He is much richer than when he was in the Demon Suppression Sect a few months ago, but it can only support the daily expenses of the current spirit insects. He wants to restart the three major spirits. There is still a long way to go before the assembly line can run at full capacity and produce high-grade goods.

Now that I can borrow a hundred top-grade spiritual stones from Wanxian Tower without any interest, I can just restart the three spiritual insect assembly lines perfectly.

"You're welcome, Mr. Boss. One hundred top-quality spiritual stones are enough for now. If I still need them, I will definitely tell you directly."

Ye Lin is not polite now. He knows very well that Fang Qingya and him are now grasshoppers in the same boat, and their interests are deeply bound, so there is no need to consider the issue of owed favors when taking benefits from her.

Under the influence of the contract, they became the closest partners.

Soon, Ye Lin owed another contract and spent one hundred top-quality spiritual stones to purchase a large amount of rare five elements materials directly from the Ten Thousand Immortals Tower.

For such a large-capital transaction, Ye Lin naturally does not consider going to the underground exchange. Wanxianlou has a good reputation and is obviously safer. Moreover, Ye Lin now enjoys a 40% discount at Wanxianlou, and the price of materials is within Ye Lin's acceptable range.

While waiting for the delivery of a large amount of Five Elements materials, Fang Qingya specially invited Ye Lin to dine together in a rather unique courtyard on the roof of Wanxian Tower.

There were fine wines, delicacies, and the company of beautiful women. Ye Lin naturally ate and drank happily.

After three rounds of drinking, all the materials Ye Lin bought were finally ready. With the materials in hand, Ye Lin said goodbye. He had to return to Yuelai Inn.

Two days later, the underground exchange will hold a grand underground auction. A long time ago, Ye Lin had obtained a partial list of the auction items, and there happened to be a Thunder Locust egg in the list.

According to Ye Lin's plan, he would try his best to find a wife for Xiao Lei. With a pair of Thunder Locusts, Ye Lin would have thousands of Thunder Locusts in the future.

Before leaving, Fang Qingya gave Ye Lin another private communication order, so that Ye Lin could sense Fang Qingya's location and send her a message for help at any time if he encountered difficulties.

Not long after, Ye Lin appeared in the guest room of Yuelai Inn.

Ye Lin stretched himself and was about to go into the bedroom and lie down on the bed to rest, but Xiaobai stuck his head out and said very vigilantly: "Master, Xiaobai smelled the scent of someone else. After we left, someone entered the guest room!"

Ye Lin was slightly stunned, then frowned slightly, and his spiritual sense instantly expanded.

In just a moment, Ye Lin found that there was a person lying on his bed... a beautiful girl with beautiful hair, a graceful figure, wearing a light nightgown... and a familiar one...

Ye Lin was extremely surprised.

"How could it be her!"

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