Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 451: The method of making talismans with one mind and three uses

This time, the Talisman Makers learned their lesson.

Having learned the lessons from the failures of many alchemists and weapon refiners, while Ye Lin was warming up, many alchemists have entered a state of concentration on making talismans and no longer focused on Ye Lin.

Talisman making is different from alchemy and weapon refining. Even if you are distracted for just a moment, the entire talisman paper may be scrapped, so you must not be distracted at all.

Seeing that the other talisman makers had already begun to write and draw on the talisman paper with their talisman-making pens, they were not distracted, and all the comments in the room became quieter. Only then did 'Ye Lin' calmly pick up three talisman-making pens. A piece of talisman paper with different properties, and then placed it flatly on the small stone table in front of him.

Up to this point, Ye Lin's performance was mediocre, and could even be said to be slow, lagging behind all the Talisman Makers.

Then Ye Lin picked up a fire-attribute talisman with his left hand...

Then he picked up a water-attribute talisman pen with his right hand...

Finally, he thought again, took off his left shoe, and gently pinched it with his two toes to pick up a wind-attribute talisman pen.

Seeing such a strange scene, all the audience's eyes widened again, and everyone showed surprise and confusion.

Although you have never eaten pork, have you never seen a pig running?

"I'm numb. Is Master Ye going to perform folk acrobatics, or is he going to make extremely complicated and difficult talismans?"

"Is it difficult for him to plan a three-pronged approach, making talismans with two hands and one foot at the same time? This is impossible, even if the same talisman is made, it is impossible for each hand and foot to be completely synchronized, and making a talisman is a mistake that is thousands of miles away... What's more, these are three talisman-making pens with different properties... they can only produce talismans with different properties."

"Sure enough, no matter what Master Ye does, he will be the one that attracts everyone's attention, and he actually started it!"

Seeing that Ye Lin didn't care about the comments around him at all, he used his magic power to control the cinnabar with different attributes to fly in front of him. Then, with extremely flexible hands and feet, he held the pen and tapped lightly in the cinnabar without any obstacles, and then successively placed three attributes on the cinnabar. Putting pen to paper on different talisman papers, the three-pronged talisman making work actually started...

At this moment, many monks' jaws almost dropped to the ground, and exclamations and comments came one after another.

Fang Qingya murmured softly.

"This is... one mind and three uses. According to legend, one mind and three uses require the practice of related secrets. Many monks suffer from mental breakdown when they first start practicing, and become neither humans nor ghosts. Even those who are strong in the out-of-body stage do not dare to practice easily. Mr. Ye, he actually succeeded?"

"My many unknown secrets does he have!"

Even though everyone has been shocked by Ye Lin in the past few days, they are still shocked at this moment.

In fact, Xiao Fu has followed Ye Lin's instructions to keep a low profile as much as possible. If he exerts his full strength, he can multi-purpose...

Ye Lin also considered that Xiao Fu's single-minded power was too amazing, and he was afraid that he would be captured by the strong people in the out-of-body stage who came after hearing the news, sliced ​​up and extracted the soul for research, so he specifically ordered him to keep a low profile.

Although the visual effect of multitasking is shocking, in the world of Immortal Cultivation in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent, there are many people who can do it. There are also related secret techniques that can be practiced, but there are hundreds of millions of dangers involved in practicing it.

But the most surprising thing is yet to come.

Everyone thought that Ye Lin's three-purpose technique would not make a single talisman any faster than other talisman makers. After all, the three-purpose technique consumes a lot of energy.

Unexpectedly, 'Ye Lin' wrote like a master, drawing with speed and flowing water, and he could easily draw various patterns of making talismans and various ancient characters.

Swish, swish, swish.

In less than two hours, an extremely complex, exquisite and mysterious talisman paper had been drawn. Then Ye Lin put down the talisman-making pen, stretched out his toes and straightened them out, and kept making secrets with his two hands and one weird foot. , one after another was inserted into the three talisman papers.

This is infusing mana and power into the talisman!

Everyone was so dazzled that their eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

Can it be said that you can also perform secrets with your feet? And look at the speed of the kneading, how come it is smoother than their hands?

They feel their worldview is crumbling.

After another half an hour, the three talisman papers shone with different colors of spiritual light. This was a sign that the talisman making had been completed.

But now these three talisman papers can only be regarded as talismans, and the power contained in them will disappear quickly. Only by sealing the power of these talisman papers into spiritual jade can the production of talisman seals be completed, and the power contained in them is enough to be preserved. For thousands of years.

'Ye Lin' thought, and his magic power wrapped up three spiritual jade with different attributes like a tide. Then, under the cutting of the magic power, the spiritual jade was automatically divided into small pieces of three to four inches long and wide, and about half an inch high.

At this time, three talismans flew up automatically and overlapped with three different pieces of spiritual jade. Next, 'Ye Lin' continued to pinch the spells with both hands and kicks, and hit one after another. The spells and the spiritual jade were in the process. Slowly fused together under the influence of Jue...

About an hour later, mysterious forbidden patterns shone on the surface of the three pieces of spiritual jade, and then they landed on the small stone platform in front of Ye Lin.

In this way, his three talisman seals have been completed.

These are three earth-level middle-grade talismans, namely the fire-attributed Doomsday Explosion Talisman, the water-attributed Frozen Earth Talisman, and the wind-attributed Swift Wind Phantom Talisman (wind belongs to wood among the five elements, and Xun is wind). .

As for why Xiaofu didn't choose to make a wind-attributed Wanli Shenxing Talisman, there are many reasons.

The Wanli Shenxing Talisman is not only extremely precious in the Xunlong Mountains, but also in the Wan Guo Continent. It is a top-grade earth-level talisman, which is almost as good as the heavenly tribulation. If used well, it can avoid the pursuit of Yuanying realm cultivators, but it is impossible to do so in the out-of-body stage, because the spiritual awareness of the out-of-body strongman covers more than ten thousand miles.

Firstly, Xiao Fu has not mastered the spell of "Wanli Shenxing Shu". To make talismans, one must first learn the relevant spells. "Wanli Shenxing Shu" is a top-grade earth-level spell. The top forces of Zhenhai Xianchao treasure it as a treasure, and Ye Lin cannot touch it.

Secondly, Xiao Fu thinks that his talisman-making attainments are still a bit difficult to make the Wanli Shenxing Talisman, especially if he only uses a low-grade earth-level talisman-making pen, it will be even more difficult.

In the future, when Ye Lin obtains the spell of "Wanli Shenxing Shu" and gets a better earth-level talisman-making pen, Xiao Fu should be able to try mass production.

At this time, ‘Ye Lin’ had successfully made three earth-level middle-grade talismans, while most other talisman makers were still writing and drawing, and had not even completed the first step of making talismans. Only a few talisman makers had completed the first step and were busy injecting mana and power into the talisman paper. They were still a long way from completing the last step of fusing the talisman paper with the spirit jade.

After swallowing a pill that quickly restored mana, ‘Ye Lin’ held a piece of top-grade spirit stone. After only resting for half an hour, his mana seemed to be fully restored. He used his hands and feet again to start refining the second batch of talismans.

Although the third stage of competition has just begun, the suspense has been lost for the audience!

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