Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 446: Refining the Sword Embryo

"What the hell, I haven't even started refining yet, and his sword embryo is almost finished?"

"It's only been more than an hour, what kind of refining speed is this? Could it be that Master Ye's refining is as fast as refining pills?"

"Let's not watch it, let's start quickly, otherwise if the magic weapon is not refined within the specified time, it means that you will lose the qualification to compete directly, and you will have to pay the material cost of three spirit stones to Wanxian Building."

"It's over, I can't calm down at all now, even if I look away from Master Ye, the violent scene of Master Ye refining the weapon will still appear in my mind... I'm afraid I'm out of this competition!"

Many weapon refiners didn't expect that they were just watching the excitement, but they couldn't stop watching it. They were always in surprise and shock, and even many of their concepts in their minds were overturned.

The results of their resting for half a day to empty their brains and adjust their state were completely destroyed.

In addition, today's test questions were originally very difficult. Only a few weapon refiners could refine a medium-grade magic weapon at one time. Now they can't even calm down. Many weapon refiners are desperate.

"Forget it, I give up this competition. These refining materials have not been used yet. According to the competition rules, I only need to pay a penalty of ten high-grade spirit stones."

"I give up too. If I refine in this state, I will definitely fail. In the end, I will lose three top-grade spirit stones in vain. It's all my fault. Why didn't I enter the refining state in advance and choose to watch Master Ye refine..."

"Don't blame you for not being competitive. It's all because Master Ye is too domineering. It's not a wasted trip for us to witness this scene today..."

Even 'Ye Lin' didn't expect that he was just doing an ordinary refining step by step, but unknowingly destroyed the state of mind of a large number of competitors, forcing them to give up their qualifications to compete.

Fang Qingya couldn't help but look helpless when she heard that more and more refiners gave up their qualifications.

"How can this be considered a fierce competition among suppliers? It has clearly become Ye Lin's personal show. Even the two weapon-refining masters have few people paying attention to them..."

"The insect cultivator of the Demon-Suppressing Sect, the master of the alchemy, the genius of body forging... and the attainments of weapon refining, all look amazing. How many amazing skills does Ye Lin have? What kind of guest did I accidentally recruit?"

"But the more this is the case, the more difficult it will be to impress Ye Lin. This rare genius in the human world is absolutely difficult for me to control with my current strength. His appearance will surely stir up the situation of the entire Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty, and even attract the attention of the other three eternal immortal dynasties and the four super immortal dynasties."

"Forget it, let's treat him sincerely and see if we can become friends..."

Before this, Fang Qingya was eager to recruit Ye Lin, but now, she thinks she is completely unqualified. First, she has no confidence in being able to offer benefits that will move Ye Lin, and second, she thinks she has no strength to become Ye Lin's protector. Since she can't talk about benefits, she can only talk about friendship.

Treat each other sincerely and try to make friends with Ye Lin. As long as Ye Lin is not a person who forgets his loyalty for the sake of profit, it will be beneficial to her.

Just as Fang Qingya was thinking, she saw that 'Ye Lin' once again used his magic power to control the five unfinished sword embryos and sent them into the mutated demon fire of the flaming demon scorpion.

Then he pinched his fingers with one hand, and the magic formulas were smoothly cast, and they were immersed in these red-burned unfinished sword embryos. As Ye Lin's magic formulas were cast, the unfinished sword embryos that were originally just in the shape of a sword became brighter and brighter. At the same time, exquisite metal patterns and mysterious ancient characters continued to emerge on the sword body.

This is like making clay figures. Just now, there was no nose or eyes. Now 'Ye Lin' has painted them all and put on a gorgeous dress.

After two hours, only the sound of "buzzing" sword chants was heard, and a sharp breath burst out from the red demon fire.

Ye Lin waved his hand.

Five sharp red lights shot out from the demonic fire, quickly flowing around him, and instantly formed a red sword light shield.

The complete sword embryo was finally refined!

Even if you are an outsider who doesn't know the door, you will understand the sharpness of these sword embryos. These five flying swords are definitely extraordinary.

"Master Ye is going to refine a set of fire-type flying swords. You can see that the remaining materials are all fire-type materials, which are all things that infuse the flying swords with power."

"As long as the power of these materials is integrated with the flying swords, this set of flying swords will be completely refined. I just don't know which set of fire-type flying swords Master Ye is refining."

"It's really unbelievable. Now only more than three hours have passed, and Master Ye's set of magic weapon flying swords is about to be refined? Even if it is to refine a set of spiritual weapon flying swords, it can't be so fast!"

Ye Lin waved his hand again, and a small bottle covered with tiny restrictions flew up from the stage. A spell was cast, and the tiny restrictions in the bottle dissipated instantly. In an instant, the small bottle was burned red, and then it was directly vaporized. A ball of red fire cloud seemed to be radiating.

For a moment, the heat wave rolled in.

It seemed that the temperature of this ball of fire cloud was even higher than the mutant demon fire released by the flaming scorpion.

Nascent Soul stage monks and weapon refiners with a little knowledge can all see that this is a ball of sun fire essence. The so-called sun fire essence is a Yuanying level monk who can communicate with the vitality of heaven and earth. It flies out of the clouds at noon. , a treasure that is tempered from the power of the sun close to the outer starry sky.

The Sun Fire Spirit is extremely violent and will release extremely high temperatures in a short period of time. However, it is extremely difficult to control and drive. The temperature is high, but the duration is short and it will dissipate after the explosion. Therefore, it is difficult to use this object as a weapon. use.

However, fusing this object into the magic weapon can greatly increase the power of the magic weapon. However, this fusion process extremely tests the skill of refining the weapon. If you are not careful, the embryo of the magic weapon will be burned by the sun fire essence, resulting in a refining failure.

I saw 'Ye Lin' making secrets with one hand. First, he used surging golden magic power to control this group of sun fire essence, so that it could not continue to spread. Then, he penetrated the sun fire essence with one magic trick after another. He also muttered words in his mouth, like a god. Stick, I don’t know what secret method he used, and the originally violent aura of the sun fire essence became gentler.

Then five hair-like fiery red gases were extracted and slowly flowed into the five newly refined sword embryos.

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