Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 442 Becoming a supplier of Wanxianlou

Ye Lin has always been a man of few means, and he values ​​his life above all else. If he cannot guarantee his own safety, he will never show off his secondary professional attainments of the spirit insects in such a high profile.

As time goes by, more and more alchemists have refined the Heavenly Demon Pill. Most of them have refined the middle-grade Heavenly Demon Pill, and a few have been affected by Ye Lin and have refined the low-grade Heavenly Demon Pill.

Of course, there are even more unlucky ones. Their two furnaces of pills were scrapped because of Ye Lin, and they lost the qualification to compete directly. At this time, they are frowning and hating Ye Lin in their hearts, but they dare not show it on their faces.

Not to mention that Ye Lin has the status of a genius disciple of the inner sect of the Demon Sect, and now he has become a young master of alchemy, and his status is even more different from the past.

Although his strength seems to be only in the early stage of Dan formation, it is entirely conceivable that after this, there will be countless forces who want to curry favor with him and win him over.

This person's fame and influence will grow rapidly after today. The strong people who want to make friends with him will naturally not mind helping him get rid of all those who Ye Lin dislikes in order to please him.

This is also the terrifying thing about the master of alchemy and the master of refining.

Three days later, all the alchemists completed the refining and completed the evaluation.

After seeing the pills refined by the three alchemy masters and Ye Lin, Fang Qingya did not take the initiative to estimate the pills refined by the later alchemists. In the past two days, she did not say a word, and seemed to be thinking about something in her heart.

Shopkeeper Ma naturally did not dare to disturb Fang Qingya, so he announced loudly.

"My fellow Taoists, this round of supplier alchemy has ended. Next, Ma will announce the winners of this round of successful supplier competition. Please congratulate them together. In the next ten years, this group of high-quality suppliers will continue to refine high-quality pills for sale in our store."

"First place, Master Ye Lin of the Demon Suppression Sect, this time refined a very middle-grade Heavenly Demon Pill, estimated at 25 top-grade spirit stones, and is a well-deserved alchemy genius!"

"Second place, Master Wang Ye of the Lanmu County King's family, this time Lian pointed out a very low-grade Heavenly Demon Pill, estimated at 21 top-grade spirit stones. Master Wang Ye once again showed us his amazing alchemy skills. It is worth mentioning that Wang Ye The elixir refined by the master is hard to find in our store..."

"Third place..."


"For those who failed to enter the top ten, Ma can only express regret. I hope you will continue to work hard and cultivate your attainments in the way of elixir. Ma is also looking forward to seeing you again in the next supplier competition!"

As soon as the shopkeeper Ma finished speaking, Fang Qingya, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "Let's start the second stage of the refining competition."

According to common sense, for a better viewing effect, there should be a rest period of two or three hours after each stage of the competition. After all, the audience monks need to calm down after watching such a high-level competition.

But Fang Qingya's decision this time is against common sense.

The fundamental reason for making this decision is naturally for... Ye Lin!

She even has an impulse to end this competition immediately.

Because every night, more and more people in the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty will learn about Ye Lin's deeds and send strong people to try to offer various conditions to win over Ye Lin.

These people are all Fang Qingya's competitors.

I'm afraid that a considerable number of the cultivators present have already sent out communication talismans to inform their forces of Ye Lin's amazing deeds.

Shopkeeper Ma was slightly stunned when he heard this. Although he felt that Fang Qingya's decision was a bit inappropriate, he did not dare to go against Fang Qingya's intention, and hurriedly announced loudly.

"The second stage of the competition for the supplier of the equipment refiner will begin immediately. Daoists who will no longer participate in the second and third stages of the competition, please leave the competition stage."

The audience and the cultivators on the stage were also slightly stunned. Many cultivators who participated in the supplier competition showed surprise on their faces, but since Wanxianlou had announced it, they had to follow the arrangement.

This operation of shortening the intermission time is not a violation of the rules, but it is not in line with common sense.

Some alchemists flew down from the stage and became part of the audience, while most of the cultivators remained on the stage, and they will continue to participate in this competition.

The stone platform where all the cultivators sat flashed with spiritual light, and the handwriting on the quality and valuation of the elixir disappeared immediately, leaving only the forces and names of the cultivators on the stage.

Seeing Ye Lin still sitting on the stone platform, the cultivators on and off the stage were surprised and whispered.

"This Ye Da Alchemist, could it be that he is also proficient in refining equipment and plans to continue to participate in the competition?"

"It's really outrageous, the mother opened the door to outrageousness, it's outrageous!"

"I guess this person's refining attainments will not be too high. After all, the time of any cultivator is limited. Master Ye can improve his alchemy attainments to such a level at such a young age, which is amazing."

"I have a bold idea, this person is not a master of refining equipment, right?"

"Hehe, it's impossible, it's impossible to think with your ass. I have lived for more than two hundred years, and I have never seen a Jindan cultivator, that is, a master of refining equipment and also a master of alchemy. It is possible for Yuanying cultivators and out-of-body cultivators, because they have a long lifespan and have enough time to study various secondary professions, but even so, the existence of dual masters is still rare. There are no more than ten in our entire Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty!"

The only person who was surprised in the entire underground square was Fang Qingya, who had known that Ye Lin would participate in three stages of competition at the same time.

Ye Lin said that he was once a casual cultivator, so he was quite proficient in alchemy, weapon training, and talisman making.

At that time, she didn't take this seriously. She thought that his proficiency was just barely good enough, and there was still a huge gap from the master's attainments. Ye Lin said this just to raise her evaluation.

But now, Ye Lin's performance proved that he was still very humble at that time.

Seeing Ye Lin sitting quietly on the stone platform, calm and unusual, without the slightest expression, Fang Qingya had an idea in her mind that was bolder than everyone else.

"Isn't he... a third-level master? He has reached the pinnacle of all his secondary professional attainments, including alchemy, weapon making, and talisman making!"

"Although this is impossible to analyze rationally, even if the entire Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty has stood outside the Demon Sea for tens of thousands of years, it is absolutely impossible for anyone at Ye Lin's age to become a third-level master!"

Because of this extremely bold idea, Fang Qingya's heartbeat and blood flow accelerated again!

She suddenly looked forward to the next supplier competition.

It was as if she was looking forward to witnessing a historic event that would affect the fate of human cultivators in this lifetime.

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