Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 438 The Future Alchemy Master

Seeing this scene, many alchemists who were observing their opponents while inserting the spells, and the audience's eyes widened with horror on their faces.

"Here, this Ye Lin, how come the magic formula is so much faster than the three alchemy masters? How is this possible? Is he a random magic formula!"

"Nan Da? Do you want to try Luan Da? Although I am not good at alchemy, I also know that in the process of alchemy, even if a magic formula is inserted at the wrong time, the quality of the elixir will be reduced, or it will become useless. , even to explode the furnace, Ye Lin has entered dozens of spells, and there is no cloud of useless erysipelas floating out, and there is no sign of explosion! Ye Lin is really capable of this! "

"Is it possible that Ye Lin from the Demon Suppression Sect is more powerful than the three alchemy masters?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! How old is he? He is only in the early stage of alchemy formation. Rumor has it that he is still a genius. He is no more than fifty years old. And these three alchemy masters are all hundreds of years old. They have refined the elixirs The medicine is more than the rice Ye Lin has eaten!”

Many viewers in the audience looked in disbelief.

The other alchemists on the stage also looked surprised when they saw this scene, but their expressions were not as exaggerated as those in the audience.

"This Ye Lin is not a simple person. It is rare to have such a skillful way of entering the magic formula. However, the speed of the magic formula only affects the efficiency of the alchemy and does not affect the quality of the elixir. However, when it comes to alchemy, I have never cared about it. The efficiency and quality of alchemy determine everything!”

"The skills this boy showed show that he is not just an ordinary person in the process of alchemy. His purpose is probably to attract the attention of shopkeeper Fang Da and make a name for himself in the process of alchemy. But, hey, after all, he is still young and energetic. There are at least thirty alchemists present who can perform the Eight Paths of Breathing, but guess why they are unwilling to do so?"

"You still need to guess? Entering the magic formula quickly does not add points to today's competition, but it is easy to make mistakes in the second stage of alchemy. And entering the magic formula slowly means safety. This boy is a soldier. Take it easy, let's wait and see the good show, maybe..."

Before the monk gloated about his misfortune, he saw that 'Ye Lin''s hand speed was getting faster and faster, there were more and more phantoms on his hands, and the speed of entering the magic formula was also increasing rapidly.

From eight channels in one breath, to nine channels, and finally to thirteen channels in one breath, it stabilized.

At this time, the alchemists who had been talking about Ye Lin were dumbfounded. The audience exclaimed, but the stage was completely silent, as quiet as death!

When someone on the stage heard the strong smell of burnt beetroot coming from the alchemy furnace, and someone's alchemy furnace even started to buzz, as if it was going to explode at any moment, the alchemists finally realized what they were doing, and their expressions immediately changed.

"This...impossible, I must be dazzled! Even the three alchemy masters can only take ten breaths at the fastest! Ye Lin is crazy! He is crazy!" There is an alchemy master who cannot control his emotions. Roared madly.

"Although alchemists can take the initiative to speed up or slow down the injection of magic formulas, the faster the magic formula is injected, the higher the requirements for the perception of the fusion of temperature and medicinal power in the alchemy furnace. The eight paths in one breath are still within the acceptable range. Within, thirteen breaths in one breath... Even three Nascent Soul stage alchemy masters cannot do it!"

"Is he crazy, or am I crazy? My furnace of elixirs was actually scrapped!"

"Mine is also scrapped. Damn it, it's all because I wasn't focused enough when I was refining the elixir. Why did I pay attention to my opponent when I had nothing to do!"

"There is only one last chance. We must eliminate any interference, otherwise this competition will be ruined!"

On the stage, there were only a few alchemists who were not affected in any way. Three of them were the three alchemy masters. They only stared at their own alchemy furnaces and medicinal materials. , seems to have completely entered a mysterious and mysterious state of alchemy.

After entering this state, everything in the outside world seems to have nothing to do with him. In their hearts, there is only their own pot of elixir.

I heard that many alchemists were killed by their enemies after entering the mysterious realm of alchemy, and died without being noticed.

And 'Ye Lin' also entered this mysterious state at this time. No matter how others talked, marveled, or even questioned him, in his world, there was only the alchemy furnace in front of him.

More than an hour later, 'Ye Lin''s speed of entering the magic formula finally slowed down. At this time, the fragrance of alchemy was already billowing in his alchemy furnace, which indicated that the medicinal essence in his alchemy furnace had been completely integrated. This time the alchemy was completed. Entering the final stage, he will become a pill soon!

Generally, it takes six to nine days for an alchemist to refine a furnace of Heavenly Demonic Pills. However, those present were all alchemists who are proficient in alchemy. It usually takes two to three days. As for the three alchemy masters, it takes about the same amount of time. It took only one day for Ye Lin to enter the final stage in just over an hour.

In the audience, even the well-informed shopkeeper Fang Qingya looked at Ye Lin with her red lips slightly parted and her eyes extremely shocked. She was really shocked and numb by 'Ye Lin'.

"According to the speed at which he enters the magic formula, it will definitely become a pill in two or three hours. This means that Ye Lin can refine a furnace of Heavenly Demon Pill in half a day!"

"Although the efficiency of elixir refining does not represent the quality of the elixir, the efficiency alone may have reached the level of an alchemy master!"

Fang Qingya was once considered the number one figure in the Wanxian Tower headquarters, but she had met no more than five alchemy masters in total.

In her impression, every alchemy master is extremely noble and arrogant, and their alchemy attainments are also shocking. The pills they refine are even more difficult to find. It is normal for pills of the same quality to be sold at a premium of twice.

"An alchemy master is enough to support the pill business of a first-level town, and the money earned is enough to support a country with a population of 10 billion. He is known as a walking super spiritual stone vein!"

"Even if his alchemy attainments are still a little behind the alchemy master, with a little training, a breakthrough in the future is just around the corner. I, I have discovered a treasure!"

Fang Qingya looked at the appearance of 'Ye Lin' concentrating on alchemy, and her blood was boiling for a while, and her heartbeat accelerated wildly, as if she had seen a treasure that could allow her to directly break through the Nascent Soul Great Perfection!

If it weren't for the fact that the supplier competition had not yet ended, she would have rushed forward and used unprecedented enthusiasm to win him over in the public eye.

"Fang Qingya, you can't be too excited! Hold it back, hold it back!"

"If you are too enthusiastic and excited, people will think you have other intentions, and it will not be worth it in the end!"

"But I really want this boy..."

She seems to see the hope of returning to the headquarters of Wanxianlou!

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