Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 434 Main City Flight Privileges

Captain Liu said again.

"Is it that Fellow Daoist Ye has just come to Hongzhou City and has not yet obtained the privilege of free flight?"

Ye Lin then remembered that there was a law in the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty that in the major cities, Jindan-stage cultivators could fly at low altitudes, and Yuanying-stage cultivators could fly freely, but this was based on the registration with the government. Otherwise, whether it was a Jindan-stage cultivator or a Yuanying-stage cultivator, flying around in the main city was illegal, and not only might they be fined, but they might also be attacked by the main city's defense formation.

Ye Lin had practiced in the Demon-Suppressing Sect for five years and had never been to a mortal town, nor did he plan to stay in Hongzhou City for a long time, so he had no intention of coming to register.

In his subconscious, registration meant that his whereabouts were exposed, which was an unsafe behavior.

Now that his whereabouts had been exposed, and Ye Lin was still in the government, if he could register along the way, it would be much more convenient for him to come to Hongzhou City in the future.

Ye Lin heard this and said, "That's true. Captain Liu can do flight registration here, but it is indeed a bit troublesome not to be able to fly freely."

Captain Liu laughed.

"Of course you can!"

"I can also help Fellow Daoist Ye apply for the right to fly freely in all the main cities in the Xian Dynasty. With Fellow Daoist Ye's identity, the court reviewers will definitely approve it."

When Ye Lin heard this, his eyes lit up.

"It's free flight, not low-altitude flight?"

Captain Liu said.

"This flight privilege itself is to restrict some people who disrupt the order of major cities to prevent evildoers from doing evil. Since Fellow Daoist Ye is an inner disciple of the Zhenmo Sect and has killed the Soul Devouring Old Monster, there is no need to restrict Fellow Daoist."

Ye Lin asked, "I wonder what procedures are required to apply for flight privileges?"

"You just need to sign the application form and the Heart Demon Blood Oath, and take out the identity jade token of the Zhenmo Sect."

Captain Liu waved his storage ring, and two pieces of paper appeared in front of Ye Lin.

One of them was the "Zhenhai Xian Dynasty Town Flight Privilege Application Form", and the other was the Heart Demon Blood Oath to guarantee not to use the flight privilege to do things that seriously endanger the order of the town in the major towns of the Zhenhai Xian Dynasty.

Ye Lin took a quick glance and confirmed that there was no harm to him. After signing the "Zhenhai Xianchao Town Flight Privilege Application Form", he dripped blood on the Heart Demon Blood Oath, and finally took out the Zhenmo Sect's identity jade token from the storage ring and handed it to Captain Liu.

"Daoyou, please wait for a moment."

Captain Liu took Ye Lin's identity jade token and two documents and left. In less than a quarter of an hour, Captain Liu strode back and laughed twice.

"Sure enough, the procedures went quite smoothly. This is Daoyou Ye's privileged spiritual ring. Now drip blood to recognize the master."

Captain Liu waved his hand, and a flash of spiritual light flashed. Ye Lin immediately reached out and grabbed it. A ring shining with a faint blue glow appeared in his hand. There were exquisite wave patterns and small words engraved on the ring.

"Zhenhai Xianchao, free flight spiritual ring."

Ye Lin was delighted and immediately dripped blood to recognize the master.

Liu the Constable said, "It is legal for you to fly in any town of the Immortal Dynasty wearing this spiritual ring, and you don't have to worry about being attacked by town restrictions or city defense formations."

Ye Lin thanked him immediately, and then put the spiritual ring on his other hand.

The two chatted for a while, and Liu the Constable left on the pretext of starting to investigate a case. Ye Lin also left the government office immediately, and flew away directly on Xiaolan when he left.

For cultivators, not being able to fly at will is really a great restriction, and walking will waste a lot of time. Now Ye Lin can finally move freely in the major cities of Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty.

At the same time, Ye Lin is also quite relieved about the investigation of the Hongzhou City government.

Although it is often heard in Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty that government officials collude with criminals to make profits, he does not have to worry too much about this.

Ye Lin is an inner disciple of the Zhenmo Sect, and his status is extremely high. If he colludes with criminals to murder him in turn, once the Zhenmo Sect learns the news, the consequences will be absolutely devastating.

After handing the portrait of the boss of "Lao Zhang Yuanshi Wholesale Store" to Captain Liu, Ye Lin left the Hongzhou City Yamen.

During the practice, time passed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, half a month had passed.

The supplier competition day of Wanxian Building has arrived.

In the morning, in Ye Lin's room at Yuelai Inn.

A white and fat handsome boy of twelve or thirteen years old, a giant with explosive muscles all over his body and holding a dark iron hammer, and an old man with white hair and beard who looked very knowledgeable stood respectfully in front of Ye Lin.

These three people were obviously transformed from Ye Lin's spirit insects. Among them, the handsome boy was Xiaodan, the muscular giant was Xiaoqi, the golden-backed man-eating ant, and the old man with white hair and beard was Xiaofu.

It is worth mentioning that Xiaofu is actually still very young, but he likes this look that looks very knowledgeable, so he turned into an old man.

Ye Lin stood opposite them.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready!" The three people answered in unison with some excitement.

Ye Lin nodded.

"When we enter the refining or talisman making stage, I will use the soul connection method to let you control my body to refine or make talismans. Only success is allowed, no failure. Let's work hard together!"


Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and the three of them turned into spiritual light and were taken back into the ancient ring space.

At this time, a white light flashed, and a beautiful girl in a light pink palace dress appeared in front of Ye Lin. She was barefoot, with long hair down to her waist, and she was well-behaved and charming.

She tidied up Ye Lin's clothes very thoughtfully, and helped Ye Lin put on his boots with her own hands.

"Master, it's almost time."

This considerate and well-behaved maid was naturally transformed by Xiaobai.

Ye Lin nodded, directly opened the window of Yuelai Inn, and then rode Xiaolan into a blue escape light and sped towards Wanxian Tower.

In this supplier competition, it is naturally impossible for Ye Lin to reveal the spiritual insects to come out to refine alchemy and practice weapons. This is too shocking and is tantamount to directly exposing his secret. Even the spiritual insects in the alchemy stage are difficult to achieve in terms of secondary professional attainments. To catch up with normal human monks, otherwise every high-level insect cultivator could raise a large number of spiritual insects to refine pills and practice weapons, and insect cultivators would not be so rare.

Even though some spirit insects have transcendent understanding, there are very few spirit insects with talents in martial arts cultivation or realm cultivation, and in secondary professions.

Only the spiritual insects raised by Ye Lin's blood were basically as talented as normal monks in all aspects, or even worse.

Because the spirit insect cannot be exposed, Ye Lin's initial idea was to make the spirit insect look like him, and then use various methods to conceal the aura so that it would not be noticed. However, there are certain risks in doing so. If there is a strong person in the late stage of out-of-body experience, You can recognize it at a glance.

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