Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 416: Breaking the Netherworld Barrier

At this time, the old soul-eating demon who had been hiding in the ghost mist also realized that something was wrong.

"Why does this Chong Cultivator feel like he is not trying to avoid my pursuit, but has been using my hand to get rid of his two other male cultivators?"

"This person can't ruin my good deeds, right? If it weren't for the fact that this person's butt bug is so fast and difficult to deal with, I would be the first to kill him!"

"Now I'd better go and capture the royal beauty first. Judging from the extremely strong Yuan Yin energy of this girl, she should still be a virgin. If I can capture her and replenish her body, I might be able to break through directly without refining the Ten Thousand Soul Pills. Nascent Soul Realm!”

Thinking of this, the old soul-eating demon who discovered something unusual about Ye Lin had to divert his attention away from Ye Lin and locked his eyes on Situ Zhi, who was still killing ghost soldiers and generals in the nether world.

As for the conversation between Ye Lin and Xiao Shu, it was naturally through soul induction. It was impossible for the Soul-eating Old Demon to know the content of the exchange. When the Soul-eating Demon saw Ye Lin, he just summoned a white and fat snow silkworm. , his cultivation seemed to be only at the early stage of pill formation, so he didn’t pay much attention to it.

After all, in the world of immortality, everyone knows that snow silkworms are spiritual insects that are useless except for producing snow silk.

Ye Lin used his spiritual consciousness to sense that the old soul-eating demon was already running towards Situ Zhi, and he couldn't help but smile.

"This soul-eating old demon is really cooperative. If we use all our strength to prevent Xiao Shu from breaking the formation, we may have to let Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang resist. Now that the soul-eating old demon is looking for trouble with Situ Zhi, I will not even bother Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang. No need to expose your combat power.”

"As for the hero saving the beauty, I'm not very interested. Situ Zhi has no ill intentions towards me, but I can't say that she has any good intentions. However, Situ Zhi cannot die here, otherwise only me, the one with the lowest cultivation level, will survive among the four of them during the mission." If you go to the Demon Suppression Sect, you will definitely be severely investigated by the elders... If Situ Zhi is not strong enough, I can help secretly, and it is best not to let this woman notice. "

Ye Lin adheres to two major principles in the Demon Suppression Sect, one is to keep a low profile and practice hard, and the other is to make as little trouble as possible so as not to affect his practice. If it is not necessary, he does not want to have any close relationship with this princess of the Immortal Dynasty.

Since Ye Lin's divine consciousness can cover the entire Netherworld Barrier and can bless the souls of spiritual insects, Xiao Shu's divine consciousness can also cover the entire Netherworld Barrier.

Xiao Shu did not immediately fly out to look for the Formation Eye. Instead, after his spiritual consciousness covered the entire barrier, he began to make rapid calculations in his head. At the same time, he whispered softly: "From the arrangement method of the Nether Barrier, it can be seen that the soul-eating old demon He is not a person who is good at setting up formations. This person spent a hundred thousand souls to set up such a crude formation. It is really a waste of resources. It is estimated that the formation of such a crude formation is easy for Xiao Shu! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the little book turned into a white light and flew out, while Xiaolan followed closely behind carrying Ye Lin. Ye Lin made a hand seal, and thunderous sword light flashed, and a large number of ghost soldiers The ghost general was easily killed by Ye Lin to help Xiao Shu clear the obstacles.

Ye Linfei escaped for less than ten breaths when Xiaoshu's figure suddenly stopped. He waved his white and tender paws with his hands, and saw a pocket formation flag about the size of a toothpick appeared in front of him. The formation flag swelled in the wind. It soon became several feet tall, and lightning arcs were constantly flashing on the formation flag.

"The core formation eye is right here, break it!"

As Xiao Shu gave a soft drink, he saw the thunderous light of the formation flag, and then turned into a thick bolt of lightning that penetrated the heavy ghost mist, and finally was inserted into the ground with a "puff", and then the formation flag thundered with brilliance, and there were thick lines. The arc of arms bloomed on the ground.


A violent explosion sounded, and the entire cave began to shake violently. Large rocks fell like raindrops, and heart-rending sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling came from the flag formation.

It is precisely because the ghost soldiers and ghosts transformed into the one hundred thousand souls used to set up the formation will be continuously bombarded by the power of thunder!

When the formation flag flashed with thunderous light, the ghost mist in the nether world quickly became thinner, and its ability to suppress divine consciousness continued to decline. After a while, all the ghost mist disappeared without a trace, and the cave also stopped. shake.

Ye Lin showed a hint of joy.

The Netherworld Barrier was finally broken open by Xiao Shu!

Xiao Shu's little paw hooked at the formation flag, and the thunder formation flag instantly became the size of a toothpick again, and then with a flash of lightning, it flew back to Xiao Shu's paw.

Then the little book turned into a ray of light and sank into the place where the core formation eye of the Netherworld Barrier was, and flew back in a moment.

"Master, we have harvested three top-quality spiritual stones that have not yet been consumed for setting up the Nether Barrier. The remaining spiritual power is probably equivalent to two top-quality spiritual stones."

When Ye Lin heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Okay, okay, you did a great job. Now that the task has been completed, you can go back."

"As you command, Master!"

Xiao Shu's figure flashed and disappeared completely.

Just when the netherworld barrier was broken, Ye Lin heard the continuous explosions caused by the battle between Situ Zhi and the Soul-Eating Old Demon, and at the same time he also heard the Soul-Eating Demon's exclamation.

"No, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible. My Netherworld Barrier consumed a hundred thousand souls. Even a strong person in the early stage of Nascent Soul couldn't break it with brute force in less than ten days and a half. Who is it? My barrier was broken so quickly!"

Situ Zhi snorted coldly.

"The reinforcements from our Demon Suppressing Sect's Nascent Soul warriors must have arrived. Old Soul-Eating Demon, today is your day of death. Even the gods can't save you even if they come down to earth!"

"Suffer death!"

After hearing this, Ye Lin patted his chest lightly, and his face immediately turned pale as paper, and his breath became very weak, as if he was seriously injured.

Then he drove Xiaolan and fled to Situ Zhi's direction without panic. In less than three or four breaths, Ye Lin saw Situ Zhi fighting with the Soul Devouring Old Monster.

At this time, Situ Zhi once again released the Extreme Cold Blade and fought with ten shadow snakes, and the powerful Ice Phoenix summoned by the Immortal Dynasty Royal Secret Art was constantly spraying out extreme cold air to attack the Soul Devouring Old Monster.

The Soul Devouring Old Monster had many golden yellow talismans on his body, and shields of various attributes covered him layer by layer. At the same time, he also controlled the set of poison needles to continuously attack the Ice Phoenix.

But this ice phoenix has no flesh and blood at all. It is completely made of Guishui essence. It is not afraid of poison needle attacks at all. The attack of the soul-devouring old demon is ineffective. The extreme coldness of the ice phoenix makes him retreat again and again. The layers of shields on his body are also rapidly dimming, and it seems that they may break at any time.

When seeing Ye Lin already pinching his fingers and seemed to be about to cast a spell to besiege him, the soul-devouring old demon was even more terrified and roared crazily.

"Okay, okay, it's over. It seems that if I don't sacrifice my little snake today, I can't resist the siege of the two of you. Today's revenge, I, the soul-devouring old demon, will return it tenfold in the future!"

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