Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 400 Swallowing Heavenly Tribulation


The moment the silver-white lightning spewed out from the center of the calamity cloud, it turned into a thunder god general about ten feet tall, holding a thunder hammer and with extremely fierce momentum.

The Thunder God general swung the thunder hammer in his hand, and his figure flashed at the same time, appearing next to Ye Lin as if teleporting, and slammed him over.

At this time, Ye Lin's whole body was covered with ancient and strange patterns, and his pupils actually released a faint blood light. Under the robe of the Demon Suppression Sect, the muscles in his whole body had bulged one after another. When the thunder hammer hit Ye Lin, , all the veins in his body jumped violently, and a rare fierce look burst out in Ye Lin's eyes!

At this moment, Ye Lin poured all his mana into his body, then raised his fist as big as a sandbag, shouted loudly, and rushed straight towards the Thunder God General's huge thunder hammer.

Boom! !

Only a deafening explosion was heard. The moment Ye Lin's physical body came into contact with the thunder hammer, the sky turned into a silvery white, and a force of thunder surged like an air wave with Ye Lin as the center. The violent aura of destruction swept across the entire top of the Immortal Peak.

After a moment, the silver-white dazzling light dissipated without a trace, and Ye Lin's figure in the sky became surprisingly tall and majestic, while the huge Thunder God General disappeared without a trace.

This was shattered by Ye Lin's punch!

As for Ye Lin, only the Taoist robe on his body became tattered, and his whole body was wrapped in mysterious and ancient patterns, and he did not suffer any harm at all.

After practicing the "Nine Transformations of Demonic Body" to the third transformation, various body-building techniques came into play at the same time. Ye Lin's physical body has become so powerful that it is outrageous.

Even if Lei Jie turns into a thunder god, he can't hurt him at all!

Ye Lin snorted coldly and looked up at the clouds in the sky that had not dispersed but were getting bigger and thicker. Then he stretched out a finger and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Is Lei Jie so weak? It's not enough to scratch my itch."

"Give you one last chance!"

Ye Lin stepped down in the void, as if he had stepped on a hard floor. His whole body shot out with a "whoosh" like a cannonball. He actually took advantage of the last thunder calamity that had not yet condensed and formed, and plunged in. In the tribulation clouds filled with thunder and lightning arcs.

Ye Lin's wild laughter came from the calamity cloud.

"Thunder is the hexagram of Zhen, and the five elements belong to wood. There is a huge amount of wood essence in the power of thunder and calamity. Today is the perfect time to refine and swallow the power of thunder and calamity, and in one fell swoop, the quality of my wood spirit root has been upgraded to king grade!"

Every full moon night, Ye Lin can teleport to the Xunlong Secret Realm to look for heavenly materials and earthly treasures. In addition, the ancient ring space continues to cultivate heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can nourish spiritual roots. Now, almost all of his five elements spiritual roots are far away from the king. Quality is only one step away.

But this step is also the most difficult to overcome.

If there were no accidents, Ye Lin estimated that it would take him at least another year and spend several top-quality spiritual stones to devour the five-element spiritual fruits to break through all the five-element spiritual roots to the king level.

But now, Ye Lin realized that the pill formation thunder tribulation was not enough to threaten his safety, so he simply relied on his tyrannical body to fly directly into the tribulation cloud, opened his mouth, and pinched the magic formula with his hands to devour the tribulation crazily. The vast power of thunder and calamity in the clouds.

In his eyes, the thunder calamity is no longer a challenge, but has become a massive amount of wood essence that can nourish the spiritual roots!

If any other monks saw this scene, no matter what realm they were in, they would probably be horrified and sigh: "This guy is really brave, he is a monster that is rare to see in a hundred thousand years!"

In the calamity cloud, groups of lightning arcs carrying a destructive aura were swallowed by Ye Lin. After feeling Ye Lin's intrusion, a large amount of thunder power surged up crazily, wrapping him up.

The power of thunder either turned into a huge whip, or turned into a thunder sword or thunder gun. Various forms of attacks overwhelmed Ye Lin over and over again.

Only a "crackling" sound was heard. Every hair on Ye Lin's body stood on end at this moment, and he was electrocuted into a wild cat with explosive hair.

At the same time, his physical body was attacked by the power of the rolling thunder, and his skin completely turned silver-white, and the meridians all over his body bulged, as if terrifying strange snakes had penetrated his body.

Soon, Ye Lin's skin finally cracked into small holes, and silver-white blood continued to overflow from the holes. As soon as it overflowed from his body, it was electrocuted into blue smoke by the power of thunder.

However, these wounds did not grow rapidly, but continued to heal.

The two phenomena of cracking...healing and cracking...healing were constantly happening on Ye Lin's body. In the end, healing and repair prevailed.

Because the power of thunder that destroyed Ye Lin's body has been gradually refined into the essence of wood by Ye Lin.

The calamity clouds in the sky are rapidly decreasing as Ye Lin swallows them, and the power of thunder is naturally getting weaker and weaker.

After waiting for about twenty breaths, all the calamity clouds in the sky were swallowed by Ye Lin and completely refined.

The last catastrophe belonging to Ye Lin had no chance to brew, or in other words, Ye Linlun had been tried in various ways, but it didn't work, so he had to lower his head in front of Ye Lin and welcome to be swallowed up. fate.

At this time, Ye Lin's whole body was exuding a dazzling silver-white light, and in his eyes, arcs of electricity kept jumping and flashing, like the coming thunder god.

After refining the Heavenly Tribulation, his wood-attribute spiritual roots not only broke through to the king-level level, but also made great progress on the road to becoming the emperor-level spiritual root.

The power of the heavenly tribulation is indeed a great tonic!

At the moment when the tribulation cloud disappeared, Ye Lin felt the liquid mana in his dantian condensing wildly, and in less than a moment it condensed into a solid pill the size of a water droplet, shining with dazzling golden light!

This is Ye Lin's magic pill!

His mana completely turned from liquid to solid.

All his soul and consciousness were integrated into this magic pill.

From this moment on, Ye Lin's dantian became insignificant, and even the damage to his head and brain was no longer fatal. As long as the magic pill was not destroyed, the soul was not destroyed, and Ye Lin was immortal!

As the mana gathered more and more, Ye Lin's magic pill became bigger and bigger...

At the same time, Ye Lin felt that his life span was growing rapidly, and this world seemed to be cheering for the breakthrough of his life form, and the power of heaven and earth became more intimate!

But at the last moment, Ye Lin's eyes blurred and his consciousness became blurred.

In his ears, a disgusting and desperate whisper came...

This is clearly the arrival of Ye Lin's inner demon catastrophe!

"Heart demon catastrophe? I have swallowed five Heavenly Demon Pills in the past three years, and my heart demon has indeed grown. Let's see what tricks you can play to stop me from pursuing the eternal immortal way of immortality!"

It is very different from when he broke through the foundation building period. When Ye Lin experienced the heart demon catastrophe during the foundation building period, he did not understand at the first time that he was in the heart demon illusion. This is an extremely dangerous state.

Now, Ye Lin has a clear understanding as soon as he enters the heart demon illusion, and the degree of danger is naturally greatly reduced.

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