Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 396 Demon Suppression Method

Seven days later.

Ye Lin, wearing a Taoist robe embroidered with wisps of black demonic energy, was sitting opposite a white-haired man in a reception room with simple decorations.

The old man was also wearing a Taoist robe of the Demon Suppression Sect. His cultivation had reached the Jindan stage and his eyes were quite kind.

Ye Lin took out a lot of documents with seals and an identity token engraved with "Inner disciple of the Demon Suppression Sect, Ye Lin" from his Qiankun bag and handed them over.

"Brother Zhao, I have already left my life card in the life card hall of the sect. Now I come here to take away the gold list assessment rewards and related supporting items for inner disciples."

At this time, it was the first day that Ye Lin successfully arrived at the Demon Suppression Sect.

There is no doubt that Ye Lin easily passed the identity review of the Demon Suppression Sect, and after the review, he took back the jade order of the Demon Lin City Palace. Then he took the flying boat of the Demon Suppression Sect with a thousand people who passed the assessment and came to the first gate of the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty, the Demon Suppression Sect.

The sect of the Demon Suppression Sect has countless immortal peaks, and its scale far exceeds Ye Lin's imagination. However, Ye Lin did not have the opportunity to visit the sect. As a new disciple, the first task is naturally to go through various procedures and find a cave with abundant spiritual energy.

According to the entry process of the Demon Suppression Sect, the first step for the disciples is to apply for an identity token, leave a life card mark, and receive the Taoist robe of the Demon Suppression Sect disciples, and memorize the "Demon Suppression Sect Sect Rules".

Ye Lin has completed the first step.

After dripping blood on the identity token and the token is successfully made, Ye Lin officially becomes a cultivator in the Demon Suppression Sect.

The white-haired old man surnamed Zhang checked the documents submitted by Ye Lin one by one, and then stroked his beard and said slowly: "Junior Brother Ye, please wait."

As he said, he cast several spells on the wall behind him. Not long after, the seemingly ordinary wall shook slightly and gave birth to a light black strange bird's head.

The old man put Ye Lin's documents and identity jade token into the bloody mouth of the strange bird. The strange bird narrowed its eyes and retreated back into the wall.

In less than a moment, the wall shook again, and the bird's head appeared again. It opened its bloody mouth and spewed out several exquisite Qiankun bags.

Ye Lin's identity token was also spewed out.

The old man first returned Ye Lin's identity token, and then grabbed one of the Qiankun bags and opened it. One after another, pale golden jade slips flew out of the Qiankun bag and landed in front of Ye Lin.

"This is the "Demon Suppression Method" that our disciples of the Demon Suppression Sect must learn. It was created by the founder of our sect. It is of the best grade of the Earth Grade. After practicing this method, you can enhance your magic power and soul strength, and comprehend many means of killing demons."

"The menial disciples of our sect can only practice the first level, the outer disciples can practice the second level, and the inner disciples can practice the third level for free. If you want to obtain the formulas of the remaining two levels of the method, you need a lot of demon suppression points to exchange."

"The "Demon Suppression Method" is very difficult to practice, and it requires refining a large amount of demon energy. Under normal circumstances, it is enough to be able to cultivate the third level of the "Demon Suppression Method" in the Nascent Soul Realm. It is shameful to say that you are old and have been an inner disciple for more than a hundred years. Now the "Demon Suppression Method" has not yet broken through the third level."

Ye Lin heard this and his face was happy. Then he put the formulas of the first three levels of the "Demon Suppression Method" into the Qiankun bag.

The internal skill that Ye Lin is practicing now is the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" created by the ancestor Xunlong. It is a genuine heaven-level skill, which is naturally much stronger than the "Demon Suppression Method".

But it is difficult for Ye Lin to practice the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" to the fourth level in a short period of time. This "Demon Suppression Method" can just fill this short-term gap.

Seeing Ye Lin's surprised look, the old man nodded with satisfaction, and then opened another Qiankun bag, and a bulging spirit stone pocket and a small porcelain bottle flew in front of Ye Lin.

"This is the reward for Junior Brother's eighth place on the gold list in the entry assessment, which are five top-grade spirit stones and a bottle of medium-grade Heavenly Demon Pill."

"I have to say that Junior Brother can get such rich resources just after entering the door, which really makes Senior Brother extremely envious. You know, Senior Brother's salary for a hundred years is not worth five top-grade spirit stones, let alone such a precious Heavenly Demon Pill."

Ye Lin naturally accepted it without saying anything, and said modestly: "It's just that Junior Brother is lucky and won the ranking by chance."

The old man smiled, and naturally didn't believe that the eighth place on the gold list could rely on luck.

Then, the old man opened another Qiankun bag, and a scroll immediately floated out of the Qiankun bag. The old man pointed at the scroll, and the scroll automatically unfolded slowly.

This is also an ink painting, with towering fairy peaks one after another. Most of the fairy peaks have a red flag next to them, and a few fairy peaks have blue flags and gray flags.

The old man said: "According to the sect rules, every inner sect disciple can choose a fairy peak in the sect to open up a personal cave, and the fairy peaks suitable for inner sect disciples to live in are divided into four grades: A, B, C, and D. The higher the grade, the more abundant and rich the spiritual energy. At present, my sect has three fairy peaks for A-level inner sect disciples, thirty fairy peaks for B-level inner sect disciples, three hundred fairy peaks for C-level inner sect disciples, and tens of thousands of fairy peaks for D-level inner sect disciples."

"These fairy peaks with red flags represent that there are people living in them and they are in a stable period, while the fairy peaks with blue flags represent that they are in a period of competition and need to obtain the right to live through the fairy peak competition. Gray flags represent that no one lives there and can move in immediately."

Ye Lin heard this and scanned a scroll carefully.

There is no doubt that the more popular fairy peaks of grade A and grade B are all inhabited, only two of the grade C fairy peaks are in the competition period, and there are a lot of vacancies in the grade D fairy peaks.

The old man said: "With your cultivation level, I suggest you not to have any ideas about the grade C fairy peaks. I heard that there are already dozens of masters in the sect who are interested in these two fairy peaks. The battle for the fairy peaks of these two fairy peaks will be held in ten days. Junior brother has read the sect rules and should understand what the battle for the fairy peaks is."

Ye Lin nodded.

"Just take a look. Junior brother is self-aware and has no idea about the grade C fairy peaks."

The competition between the inner disciples in the Zhenmo Sect is much more intense than that in the Taixuan Sect. According to the sect rules, the stable period of the grade A fairy peak is fifty years, the stable period of the grade B peak is thirty years, and the stable period of the grade C fairy peak is twenty years.

After a stable period, there will be a month-long competition period. During this period, all inner sect monks who want to take over the fairy peak can challenge the original owner. Those who defeat the original owner and all other competitors can take over the fairy peak.

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