Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 393 The Final Competition

In the huge square outside the examination venue, many monks who had been meditating for the previous four days finally opened their eyes.

For them, this first-door examination drama has only begun now.

According to the convention of every mixed examination, the first four days are just the initial competition among the examinees. On the last day of the examination, almost all the examinees have a lot of points. As long as they are defeated, they can get thousands or tens of thousands of points at once, which is many times faster than the speed of earning points by killing the demons and sea monsters.

Therefore, all the monks who want to be on the gold list will give up killing demon beasts and demons on this day, and change their hunting targets to examinees with a lot of points.

The ranking of points on the gold list will also be turbulent.

In order to show the fairness and justice of the examination process, the Demon Suppression Sect will also show the experiences of the top ten top geniuses on the gold list to the monks watching the examination through magic projection.

The host of this examination, Fairy Han Ning, who had been in a closed state, also opened her beautiful eyes at this moment.

She calmly glanced at the list hanging from the sky, shining with a faint golden glow, and then pointed her jade finger at the golden list, which immediately split into two, then into four, and finally ten new, slightly smaller golden lists appeared. Then, clouds and mist rolled on the ten new golden lists, and then the picture gradually became clear.

In the painting, there were figures of male and female monks one after another. They were either sitting cross-legged in meditation to restore their magic power, or fighting with sea monsters in the deep sea, or on the edge of the demon storm, surrounded by darkness.

Above their heads, extremely dazzling numbers were flashing, reminding them of their ranking in this assessment.

Many monks who watched the assessment were excited when they saw this scene.

"It's started, it's started. The aura of the points token is starting to grow. The more points you have, the stronger and easier it is for other cultivators to sense it. Moreover, on the last day, even if you are defeated, you will still retain your points, and your points will not be reset to zero because of defeat. This makes the cultivators who are taking the assessment more fearless!"

"Hey, isn't there something wrong with the top ten on this list? Nine of them should be the genius disciples of the big forces in our Xian Dynasty, but the ninth examinee named "Ye Lin" has never been heard of. There seems to be no one with the surname Ye among the first-class famous families in our Xian Dynasty. Could he be a talent cultivated by a second- or third-rate family?"

"This person seems to be an extremely rare insect cultivator!"

For a while, many cultivators were attracted by Ye Lin's picture...

Ye Lin, who was still in the assessment space, also knew that his every move was likely to be watched by many people. This feeling made him very uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to focus his attention on the assessment again.

"It seems that it will not be easy to maintain the current ranking!"

At this moment, not only Ye Lin's score token aura was amplified, but all the cultivators were the same. Ye Lin only needed to sense it slightly to feel that there were hundreds of strong auras coming from the surrounding sea, and these people must have sensed him.

Not long after this happened, the number above Ye Lin's head flashed from "nine" to "ten", and after a few breaths, it flashed again and became "eleven", completely falling out of the top ten.

Xiao Bai stretched out his head: "Master, it seems that other examinees have begun to rely on hunting cultivators to quickly gain points. If we don't take action, I'm afraid we will soon fall out of the top dozens."

Ye Lin nodded.

"In this case, let's start to act!"

As soon as Ye Lin finished speaking, he directly locked his target on the person with the strongest aura of the score token among the hundreds of auras nearby. Xiao Lan "whooshed" and carried him into a long blue rainbow, quickly away from the demon storm, and flew out of the storm at a high speed.

There is no doubt that around this group of demon storms, Ye Lin, who has more than 20,000 points, is the most terrifying existence. When the aura of his points token is fully exposed, it is like a small sun in the dark night.

The slightly weaker cultivators around were frightened and turned around and ran away after feeling the aura of the token. Only a few strong ones approached Ye Lin cautiously, as if they wanted to test the truth and find an opportunity to hunt him down.

Now, Ye Lin suddenly rushed out at lightning speed. Many people who tried to get close to Ye Lin were frightened and their faces changed drastically, but as Ye Lin approached, they finally sensed Ye Lin's cultivation aura.

"How is it possible? This person is just a late-stage foundation-building cultivator?!"

"It's really God's help. As long as I defeat this person, I can get tens of thousands of points and directly get on the gold list!"

These cultivators who dared to attack Ye Lin were either a team of several foundation-building great perfection cultivators, or Tianjiao in the early stage of Jindan. After sensing Ye Lin's aura, their hearts beat wildly and they fell into surprise.

Even if some cultivators still wondered why a late foundation-building cultivator could pass the imperial examination and be at the edge of the demon storm, they could no longer think about it.

Because the blue light that Ye Lin had transformed into was already within reach!

One of the female cultivators in the early stage of the Jindan stage, who was closest to Ye Lin, showed excitement on her face. She pointed her jade finger at Ye Lin's escape light, and two small white jade swords turned into cold light and shot out.

Unexpectedly, a lightning and golden sword light also flew out from Ye Lin's side. The two white jade swords collided with the lightning and golden sword light in just a blink of an eye. Sparks flew everywhere and the swords flashed.

In just three breaths, the two white jade swords released by the female cultivator in the early stage of Jindan were beaten back by the lightning and golden sword light.

Before the female cultivator in the early stage of Jindan was surprised, a huge black shadow seven or eight feet tall appeared behind her body. It was Xiaoqiang who lurked in the past and turned into a wild beast.

Xiaoqiang roared ferociously, and the huge magic blade and magic knife in his hands condensed instantly, and then stabbed towards the female cultivator in the early stage of Jindan.

The female cultivator felt the terrifying power contained in Xiaoqiang's attack and her pretty face turned pale instantly.

"Not good!"

She didn't even have time to retract the two white jade swords. After she made a hand gesture, her body shrank instantly and turned into a snow-white dove. She flapped her wings and turned into a white light and disappeared on the spot.

But the white light didn't fly far. Suddenly, a "puff" sound was heard, and the dove's body stopped instantly, with a look of horror on its face.

The dove's head had been completely pierced by a sparkling, crystal-clear ice arrow.

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