Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 391 Demonic Storm on the Sea

The silver stream of light paused more than a hundred feet away from Ye Lin, and then turned into a muscular man with a beard and nine feet tall. The giant man stared at Ye Lin as if he were staring at delicious prey. A ferocious look on his face.

As for his cultivation, he has already achieved the Perfect Foundation Establishment. It is no wonder that after sensing Ye Lin's cultivation in the later stage of Foundation Establishment, not only did he not have any scruples, but he became extremely arrogant.

Although the reference requirement of the Demon Suppression Sect is to reach the foundation building stage at the age of thirty, in fact among the more than one million monks, there are almost no early foundation building monks. Even the middle stage foundation building monks are very few. Most of them are foundation building. Later cultivation.

The strong man patted the Qiankun bag on his waist, and three blood-red, walnut-sized beads immediately appeared in his hand. The strong man made a seal with his hand, and the three blood-red beads immediately flew into the air, and at the same time, his size increased dramatically.

"Hahaha, boy, do you know you are afraid of me? These three top-quality spiritual weapons, the Blood Demon Beads, were made by me after painstaking efforts to collect a variety of precious materials!"

"You are lucky to be defeated by my precious Blood Demon Bead!"

As he spoke, the three blood-colored beads had swelled to the size of a millstone, and at the same time they released balls of blood-colored mist that completely enveloped them.

"Go! Grind this man and his spiritual insects into pieces for me!"

The strong man pointed at Ye Lin, and three blood demon beads shot out of the air with a "swish" sound, reaching a distance of a hundred feet in the blink of an eye.

Just when the Blood Demon Bead was about to hit Ye Lin and Xiao Lan who were sitting down, they saw an inconspicuous cockroach lying on the back of Ye Lin's hand, only the size of a fingernail, holding a small golden sword and aiming at the Blood Demon Bead casually. One stroke.

There was only a "swish" sound, and a golden half-moon-shaped sword energy flashed away, completely dividing the Blood Demon Pearl in the blink of an eye.

The strong man who originally thought that Ye Lin was too frightened to escape was slightly startled when he saw this scene. Then, as if he had seen a ghost, his face was as pale as paper. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and turned around and ran away.

"This, this is impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

It turned out that the three blood demon beads were split into two the moment they were struck by the golden sword energy. Then Ye Lin waved his hand and put the broken blood demon beads into his Qiankun bag smoothly.

The spiritual weapon was destroyed, and the soul imprint left by the strong man was naturally gone. Ye Lin put it away with the intention of throwing it to Xiaoqi to repair it.

Although Ye Lin is now worth a lot of money, and the best spiritual weapon is no longer a peerless treasure to him, it is still worth some money. Since someone gave it away for free just after entering the assessment, it would be too disrespectful for him not to want it.

The strong man came and ran quickly. In less than a moment, the man had fled more than ten miles away in fear. At this time, he was still doubting his life.

"This is impossible... That is the top-quality spiritual weapon that I spent so many precious treasures to refine. How could it be destroyed just once after taking action... That person is by no means an ordinary late-stage foundation-building monk. I What the hell kind of luck is it that I have provoked such a terrifying existence just after entering the assessment space!”

"Fortunately, the man didn't catch up."

But before he could finish speaking to himself, he saw an extremely sharp golden light flashing through the sea water, and then just heard a "puff", and the golden stream of light completely penetrated the strong man from bottom to top. .

The strong man's eyes widened...

I saw a flash of blue light in the sea, and the insect cultivator who was riding the giant butt insect in the late stage of foundation building slowly rose up from the water. He showed a kind smile to the strong man.

"I accepted Fellow Daoist's top-quality spiritual weapon and point token. As Fellow Daoist said, if you want to blame it, it's all about Fellow Daoist's bad luck."

Then the figure of the strong man fragmented into ten streams of light and merged into Ye Lin's body.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin was not surprised at all, but took out a jade token that read "Demon Suppression Sect Assessment Order". The jade token said twenty, and at the same time, the aura of the token also increased. a bit.

This Demon Suppression Sect Assessment Token cannot be put into the Qiankun Bag and can only be carried with you. Its purpose is to accumulate assessment points. The more assessment points you have, the stronger the aura of the token itself will be.

In other words, all monks in this assessment space can easily confirm the assessment points of other monks.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the increase or decrease in assessment points, Ye Lin drove the Butt Bug towards the west without stopping, to a sea area where the sky was obviously extremely gloomy.

In the space of the dreamy mountain and sea map, killing people and seizing treasures can only be truly achieved by seizing treasures, but killing cannot be achieved. What Ye Lin just killed was actually the phantom of this strong man, and his true body was already about to come. The moment of death was transported out of the assessment space by the dreamy mountain and sea map.

Under normal circumstances, no one will die if they participate in the assessment of the five major sects.

Otherwise, millions of foundation-building monks with high potential would die every quarter, and even an Immortal Dynasty with an outrageous number of monks would not be able to bear it.

The reason why Ye Lin headed towards the gloomier sea area to the west was because Ye Lin suspected that that was where the demons gathered. Although diving into the seabed to kill the sea monsters could also increase the assessment points, the points for killing the demons of the same realm would be increased. The reward is double that of the Kraken.

Moreover, Ye Lin's soul is powerful, and the Heavenly Demon in the Foundation Building Stage and the Pill Formation Stage poses very little threat to him. Killing the Heavenly Demon is definitely much easier than killing the Siren.

Along the way, Ye Lin noticed the escaping lights of monks around him. It seemed that they were all going for the demon. However, it seemed that because they were all in the late stage of foundation building, no monks took the initiative to take action against Ye Lin.

Ye Lin was not interested in killing other passing monks to get points. Now these monks only had ten points in total, so it was not worth it.

Whoosh whoosh...

As Ye Lin got closer and closer to the gloomy sea, the originally calm sea surface began to gust, and layers of waves kept rolling and chasing on the sea surface.

The sky was also covered with dark clouds, and silver-white lightning kept falling...

In the storm, you can vaguely see groups of black gas wandering around, and occasionally you can see fire and sword lights flashing, as if the monks are fighting with the demons, but the style of these monks is extremely cautious, and almost all of them suddenly attack in hiding.

Regardless of whether they succeed in killing the demons, they will use various escape techniques to hide again.

"There are probably already one or two hundred cultivators who have sneaked into this sea area to kill the demons and attack other competitors. There will be more and more in a while. It seems that there are not many sea areas where demons appear in the assessment space, so they have become a hot commodity."

"The demons in this outer area are rare, and their strength is generally only at the middle stage of foundation building. Killing a demon can only get two points, and there are too many people and too little food, which is not conducive to accumulating points quickly. Let's rush directly into the center of this sea area!"

"Understood, master!"

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