Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 387 Another magic weapon, the Golden Sword

Ye Lin's consciousness first entered the ancient ring space and came to the alchemy factory.

Xiao Dan said: "Master, the difficulty of refining this Heavenly Demon Pill is almost at the same level. Currently, Xiao Dan can still refine it with his alchemy skills. The success rate is acceptable, but most of the quality is low-grade."

"In addition, after swallowing too much of the Heavenly Demon Pill and the Peiyuan Pill, the efficacy of the medicine will decrease. The side effect of the Peiyuan Pill is that it is easy to become unstable, and the side effect of the Heavenly Demon Pill is that it is easy to breed inner demons."

Ye Lin frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Then how many pills do you estimate would have been consumed before the medicine would be completely ineffective?"

Xiao Dan said: "The grades of the two elixirs are very similar, about fifty pills each."

The prescription for the Peiyuan Pill was naturally given to him by Elder Sun before he entered the ancient teleportation array. At that time, a total of thousands of jade slips were given to Ye Lin, including not only many prescriptions, but also some spells and formation books.

Ye Lin said: "Since the upper limit of the number of swallowed pills is limited, swallowing too many low-grade pills will cause blood loss, and the side effects will be greater. So don't worry about refining the Peiyuan Pill and the Heavenly Demon Pill. Wait until you finish the top-grade pills." After the spiritual weapon alchemy furnace is warmed and cultivated into a magic weapon, your alchemy attainments can also be further improved. At that time, you can refine a small part of the elixir to help me achieve the foundation-building perfection. The subsequent elixirs will be Wait until you condense the magical elixir before refining it. By then, you should be able to refine high-quality or even top-quality elixirs."

"Xiao Dan understands."

Although both elixirs have certain side effects, Ye Lin is now focused on seeking speed and can no longer care too much.

Moreover, the side effects of unstable realm can be solved by spending more time to solidify the foundation after breaking through the realm. As for the breeding of inner demons, Ye Lin is not afraid. Now that his state of mind is quite stable, he can just kill the inner demons in time when he finds them.

Then, Ye Lin arranged for Xiao Dan to start calculating the formulas for the experimental mutant Pei Yuan Dan and the mutant Tian Mo Dan. Since these two pills have a limit on the swallowing limit, it is natural that the stronger the medicine, the better. Use the Ancient Ring Space The mutant elixir refined from the mutant spiritual plants cultivated in it completely surpasses ordinary elixirs in terms of medicinal efficacy.

Ye Lin now has a lot of spiritual stones. With the seeds of spiritual herbs and elixirs, it can be said that the mutant spiritual herbs of high age can be easily captured.

Just when Ye Lin was about to exit the Gujie space, he was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then he saw thunderclouds rolling in the sky, and soon formed a thunder vortex.

At this moment, Xiaoqiang's excited voice came.

"I have been cultivating this top-notch spiritual weapon, the Flying Sword, for such a long time. Today, I finally have the results. Let the thunder calamity come more violently. I have nothing to fear!"

A smile also appeared on Ye Lin's face.

It seems that he needs another low-grade magic weapon that can drive the enemy.

Ye Lin's figure flashed and came to Xiaoqiang's side. The excited Xiaoqiang opened his mouth, and a golden sword light shot out from his mouth and flew towards the center of the thunder vortex.


The high-pitched sword chant resounded between heaven and earth.


A thick electric snake tore through the sky and slammed into the golden sword light released by Xiaoqiang. The golden sword light only paused for a moment, and then continued to fly into the sky, as if it was going to rush into the center of the calamity cloud and smash the thunder calamity into pieces.


Immediately afterwards, another thunderbolt flashed away, but it was still steadily endured by the sword light. Not only did the flying sword not suffer any damage, but it became more and more powerful after absorbing the power of the thunderstorm.


Another thunder ripped through the sky, and the sky and the earth turned into a silvery white. The majestic power of thunder once again enveloped the flying sword shining with golden light, but this most powerful thunder disaster still could not hurt the golden color. The flying sword is the slightest.


The golden light of the flying sword flashed like a small sun rising, and it made a joyful sword chant.

After surviving the thunder tribulation, this flying sword has a weapon spirit and a certain amount of wisdom.

The calamity cloud in the sky dissipated without a trace at this moment, and the golden flying sword turned into a thin golden sword light that circled around Ye Lin and Xiaoqiang.

Xiaoqiang's flying sword is called Jin Hong. Its main body is made of 100,000-year-old black iron mixed with black steel and a large amount of Geng metal energy. It is characterized by its unusual sharpness. Bought at a large auction in Menfang City.

Before this, Xiaoqiang had been carefully nourishing the Jinhong Sword with the majestic Gengjin Qi and essence and blood, and rarely used it against enemies, so his sense of presence was never too strong. But now that he has achieved a low-grade magic weapon, he can use it as he likes Cast.

Next, Ye Lin naturally touched Xiao Qiang's head, then stroked the blade of the Jin Hong Sword, said some words of encouragement, and fed a lot of blood from the main battle spirit worm, and then withdrew from the ancient ring feeling a little weak. space.

After swallowing a blood-replenishing pill, Ye Lin began to use the method of gathering energy. A large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth was attracted by Ye Lin. As it continued, a spiritual energy cyclone shining with light blue light was formed above Ye Lin's head. Zhen's spiritual energy was continuously sucked into Ye Lin's body. After circulating for a long time, it flowed into Dantian and turned into pure mana.

Ye Lin, who was practicing, had a slight joy on his face.

"Although I cannot run the "Yin Yang Harmony Technique" with my senior sister to improve my practice efficiency, the spiritual energy in Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty is so abundant that my practice efficiency has not been reduced, but has been greatly improved."

"The past few days will be used to stabilize the realm in the late stage of foundation building. After joining the sect, we can move towards the perfection of foundation building, and then break through to the core formation realm."

Although Ye Lin was anxious, he also knew that the reason why he broke through the late stage of foundation building so quickly was due to the Peiyuan Pill he swallowed in the secret realm. After breaking through the late stage of foundation building, Ye Lin had no time to concentrate on stabilizing his realm. Now he finally found an opportunity.

At present, Ye Lin has many skills waiting to be practiced, such as the fourth level of the Tianjie Mental Method "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue", and the body-building techniques "Hundred Refinements to Support the Sky" and "Ten Thousand Poisons Mysterious Body". If these two skills are further improved, Ye Lin will be able to enter the state of great perfection, and the strength of his physical body will be greatly improved.

However, this must be placed after breaking through the Dan.

Not long after Ye Lin entered the state of meditation, the flying boat began to fly steadily towards the capital of Zhenhai Xian Dynasty. As Ye Lin expected, no one dared to block the flying boat of Wanxian Tower, and no accidents happened along the way.

During the practice, time passed quickly. In just a blink of an eye, six days and six nights had passed, and Ye Lin finally opened his eyes with satisfaction.

"The late stage of foundation building should be very stable now. I can move towards the great perfection of foundation building with confidence in the future."

Calculating the time, the flying boat will arrive at the Zhenhai Imperial Capital within a day. Ye Lin stood up and stretched his waist. Just as he was about to open the door to go out and appreciate the exotic scenery below the flying boat, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Lin was slightly stunned, and then opened the door.

He saw a monk wearing monk's robes and kind-looking standing at the door.

The monk put his hands together and said to Ye Lin: "Amitabha, my Buddhist name is Fakong. May I ask if you are going to the imperial capital to participate in the entrance examination of the five major sects?"

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