Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 382 Mortal Fishing Boat

Ye Lin didn't know that the mysterious monk in the bamboo hat he encountered was the famous Lord of the Demon City, a big man who could be ranked in the entire Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty, and his cultivation had entered the Out-of-Body Stage five or six hundred years ago.

If not, he would have been shocked for a long time.

At this time, Ye Lin was riding Xiaolan, rushing all the way to the east.

In his opinion, the monk in the bamboo hat was definitely an existence he couldn't afford to offend. He was afraid that the Infant-killing Pearl he used to save his life would not pose any threat to this person. As for him, a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage, he was no different from an ant or mayfly.

Whether the monk in the bamboo hat was hostile to him or not, it was always right to stay away from such a strong man.

Along the way, even if Ye Lin encountered a large group of demons, he didn't have much intention to kill them.

After speeding on the sea for three days and two nights, Ye Lin finally saw a huge shadow standing on the sea from the boundless sea horizon in the early morning when the sun just rose.

Ye Lin showed a hint of surprise.

Xiaobai, who was wrapped around Ye Lin's wrist, couldn't help but raise his snow-white head.

Xiaoqiang, who had been hiding in Ye Lin's sleeves to practice, also climbed onto the back of Ye Lin's hand.

The spirit insects were also delighted.

After flying over the surface of the Demon Sea for more than 20 days, they finally saw a larger piece of land.

Xiaobai exclaimed: "Even though we are still thousands of miles away, we can still see the immortal mountains standing on the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty. Some of the higher peaks are tens of thousands of meters, which is much larger than our Xunlong Mountains. I don't know how many cultivators live there."

Xiaoqiang's eyes lit up.

"There should be a lot of precious treasures here..."

Ye Lin laughed.

"There should also be a lot of suitable places for practice. We have to inquire about the specific situation of the major sects before making a decision."

Although Situ Yu and his sister had introduced a lot of basic information about the major forces to Ye Lin, these two people had never even left the palace on weekdays, and their understanding of the world was only through travel novels. It was obviously unrealistic to expect them to tell Ye Lin some details.

Therefore, Ye Lin had to find out about the various sects of Zhenhai Xianchao, such as whether they recruited disciples at a fixed time or at any time, what conditions were required for entry, and what kind of treatment they could enjoy after entry.

As Ye Lin rushed along, the vague shadow of the land gradually enlarged in Ye Lin's field of vision. From a distance, the entire Zhenhai Xianchao was like an ancient giant turtle crawling on the water, with a higher terrain in the middle and lower terrain around.

Ye Lin occasionally saw a series of stunning lights across the sky. These stunning lights were clearly the light of the monks coming and going, and the number of monks gradually increased...

However, these monks obviously kept a distance from Ye Lin and did not interfere with each other. At present, no one came to talk to him actively.

Suddenly, Xiaoqiang pointed his pliers at the sea and exclaimed.

"Master, look, there seems to be a mortal fishing boat there!"

Ye Lin was slightly stunned, and curiously looked in the direction pointed by Xiaoqiang. As expected, he saw a sailboat that looked smaller than a thumb sailing on the sea.

Ye Lin was puzzled.

"It's really a mortal thing, but this is the Sea of ​​Demons. Although it is the outermost area and close to the Demon City, there may be demons in the Qi Refining Stage occasionally. Moreover, the seabed is not ordinary fish and shrimp. There are monsters with certain cultivation in the shallow sea, and monsters in the Foundation Establishment Stage are also very common in the deep sea. Can mortals still fish in this environment?"

As Xiao Lan flew quickly, the figure of the sailboat continued to enlarge in Ye Lin's eyes.

To Ye Lin's surprise, this sailboat was not a mortal thing as he imagined. If it was placed in the Immortal Cultivation World of Xunlong Mountain Range, it would be a genuine treasure of the immortal family.

Judging from the breath, this is a top-grade magic weapon flying boat. The size of the sailboat is not small. The hull is thirty feet long and is made of tough black iron. The hull is covered with layers of simple glittering forbidden runes to further strengthen the protection of the sailboat.

Ye Lin estimated that it would take some effort for ordinary cultivators in the early stage of Foundation Establishment to destroy this sailboat.

On the side of the flying boat, there were burly sailors standing. There were both men and women, all dressed in mortal clothes, plain and simple. What surprised Ye Lin was that all of these sailors had the fourth or fifth level of Qi training, and they were all body-training cultivators.

In the immortal cultivation world of Xunlong Mountain Range, body-training cultivators were not common.

And here, Ye Lin saw hundreds of them at once.

They held javelins with ropes hanging on them, their eyes were as sharp as blades, and they were aiming at the stern. Not long after, two sailors used a rope to let down a huge monster that was tied up. The monster screamed and roared in fear in the water, and soon the water surface was boiling and rolling continuously.

Huge black shadows rushed towards the bound monster. These black shadows turned out to be sea monsters, including lobster monsters, crab monsters, water snake monsters, clam monsters...

They were obviously attracted by the bound monster and rushed to devour it. When these sea monsters bit the thick fur of the bait monster.

A series of piercing sounds of "swoosh, swoosh, swoosh" were heard. The sailors on the ship who had been ready for a long time threw the javelins in their hands with great force. The sharp javelins instantly pierced the bodies of the sea monsters, and the sea monsters began to struggle and scream.

However, the sailors on the boat were all excited at this time and began to pull the ropes in their hands.

The spearheads of those javelins should be coated with poison, and the sea monsters that were stabbed soon lost their breath, and then the huge crabs, lobsters, and octopuses were dragged onto the sailboat by the sailors.

"It's really a fishing boat going out to sea to fish, but the prey they hunt is the low-intelligence monsters in the sea!" Ye Lin was very surprised.

At the bow, a white-haired old man with a red face seemed to have seen Ye Lin watching the fishing in the sky and did not leave, so he smiled and waved at him.

"If you are interested in watching the sailors hunting, you might as well come to the boat to watch it up close, and take a break and taste the Lanhai Spirit Tea that I have collected."

The old man's cultivation is not low, he has reached the initial stage of foundation building, and he seems to be the person in charge of this fishing boat.

Ye Lin was just lacking the opportunity to inquire about the news. The old man invited him, and he naturally would not refuse. He randomly took Xiaolan and landed on the bow. The old man patted the Qiankun bag on his waist.

A flash of inspiration came to them, and a coffee table and two simple cushions appeared in front of the two.

The old man smiled and seemed very kind.

"Please sit down, Taoist friend. I will make tea for you right away."

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