Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 360 Infant-killing Pearl

The name of this Insect King Pill sounds very powerful, and Ye Lin happens to be the Holy Body of the Insect King, which makes Ye Lin full of expectations for the efficacy of the refined Insect King Pill.

Elder Sun waved his sleeves again, and saw two fist-sized balls shining with dark red light appearing in front of him. An aura that made Ye Lin's heart beat radiated from the balls.

Elder Sun said: "This is a one-time treasure, the Infant-Destroying Pearl!"

"As the name suggests, this small round ball contains the power to kill the monks in the early stage of Yuanying. Even if the monks in the middle stage of Yuanying eat one by surprise, they will still lose their skin without dying!"

"However, you kid must be careful when using this Baby Killing Bead. The explosion diameter of the Baby Killing Bead is about ten feet. If it explodes within ten feet, it will definitely hurt you. But if it is thrown ten feet away, a strong Nascent Soul will definitely be injured." Be alert and there is a certain possibility of escaping in advance.”

"So the actual use of this baby-killing bead is not as powerful as imagined. Its correct use is to intimidate the enemy!"

"As long as you hold the Infant-Destroying Bead in your hand, the enemy will definitely be wary and not dare to approach easily. After all, no one except a madman will bet on whether you have the guts to die with them."

"You only need to drop a drop of blood to recognize the master and hide it in your belly. When you have a thought, the Infant-Destroying Pearl can fly out to deter the enemy. I have now entered the Nascent Soul Realm. This Infant-Destroying Pearl is very useful to me. It has no use anymore!"

Hearing this, Ye Lin thanked his master again and without any further excuses, he bit his finger and dripped two drops of blood.

The crimson light of the Baby Killing Bead flickered, and Ye Lin immediately formed a strange connection with it. As long as he thought about it, the Baby Killing Bead could explode instantly, unless it was an opponent who could suppress his soul and influence his thoughts. There is no way to stop Ye Lin from exploding the infant-killing bead.

Ye Lin opened his mouth, and the Baby Killing Beads shrank quickly, and soon turned into two crimson rays of light and flew into Ye Lin's mouth. He only heard a "dong" sound, Ye Lin's throat moved, and he swallowed the two Baby Killing Beads. In the belly.

Elder Sun stroked his half-black beard and nodded with satisfaction.

"Coupled with the backup plans your senior sister has left for you, it should be much safer for you to go to the outside world."

As he spoke, Elder Sun stood up and stretched.

"The great catastrophe is coming. There is no need for mothers-in-law among grown men. You go back and prepare carefully. At noon the day after tomorrow, I will take you to the ancient teleportation array!"

As he spoke, Elder Sun was about to go to the hut to continue meditating and consolidate his realm.

Ye Lin smiled mysteriously.

"Master, wait a moment, my disciple also has some thoughts that he wants to give to the master."

"Oh? Is it possible that you got some rare wine again?" Elder Sun asked curiously.

Ye Lin shook his head, and with a wave of his hand, he saw hundreds of old spiritual herbs and elixirs shining in five colors, and small porcelain bottles floating in front of him.

Elder Sun was slightly startled, his eyes widened.

"Good guy, these spiritual herbs are at least two thousand years old, and there are many six or seven thousand years old... Old man, I have lived for so long in my life, and this is the first time I have seen such a large number of high-year spiritual herbs."

"The five elements of energy in the spiritual grass are also terrifyingly abundant!"

Ye Lin said: "These spiritual grasses have undergone some mutations and are very suitable for spiritual insects to devour. Master can feed them to high-level spiritual insects. Their cultivation progress will surely reach a higher level, and their physical bodies will gain the essence of the Five Elements." The tempering of Qi will also be more powerful. In addition, Master can also use it to practice the Five Elements Kung Fu, which can get twice the result with half the effort."

Elder Sun laughed heartily and without any hesitation, he put these spiritual herbs and vials into the storage ring with a wave of his hand.

"What's in these vials?"

Ye Lin said: "The foundation-building pills refined from these mutated spiritual grasses can easily allow the spirit insects stuck in the bottleneck of Qi Refining to break through the foundation-building stage, and they can also quickly improve the cultivation level of the spirit insects in the foundation-building stage. "

When Elder Sun heard this, his eyes widened again.

"So many foundation-building kid, you are really beyond the pale. You have more pill reserves than the alchemy room in our sect!"

"Hahaha, old man, I do have a large number of spiritual insects that are stuck in the bottleneck of the Qi Refining Stage Dzogchen and have been unable to break through. With these pills, I will be able to have seventy or eighty more Foundation Establishment Stage spirit insects in a few days, haha Haha, it’s so spectacular when you think about it!”

"Okay, you have your heart. The spiritual herbs and elixirs are of great use to the old man. As a teacher, I will accept them all without politeness. You can go back and spend more time with the girl. She is the daughter of a family, so she only treats you." It’s the most reluctant to give up.”

Ye Lin bowed slightly to Elder Sun, then drove Xiaolan into a rainbow and flew away.

Elder Sun stared at the direction where Ye Lin disappeared and murmured softly.

"Although I know that you have some shocking secrets, I didn't expect that this secret might be much bigger than the limit of my old guy's knowledge."

"Does this kid have a legendary fairy weapon on him?"

"No, no, I have to go back immediately to seal part of my memory, otherwise there is a risk of leakage. The girl is not afraid of being searched for her soul, but I am very scared, old man!"

"Hey, I don't know when these two guys will bear fruit and give birth to a baby or something... It will be super interesting if we can watch ants with the baby!"

Ye Lin did not fly directly back to his residence, but flew all the way towards the Zhenbao Pavilion in Taixuanmenfang City. As early as yesterday, he had agreed with Su Lingwei, the owner of the Zhenbao Pavilion, to meet today.

After all, Ye Lin is about to leave, and there will be no continuous supply in the future. In addition, under the dual influence of the war between good and evil, the future of the Treasure Pavilion is not optimistic. Ye Lin is now one of the behind-the-scenes bosses of the Treasure Pavilion, so naturally he has to discuss a countermeasure.

Not long after, Ye Lin met Su Lingwei, a fairy in the middle stage of Jindan with a graceful figure and beautiful appearance in the Treasure Pavilion.

Su Lingwei did not seem to be annoyed by the worrying future of the Treasure Pavilion. It seemed that she had made psychological preparations for the Treasure Pavilion to be cold. After Ye Lin arrived, she first teased Ye Lin as a big sister as before, and then she was very worried about Ye Lin's safety after going to the outside world, and talked with Ye Lin about many rumors about the outside world.

Then, the two talked about the business of the Treasure Pavilion.

Although Ye Lin has some worth at present, he can make more money. The Treasure Pavilion is his industry that he has finally obtained, and he does not want to see the Treasure Pavilion destroyed, so he has already thought of a compromise countermeasure.

He will keep a small number of alchemy and weapon refining insects and give them to his senior sister for safekeeping, and transfer the shares of Treasure Pavilion to her.

In this way, the cooperation between Treasure Pavilion and Ye Lin will not be affected in any way, and his senior sister will also be able to keep secrets for him.

At the same time, this batch of insects will not only supply Treasure Pavilion, but also supply Taixuan Sect at a low price, which will contribute to Taixuan Sect's response to the great catastrophe of righteousness and evil!

By leaving a small number of insects, Ye Lin can quickly cultivate new insects, which will not have much impact on the production capacity of his various assembly lines.

Su Lingwei heard that although Ye Lin had left, the supply was still continuous. She was originally desperate, and she ignited a blazing fire of hope again. She was so excited that she almost forgot her daughter's reserve and gave Ye Lin a few bites.

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