Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 358 Senior Sister Gifts the Great Movement Talisman

Ye Lin was slightly stunned.

He used to be used to the days when his senior sister and master would not give him many cultivation resources and treasures.

But now, Ye Lin has barely gained some strength, and there is no possibility that giving him some cultivation resources or treasures will make him develop a dependent mentality.

Moreover, the current situation is very different from the past. Now they are about to separate, and they don’t know when they will meet next time, so the prohibition that the master has given to the senior sister before is no longer necessary.

I saw a flash of light in the hands of the senior sister, and she first took out a spirit stone bag from the ancient ring space.

"This is because my junior brother has made great contributions in the secret realm before, smashed the conspiracy of the three major sects of the Demon Alliance, and saved the lives of the foundation-building geniuses of our three sects of the righteous path. The reward is a total of 6 million spirit stones."

Ye Lin was delighted and directly accepted the spirit stone bag containing six pieces of top-grade spirit stones.

To be honest, now is a critical moment for the righteous alliance, and the three major sects are tightening their belts to live. Ye Lin thought that there would be no rewards, but he didn’t expect that the heads of the three major sects would be quite generous.

This may be because he is going to the outside world, where the products are abundant and the prices are much higher than those in the Xunlong Mountains. If he has no money, he will have a hard time going out.

Three rays of light shot out from the jade hand of the senior sister again, and three brocade boxes appeared in her hand.

"These are three mid-grade magic weapons, and they are also rewards from the three major sects for you. You can use them after you have formed the elixir."

As he said that, the three brocade boxes opened automatically at the same time.

The first brocade box on the left hand side contained a fist-sized small shield shining with a faint golden glow.

The second brocade box contained a crystal sphere shining with electric light, and a frightening breath of destruction came from it.

The third brocade box contained a long sword shining with a faint blue glow. The moment he opened the brocade box, Ye Lin felt the temperature around him suddenly drop.

Ye Lin laughed and put all three brocade boxes into the Qiankun bag.

"Our headmaster has always been generous to me, but I didn't expect that the heads of the other two sects would be good this time."

Senior sister said: "They probably want you to have more support after you enter the Jindan stage. If it weren't for the fact that the top-grade magic weapons are the foundation of the sect, giving them to you would further weaken the combat power of our righteous alliance. I'm afraid they would have to give you two. This is not because Taiji Sect and Taicang Sect have become generous, but because you are the hope of winning the war between good and evil."

Ye Lin nodded.

He doesn't have any mid-grade magic weapons yet. These three can be used after he advances to the Jindan stage. The shield is naturally prepared for him, and the thunder and lightning bead is prepared for Xiaobai who is good at thunder magic, and the icy long sword is prepared for Xiaoqiang.

It seems that the three major sects have carefully considered the preparation of treasures. They know what Ye Lin lacks and what can be used and what cannot be used.

Ye Lin asked curiously, "What about the treasure that Senior Sister wants to give to Junior Brother?"

Senior Sister rarely gave him things, and they were so close, so Ye Lin was looking forward to what Senior Sister wanted to give him.

Senior Sister smiled slightly and stretched out her jade hand. A sparkling light appeared in her hand, and soon a crystal clear white jade lotus flower gathered.

Then Senior Sister raised the white jade lotus with her jade finger. When she raised the lotus flower, it kept shrinking. Then she pinched her fingers with one hand and pointed at Ye Lin's forehead with the other hand.

The lotus mark on Ye Lin's forehead, which was originally very dim, instantly became unusually clear, and it also shone with a faint fluorescence.

Ye Lin clearly felt that the lotus flower that Senior Sister had planted on his forehead had become more powerful, and even had super power!

And at this moment, Senior Sister's pretty face was slightly pale, as if she had spent a huge price to plant this lotus flower for Ye Lin.

Ye Lin's face changed, and he asked with concern.

"Sister, how are you?"

Sister smiled sweetly and shook her head slightly.

"It's okay, it just consumed some blood and a little life span. Sister will be able to break through the Nascent Soul in a few years. Life span is still long."

Although Sister said so, Ye Lin still felt distressed.

Sister said again: "Junior brother, listen carefully, this lotus planted for you can be activated three times, its ability can attack and defend, the defense ability can make the Nascent Soul cultivator helpless within an hour, and the attack power is enough to make the Nascent Soul cultivator retreat, but it can keep you safe until Junior brother grows up."

As soon as the sister finished speaking, she waved her jade hand again, and a glittering talisman appeared in her jade hand.

"This is a great teleportation talisman. It can only be made when a cultivator in the Spiritualization Stage has the power to break through the space of our world. After using it, there shouldn't be too many in our world. Once this talisman is activated, it can break through the space and teleport 10 million miles, but it is impossible to determine where it will be teleported to."

"If you are in a desperate situation, you can use this talisman to escape."

This time Ye Lin hesitated.

"Sister, this thing can also save your life... I don't want to..."

Before Ye Lin finished speaking, he saw the other jade hand of the sister flash with a flash of light, and another identical talisman appeared.

"I knew you would say that. Sister has another one, just accept it!"

Ye Lin had no choice but to accept this extremely precious great teleportation talisman, which might even be more precious than all his belongings.

I have to say... Senior Sister is really a rich woman. Ye Lin thought that after obtaining the spirit stone ore and tens of millions of spirit stones, his assets might exceed Senior Sister's...

In fact, he thought too much.

Senior Sister is not an ordinary Jindan cultivator, as can be seen from the fact that she can calmly deal with the ghost master in the early stage of Yuanying.

"No, that's all." Senior Sister seemed to be in a good mood.

Ye Lin smiled and hugged Senior Sister... closed the doors and windows... covered with a quilt... and had a good dream all night.

The next morning, perhaps because the dream was more unrestrained, Senior Sister disappeared early again. When Ye Lin woke up, the sun had climbed over the hillside.

Ye Lin simply washed up and flew to the small courtyard where Master lived on the butt bug Xiaolan.

As soon as he entered the small courtyard, Ye Lin heard bursts of crying.

"Xiao Qiang... you died so tragically..."

"Xiao Qiang, you died so far away that your body couldn't even be buried in your hometown..."

Faced with this familiar drama of life and death, Ye Lin was speechless.

The two guys, the knife mantis and the sword mantis, were either cursing themselves to die or cursing Xiao Qiang to die, but strangely, every time he heard them curse like this, Ye Lin felt very relieved, and there would definitely be nothing serious wrong.

Ye Lin did not disturb Xiao Qiang and his two masters' reunion, and went straight to the outside of Elder Sun's hut.

When the senior sister saw Ye Lin coming, her pretty face blushed slightly, and then she made a cup of hot tea for Ye Lin.

"Master didn't sleep in today, he was meditating and practicing, and he should be out soon."

Ye Lin nodded and thought for a while.

When he left, he naturally had to leave some treasures for his master.

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