Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 356: Linking Farting and Kendo

"In addition, they all have excellent aptitude. Although they are only in the initial stage of foundation building now, it is not impossible for them to catch up with you in a few years."

Song Lingtian and Wang Changsheng were shocked again when they heard this.

Generally, insect cultivators regard the spiritual insects they have raised with all their efforts as treasures, and rarely lend them out. What surprised them most was that Ye Lin was confident that the cultivation of the two butt insects might catch up with them in the future.

Their current cultivation is in the middle stage of foundation building.

Since Ye Lin said that this is a life-saving thing, the two did not refuse Ye Lin's kindness. They stretched out their hands and the two butt insects flew to their fingers.

The more slippery Wang Changsheng patted the Qiankun bag and took out a jade box. When he opened the jade box, he felt the heat wave rolling. A spiritual herb shining with a fiery red glow was placed in the jade box.

"Little guy, do you want to eat it? This Chiming grass is worth hundreds of spiritual stones. If you want to eat it, you have to call me big brother..."

Then the butt insect raised its butt.


A cloud of black poisonous mist sprayed out and enveloped Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's face was instantly blackened, and a foul smell spread out.

The butt bug said with disdain: "Although the master's friend is our friend, how can a friend give this kind of junk food to this butt bug? If you don't have more than a thousand spirit stones of fire attribute spirit grass, don't bring it out to embarrass yourself. The master asked me to come here to work, no problem, but I have to make sure I'm full!"

Wang Changsheng, who was holding his breath: "..."

He complained wildly in his heart, this is too picky.

After that, Wang Changsheng had to take back the red ming grass worth hundreds of spirit stones, and took out a fire attribute spirit grass that was more than 500 years old. The butt bug ate it without saying a word, and swallowed it completely in less than three breaths.

Then it wiped its mouth.

"Fat brother is generous! Thank you for feeding me!"

Wang Changsheng smiled bitterly.

"Brother Bug, can you remove the word fat?"

The bug said: "It's not impossible to negotiate, but you have to pay more."

Wang Changsheng: "..."

This is not a bug, it's clearly a spiritual stone borer...

Song Lingtian on the side had already hidden far away, trying to hold back his laughter.

Naturally, he also wanted to communicate with the bug that Ye Lin lent him, but because of Wang Changsheng's previous experience, he learned to be smart and asked the bug on his finger directly and kindly.

"Brother, I wonder how old and what kind of fire attribute spiritual herbs you like to eat on weekdays?"

The butt bug said: "On weekdays, I only eat some spiritual herbs that are about 700 to 800 years old. Those that are 300 to 500 years old are usually used as snacks. As for the type, I don't have much requirements. I am easy to feed and not picky about food."

"In addition, my hobby is swordsmanship. I heard that you are also a sword fanatic. We should have common interests. I will learn more from you in the future."

Song Lingtian: "???"

No matter how you look at it, this fingernail-sized butt bug doesn't look like a butt bug that knows swordsmanship. And how can farting and sword practice be connected together?

Song Lingtian thought that this butt bug was joking with him, but unexpectedly, the butt bug said with some dissatisfaction.

"Forget it, I'll show you my swordsmanship. My master praised me for my creativity and said I should continue to develop it."

The fingernail-sized buttocks flew out with a whoosh, and then a small blue sword light spurted out. The blue sword light flashed and several willow branches by the lake were cut off in an instant, and then it easily pierced a stone.

The buttocks flew over.

"Although my farts cannot condense fart sword energy, it is already very easy to condense sword light. Now you should believe it, right?"

At this time, Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian were already stunned, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

I didn't expect that farting and sword practice can really be connected together...

I've learned a lot.

Song Lingtian looked at the buttocks and his eyes seemed to be shining.

"I understand it. My understanding of swordsmanship has deepened to a deeper level!"

As he said, he bowed respectfully to the buttocks.

Ye Lin and Wang Changsheng were puzzled and asked in unison: "What did you realize?"

Song Lingtian said: "Some ancient books on swordsmanship record that everything can be a sword. A true swordsman has no sword in his hand, but has a sword in his heart. This is the realm of swordsmanship. I didn't quite understand it before, but now that I have seen farts become swords, I finally understand the meaning of this sentence."

"In the future, I will also practice more and different forms of swords."

The fart bug's eyes also flashed with brilliance, as if it had found a confidant in life.

"Just for your words, we will be brothers in the future. When I farted for the first time, many companions around me laughed at me. Only the master and you appreciated me!"

"However, brothers are brothers, and the food can't be bad. Treat brothers with delicious food and drink!"

Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian were all black for a while.

They found that Ye Lin's spirit insects all have a common characteristic...that is, they are greedy, and they eat super well. Ordinary cultivators can't even afford to raise one.

At this time, they were all horrified.

Ye Lin has tens of thousands of spirit insects, how can he afford to keep them all...

Sure enough, Ye Lin's extraordinary strength was not obtained out of thin air, but was piled up with huge bags of spirit stones.

Song Lingtian was not polite and directly took out a fire attribute spirit grass that was more than 600 years old and let the butt bug devour it.

Wang Changsheng went to the lake to wash his face, and then came to Ye Lin and Song Lingtian again with a stench all over his body.

"Well, the three of us have known each other for so many years. Even if we say too many words of gratitude, it will seem superficial. Fatty, there aren't any good things here that you like, and some things are inherited items. It's inconvenient to take them out. The only thing you can take is What comes out is this "Comprehensive Interpretation of Three Hundred and Thirty-Three Ancient Characters". I hope it can help you in some small way after you go out. "

Ye Lin was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Wang Changsheng's skills in making talismans are superb, and ancient characters are the core of making talismans. Although this book explaining ancient characters is not Wang Changsheng's core opportunity, it must be extremely valuable to the person who makes talismans.

At this time, Song Lingtian also took out a jade slip.

"I know that you are not very interested in swordsmanship, but your spirit insect Xiaoqiang is a master of both swords and swords. This is a middle-level metal swordsmanship technique that I obtained in the secret realm. It is called "Tiangang Sword Technique". As long as you use it If you practice to the first level, you can generate extra Gang Feng when you swing the sword. If you practice to the second level, you can generate Gang Qi. And to the third level, you can activate the indestructible Tiangang Sword Qi with each piece. I hope It may be of some use to you.”

Ye Lin naturally accepted the order and had no reason to refuse.

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