Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 349 The demon cultivator escapes, and the calamity cloud descends

As a result, the Haoqi Demon Trapping Array was short of manpower, and the originally closed barrier light curtain disappeared instantly.

An old man from the Righteous Alliance exclaimed: "Not good, this is the Xuanming Sect's treasure, the Ancient Demon Corpse King, whose cultivation is comparable to the late Nascent Soul stage, and only the Nine-Nine Return to One Sword can resist it!"

The Return to One Sword, which was originally chasing the Nascent Soul, turned its sword tip and slashed at the huge corpse. Unexpectedly, the corpse shrank rapidly, and no one knew what secret method was used. In a few flashes, it disappeared without a trace.

A middle-aged man's cold voice came from the horizon.

"It takes three top-grade spirit stones to activate the Ancient Demon Corpse King to attack once. Now that the person has been rescued, only a fool would continue to fight with you in the hinterland of the Xunlong Mountains!"

"This time, our Demon Alliance suffered a great loss. We will definitely ask you to get it back one by one in the future!"

The voice became farther and farther away, and then disappeared completely.

Elder Sun, who was sitting on a stool, eating melon seeds and watching the show, could not help but be shocked and angry, and his beard stood up.

"The demon side really has a backup plan. The three guys' Nascent Souls just ran away like this. What a pity, it's really a pity!"

The Nascent Soul is best at escaping, and the escape speed is extremely fast. Even if Ye Lin can't see the escape trajectory of the Nascent Soul, he doesn't need to guess that at the moment when the barrier of the Haoqi Demon Trapping Array was broken, the three Nascent Souls were already free to fly and fish to jump, without any constraints.

From the appearance of the Ancient Demon Corpse King of the Xuanming Sect to the destruction of the body of one of the Righteous Alliance, to the disappearance of the Ancient Demon Corpse King and the successful escape of the three Nascent Souls, it seems like a long time, but in fact it is no more than three breaths in total.

Everything changed too quickly, and the situation of this battle was completely changed.

Fairy Youquan also sighed.

"It's a pity. In this battle, one cultivator of the early Nascent Soul stage died on the side of the Demonic Alliance, and the bodies of the other three were destroyed. They also lost at least a hundred years of their lifespans by using forbidden techniques."

"The Righteous Alliance also lost the body of a patriarch of the middle Nascent Soul stage, and the arrangement of this double formation also consumed at least six pieces of top-grade spirit stones. If we talk about gains and losses, there is no doubt that the Demonic Alliance suffered far more losses than us."

"But we were just a little bit away from killing them all. It felt like a big mouthful of fat meat was delivered to the mouth, but it fell to the ground after only a small bite."

Fairy Qingyao smiled faintly and said, "In any case, as long as Junior Brother can return to the sect safely, our goal has been achieved."

As it was confirmed that the Demonic cultivators had left the Xunlong Mountains, the battle with the Demonic Alliance was declared completely over, and the Nine-Nine Demon Slaying Sword Formation was also withdrawn.

Many Jindan cultivators from the Taixuan Sect landed on the Xuanniao flying boat one after another, while the Jindan cultivators from the other two sects took the flying boats of other sects to return to the sect together.

There were a total of 27 Jindan cultivators from Taixuan Sect who came to participate in the arrangement of the Nine-Nine Demon Slaying Sword Formation. Ye Lin had never seen most of them. On weekdays, they should be stationed outside or practicing in seclusion. There were also some familiar faces to Ye Lin, such as Zhu Hufa, Wang Hufa, and Zhan Yue Zhenren.

What surprised Ye Lin the most was that Zhang Guanshi from Lingshou Peak was one of them.

This woman actually changed from a middle-aged young woman to a beautiful woman in her thirties in just a few days. At this time, she had black hair and a graceful figure, and exuded the powerful aura of a Jindan cultivator in the early stage.

Ye Lin remembered that his senior sister had told him that Zhang Guanshi entered the secret realm mainly to find a natural treasure that would help break through the Jindan realm. Ye Lin also asked Zhang Guanshi in the secret realm, and she had indeed found it.

However, Ye Lin did not expect that Zhang Guanshi had survived the Jindan thunder tribulation and condensed the magic pill just a few days after leaving the secret realm, and stepped into the Jindan realm in one step!

Ye Lin and Manager Zhang were quite familiar with each other, and they said a lot of congratulations. Manager Zhang had broken through the Jindan stage, his life span had greatly increased, and he also participated in this demon-slaying mission, so he was naturally very happy, and he reached out and touched Ye Lin's head with a smile.

In the past, they were in the same foundation-building stage and were of the same generation.

And now, she has stepped into the Jindan stage, and she is one generation higher than Ye Lin, so she can use the smile and touch the dog's head again.

Ye Lin was quite emotional in his heart, which made him feel like a middle-aged aunt suddenly turned into a young big sister...

As for other Jindan cultivators, they occasionally talked to Ye Lin, all of them were smiling and very polite to him, without any airs of senior masters.

After all, Ye Lin's current name is well-known to everyone in the Xunlong Mountain Range cultivation world, and today's battle between the top masters of the righteous and evil paths broke out because of him.

The Xuanniao flying boat floated in the sky, and after waiting for a long time, a middle-aged monk dressed in white, dressed like a scholar, with slightly white temples, and a white-haired old woman also landed on the flying boat.

These two people are both Yuanying monks of Taixuan Sect. The middle-aged monk dressed like a scholar is one of the people who set up the Haoqi Trap Demon Array, and his name is Taixuan Book Immortal. Not long after landing, he found a corner and sat down, holding an ancient book in his hand, reading with relish.

The old woman is one of the people who presided over the Jiujiu Demon Slaying Sword Array, and her name is Huanjian Zhenren, who is an extraordinary Yuanying-level sword immortal.

Seeing that all the cultivators of Taixuan Sect had returned to the Xuanniao flying boat, when Fairy Youquan was about to urge the Xuanniao flying boat to fly to the sect, Elder Sun on the side stared at the sky and suddenly said: "Hehehe, everyone, I'm afraid you have to wait for the old man."

When saying this, Elder Sun's eyes actually revealed a trace of excitement and madness!

Ye Lin was shocked and hurriedly looked up at the sky, but because the sky had just experienced the battle between Xuanniao and Blood Knife Patriarch, there was not even a cloud in the sky, and he did not see anything unusual.

Many Jindan cultivators on the flying boat looked at Elder Sun in confusion, and some Jindan cultivators seemed to be thinking about something.

And the three Yuanying cultivators, Fairy Youquan, True Man Huanjian, and Taixuan Book Immortal who was reading a book infatuatedly, all looked up at the sky at the same time, and their faces became slightly solemn.

Fairy Qingyao on the side suddenly grabbed Ye Lin's hand nervously and held it tightly. Ye Lin could even feel that the body of the senior sister was trembling slightly, as if she was afraid!

At this time, Elder Sun stood up, picked up the wine gourd on his waist and took a big gulp.

During this period, the originally cloudless sky suddenly became overcast, and a heavy thundercloud like a whirlpool was gathering and expanding.

Ye Lin could vaguely see that the thick arcs in the thundercloud were constantly flashing and jumping, and a breath that made anyone tremble with fear emanated from the thundercloud.

This is——the robbery cloud!

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