Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 341 Situation and Interception

On weekdays, Ye Lin has always been a relatively rational person. When he could die at any time, it may be the most beneficial choice for him to escape to the world outside the mountains with vast seas and skies.

But for Ye Lin, abandoning everything and leaving alone was more uncomfortable than dying.

When Ye Lin said this, Fairy Qingyao shook her head slightly, and crystal tears rolled down her face. She looked at Ye Lin with extremely soft eyes.

She was definitely the most reluctant person to let Ye Lin leave.

Elder Sun coughed twice and said earnestly: "Young man Ye, don't think too beautifully. Letting you leave is not to ask you to abandon everything. On the contrary, it is to make you bear everything!"

"You still don't know the current situation of the Righteous Alliance and the situation of the war between good and evil. Old man, I will tell you first."

"The Demonic Alliance is not much weaker than our Righteous Alliance, and they have also received support from forces outside the mountain. They are continuously training and delivering mid-level combat forces for the Demonic Alliance. About ten years later, they will be in the foundation building period. The fighting strength of the Danjie period will overtake us."

"As for the Nascent Soul level powerhouses who are the top fighting force, in order to win this war in one fell swoop, the Demon Alliance has spared no effort to refine the corpses left by many Nascent Soul level powerhouses in the past. The souls of the Nascent Soul masters have become ghost demons. Generally speaking, they are not much less powerful than those of our Righteous Alliance."

"If we just look at the strength of our good and evil sides, we can say that we are still evenly matched. If we continue to fight, the outcome is still uncertain."

"But the Demonic Alliance also frantically united the three large earth demon tribes in the cave, and promised that after victory, our Daxuan Dynasty will be divided among the earth demons to be captive and tortured at will!"

"You should know that the power of each large earth demon tribe is only slightly weaker than our three major sects. They have six or seven Nascent Soul Realm Shura alone, and the number of earth demons in the pill forming stage and Qi refining stage It’s even more than our three major sects combined, and there are as many Earth Demon warriors as there are in the Qi Refining Period, ten times the total number of disciples from our three major sects!”

"Currently in the caves, the three major earth demon tribes have begun to slowly gather. They may burst out of the caves in the Xunlong Mountains at any time. The ferocious and brutal earth demons will devour everything like locusts!"

"The old man is not trying to inflate the enemy's ambition to destroy his own prestige. From the current situation, our Righteous Alliance is at a huge disadvantage, and the possibility of winning this war between good and evil is extremely low."

"And if you want to stay, we will send Nascent Soul Realm combat power to protect you at all times. In this way, our top Nascent Soul Realm combat power will be at an even more obvious disadvantage!"

"With your strength, staying here will not only not help the situation of the war between good and evil, but will also be a huge drag. Do you understand, kid?"

When he said this, Elder Sun had become extremely serious. Elder Sun's nickname was the old naughty boy of Taixuan Sect. Ye Lin had never seen his master so serious and tough.

Ye Lin opened his mouth, but was speechless for a moment.

Elder Sun continued.

"The decision to let you go to the outside world is not a personal decision between me and the girl, but a vote made by all the Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses in our three major sects. For this, we paid a huge price and repaired a building leading to the outside world. Ancient teleportation array!”

"Your trip to the outside world this time is definitely not to take refuge in the past and abandon everything, but to shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the entire Xunlong Mountain Range Righteous Alliance!"

"Only by going to the outside world can you grow to the Nascent Soul Realm stably. When you come back then, even if you are unable to become invincible in the Xunlong Mountain Cultivation World, it will still be enough to tilt the balance of victory in our favor!"

"The reason why you are the most special person is because you are our hope to turn the tide of the entire war!"

Although Elder Sun's voice was not loud, every word seemed to explode in Ye Lin's mind like thunder, echoing in Ye Lin's mind.

He squeezed the senior sister's hand tightly. At this time, he could not say a word, but his body could not stop shaking slightly.

He couldn't convince his heart to leave alone like this.

He also dared not imagine what kind of dangers his master, senior sister, and his familiar friends would face if he left, and what they would do to survive the war between good and evil. It was even possible that they would fall when they did. Ye Lin didn't know it at all.

But he could not refute the master's point of view and deny that the decision made by the three major sects was the best choice.

If he stays, he will indeed become a dragster.

If he goes to the outside world to achieve Nascent Soul and then returns, he will indeed have the ability to turn things around.

His emotions at this time were extremely depressed, his heart was in a mess, and for a moment he didn't even know how to make a decisive decision.

At this moment, a bloody rainbow flashed across the horizon, and a giant bloody scimitar that was ten feet wide was seen slashing hard at the defensive light curtain of the Black Bird Flying Boat.

Just hearing a "boom" explosion, the flying boat trembled violently, and the defensive light curtain surrounding the flying boat also flashed ripples.

At the same time, in the sky, a small mountain-like meteorite fell down with a long tail of fire. Although the airship flew extremely fast, the meteorite also followed it like a shadow.

At the same time, the billowing demonic energy erupted, and another skull dozens of feet high suddenly condensed and blocked the front of the flying boat. The skull opened its mouth wide and spit out clouds of purple-black poisonous mist. , completely wrapping the entire spaceship.


The meteorite hit the magic light curtain of the flying boat, and the rubble exploded. The flying boat shook violently again, as if it would fall apart at any time. The defensive light curtain of the flying boat shook violently again, but it did not break.

A cold light flashed in the beautiful eyes of the fairy Youquan. She pointed at the black bird statue, and suddenly the whole flying boat was covered with rolling waves of fire. The purple-black poisonous gas was completely burned by the fire waves in just a breath.

"Bold demon evildoers, dare to come to the core area of ​​my righteous alliance to make trouble!"

At this moment, Ye Lin felt four extremely terrifying auras completely wrapped up the black bird flying boat from top to bottom.

The Demon Alliance actually sent four Yuanying Realm masters into the hinterland of the Xunlong Mountains to kill Ye Lin just after he came out of the Xunlong Secret Realm!

A cold and piercing laugh came.

"Fairy Youquan, if you are wise, hand over Ye Lin obediently. Once we are happy, we may be able to let the three of you live!"

Another strong man's voice came.

"If not, if we break into the flying boat, not only will you die, but you, an old woman, may also lose your integrity. I have coveted the fairy lady for a long time."

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