Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 334 Human World, Spirit World, and Immortal World

Ye Lin traveled around the world, extremely afraid that he would be kidnapped, and even more afraid that someone would impersonate him and completely replace his identity, so he researched all kinds of information related to the kidnapping very thoroughly.

To seize the house, the benefits are high, but the risks are also terrifyingly high.

It has been recorded in many ancient books that if the person whose body is taken away has a strong will and a noble state of mind, even if the person who uses the body-taking technique is several levels higher in strength, he may still fail.

Of course, this is only to say that there is a certain possibility. Generally speaking, if the soul strength difference between the person who is taken away and the one who takes the body is too big, the one who wins in the end is most likely to be the one who uses the body taking.

This is also the fundamental reason why the remnant soul of ancestor Xunlong is so confident that he can successfully occupy Ye Lin's body.

Once the body is taken away successfully, the person who takes the body will have everything of the person who was taken away, including longevity, memory, and opportunities.

Once the body seizure fails, all memories of the body snatcher, including the origin of the soul, will belong to the person whose body was taken away.

When Ye Lin heard that Ancestor Xunlong asked him to relax, he naturally thought of the possibility of encountering a body snatcher. Although this was unlikely, after all, at first it could only be confirmed that this was the consciousness clone of Ancestor Xunlong.

But even if the possibility was extremely small, Ye Lin still made a quick calculation in his heart. After confirming that he was blessed by the souls of the spiritual insects and was not afraid of the opponent, he obediently stepped forward to relax and gave up resistance. appearance.

Moreover, Ancestor Xunlong has already shown that he has the strength of the Yuanying old monster. If Ye Lin resists, he will not get any good results, so it is better to retreat instead of advancing.

After successfully devouring the remnant soul of Ancestor Xunlong, Ye Lin suddenly turned pale after a brief period of sobriety, and his head suddenly stung. A large number of memory fragments about Ancestor Xunlong began to merge with his own memories bit by bit. .

Even Ye Lin, who had amazing endurance, couldn't help but hold his head tightly at this time, curled up on the ground, and kept moaning in pain.

The sequelae of seizing the body have appeared!

Whether it is the winning party or the losing party, when experiencing memory fusion, not only will they experience unimaginable pain, but they will even be affected by the memory of the other party!

For example, a kind person is taken over by an evil person, but the evil person fails and merges with the kind person's memory. The kind person receives a large number of evil memories, and his personality is very likely to change. From not even daring to kill a chicken, he became a murderous maniac.

If you want to reduce the impact of this sequelae, you can only have a strong will, constantly recognize yourself, suppress the desires from memory, and persist for a long time, and you can slowly get rid of the impact.

This is also the reason why no one uses the extreme method of successfully seizing a body to strengthen the soul.

"I am Ye Lin from the Taixuan Sect, a close disciple of Elder Sun, the younger brother of my senior sister, Fairy Qingyao, and the person she likes. I am the only bloodline of the ancient Ye family, and I am the owner of the ancient ring of the Insect Emperor. , I am the friend and master of all spirit insects, Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, and Xiaolan..."

In pain, Ye Lin kept reciting silently, constantly reminding him of his identity and what kind of person he was, in order to reduce the impact of the ancestor Xunlong's memory and understand what was his own memory and what was from The memory of ancestor Yu Xunlong...

Slowly, Ye Lin's memory and the memory of Ancestor Xunlong were gradually separated in Ye Lin's soul space... At the same time, Ye Lin could detect the memory fragments of Ancestor Xunlong with just a thought. content.

This person's main life experience is not among the memories of this fusion. The first memory fragment Ye Lin saw was that the ancestor Xunlong had already broken through the realm of transformation on a small island in the endless sea. .

He was still dressed very casually, sitting cross-legged and looking at the sky.

"The induction to the spirit world is getting stronger and stronger, but the induction to the human world is getting weaker and weaker. Now living in the human world for one day will consume ten days of life. The human world can no longer tolerate me. Ascension The spiritual world is imminent!"

"It's ridiculous to say that I have spent thousands of years, and finally it is difficult to find an opponent in this world. In the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent, among the billions of monks, who doesn't know my name as the Dragon-seeking Taoist? Now I want to ascend to the spiritual world and become one." Ants!"

"In the spiritual world...there are nine heavens. Only by surviving the ninety-nine heavenly tribulations, becoming the legendary Mahayana Feather Immortal, and ascending to the ninth heaven to obtain the talisman to guide the immortal world can we break through time and space and become immortals, and achieve great achievements. The immortal immortal!"

"The road to cultivating immortality is so long that it would make anyone despair..."

"However, no matter how difficult and dangerous the road to immortality is, Pindao must go on unswervingly and regardless of the cost. Until the moment when he becomes an immortal, Pindao will definitely use his great magical power and great immortal method to resurrect you!"

"This is Pindao's promise to you!"

At this point, Ancestor Xunlong suddenly fell silent, his expression became sad, and his heart was extremely painful. However, Ye Lin did not obtain the relevant memory as to why he had such emotions.

After a long time, Ancestor Xunlong let out a long breath and clenched his fists.

"Compared to other monks who are still struggling on the vast immortal road, Pindao has at least mastered the information of receiving the Fu Zhao in the immortal world. He is ahead of them by an unknown amount. The final winner on the immortal road will definitely belong to Pindao!"

"The spiritual world is full of dangers. Before ascending, you must have some backup plans. Otherwise, if you make a wrong step, there will be no hope. This is not a situation I want to face!"

"Then the "Two-Split Soul Forbidden Technique" is quite suitable. If I can split part of the soul and successfully leave a consciousness clone, even if the original body dies, the clone can take over the new body, return to the spirit world and merge the soul fragments preserved in the place of death, and I can have an extra life."

"It's just a pity that there may be one more unlucky peerless genius in this world. I hope I will never reach the stage of taking over the body. After all, the sequelae of taking over the body are huge, and any cultivator cannot bear it. Even if the sequelae are successful, they will be affected by the memories of others. At that time, am I me, or am I him?"

Then, Ye Lin saw the Taoist Xunlong return to the Xunlong Xiuxian World. Countless cultivators in the entire Xunlong Xiuxian World were boiling because of the return of the Taoist Xunlong. The major forces of the righteous and evil ways, even the super strong ones of the earth demons, sea monsters, and river monsters, all came to pay homage to the Xunlong ancestor.

He found a time to publicly announce that he would open a forum to preach, and left the Xunlong Secret Realm for future generations to explore and seek opportunities, and began his ten-year layout.

Ten years later, the Xunlong Mountains were filled with powerful cultivators, including tens of thousands of Yuanying masters and hundreds of thousands of out-of-body masters.

Amid the astonishment, envy, and admiration of the crowd, the Xunlong Patriarch used his great magical power to break through the void, bathed in spiritual light, and stepped into the mysterious gate of the spiritual world in one step, successfully ascending to the spiritual world!

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