Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 318: Tricking the Spirit Stone Mine Mother

Xiaobai heard this and had no choice but to take back the Heavenly Thunder Sword magic weapon, while Liu Qingqing also looked at this scene in great horror.

Ye Lin felt that the blood in his body was constantly draining away rapidly, and at the same time, a translucent figure in the shape of a blood-colored cotton ball, about one foot tall, was emerging next to him.

The Lingshi Mine Mother itself is an invisible thing, but because it swallowed Ye Lin's blood and did not digest it quickly, it appeared!

As the Lingshi Mother sucked more and more blood, Ye Lin seemed to have a strange connection with the Lingshi Mother.

Slowly, Ye Lin could sense the emotional state of the ore mother.

It... is very excited and intoxicated at this time!

Ye Lin showed a wry smile and mustered up the courage to reach out and touch the cotton-like thing. He felt it was cold to the touch, but soft and soft.

"Well, you should understand the difference between a full meal and a full meal, right?"

Although Ye Lin has successfully established some soul connections with the Mine Mother, this connection is still very weak, and he is still far away from completely controlling the Mine Mother.

In other words, the Mine Mother has sucked a lot of Ye Lin's blood, but Ye Lin is still not its owner. It can only be said that he can communicate with it, and the Mine Mother has a certain affection for him.

The ore mother in front of him was so big. If he kept sucking blood like this, Ye Lin would turn into a human being and fall completely in a short time. Naturally, he was scared in his heart.

Gulu gulu gulu...

A series of bubbles sounded.

This is definitely not human language, but Ye Lin can translate the meaning of "GuluGuluGulu".

Lingshi Mine Mother officially responded to Ye Lin's previous words.

It says... it tastes good, tastes good, tastes good... drink a little more and you'll be full!

Ye Lin seemed to have a premonition that this Lingshi Mine Mother would run away after drinking the blood and find an unknown place to continue sleeping. In this way, he would have lost so much blood in vain, a real blood loss.

Ye Lin smiled and said: "Brother, I also have a paradise where you can sleep, and you can drink such delicious blood every time you wake up. And there are also many little Zerg guys there, all of them are talents and can speak well. It sounds good. I wonder if you are interested?"

There was silence for a moment.

Gulu gulu gulu (Don’t think that I am easy to deceive because I am young. You all want to imprison us and keep producing spiritual stones. You are all bad guys...)

Ye Lin suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Then I promise, as long as you want to leave my space in the future, you can leave at any time... I can swear on my inner demon!"

There was another moment of silence.

Gulu Gulu (Oh, it’s so annoying. Your blood tastes so delicious... If you didn’t have a limited lifespan, I would have imprisoned you. You could drink blood every time you woke up. I would have been asleep for decades at a time. , even hundreds of years, when I wake up, you will be turned into loess).

Gulu gulu gulu (You take what you say seriously, don’t lie to me, I’m still young, only over 300,000 years old...)

Ye Lin: "..."

Ye Lin found that he could barely move his hands and feet. He patted his chest and said: "I guarantee with my life that I will never lie to anyone. And isn't your clan known as the best runner in the world? With my current strength, even if It is impossible to imprison you, and since you want me to live for a long time, if you provide me with spiritual stones, my cultivation will be higher, and my life span will naturally increase. This is a wise choice for mutual benefit. ah!"

Gulu Gulu (What you said makes sense, I'm a little moved... You have to keep your word, I feel that I will be more powerful next time I wake up, and you have to provide me with more and more delicious blood, otherwise I will Eat you!)

"Okay, don't resist next!"

With a thought from Ye Lin, the cotton ball-like blood-colored translucent object instantly turned into a spiritual light and was taken into Ye Lin's ancient ring space.

Ye Lin was immediately overjoyed, and at the same time his eyes blurred, and he almost fell to the ground due to excessive blood loss.

Xiaobai quickly flew back and asked Ye Lin to help him stabilize his body.

Ye Lin's heart was beating wildly. He patted the Qiankun bag and a blood-tonifying pill appeared in his hand. After swallowing it, the dizziness was slightly relieved. Xiaobai spit out the tender red snake letter and wiped it on Ye Lin's neck. The wound heals instantly and no trace is visible.

Ye Lin, who narrowly escaped death, breathed a long sigh of relief.

He turned over and sat on Xiao Bai's back again.

"Let's get out of the underground first."

"I understand, Master!"

Liu Qingqing, who was behind him, also knew that Ye Lin was extremely weak now, so she took the initiative to sit behind Ye Lin, held him up and fixed him with her jade hands, and covered Ye Lin with her water-proof beads.

When Xiaobai saw the two of them sitting firmly, he turned into a silver-white rainbow and flew towards the exit of the mine.

At this time, Liu Qingqing was already extremely shocked. Unexpectedly, Ye Lin actually received a spirit stone ore mother, which was something that even a strong person in the out-of-body stage could not touch.

And Ye Lin's current strength is only in the foundation building stage.

What is certain is that Ye Lin holds a treasure with space in his hands. This is a characteristic that only the legendary Taoist artifacts of a higher level than the magic weapon have.

In the entire Xunlong Mountain Range, none of the four major races, Zhengmoyao, or even Earth Demon, has ever heard of anyone who has mastered a Taoist weapon.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it. The master must have another secret. The Taoist weapon is too exaggerated. Even the super powerful forces outside the mountain will fight for it, and they will not hesitate to shed blood to obtain the world's most valuable treasure!"

As for why Ye Lin did not avoid Liu Qingqing, the main reason was that Liu Qingqing's life and death were under his control, and his golden-backed man-eating ants could monitor this woman's thoughts.

If she wanted to harm Ye Lin, as long as the thought was just generated, she would be declared dead.

As Xiaobai rushed upward diagonally, Ye Lin's whole body leaned on Liu Qingqing's arms, feeling soft and warm, and a faint sweet girl's breath came from time to time.

However, Ye Lin did not think much about it, as he had too many important things to deal with at this time.

After recovering his spirit a little, Ye Lin closed his eyes, and his consciousness instantly came to the ancient ring space.

In the ancient ring space, Ye Lin was no longer as weak as in the outside world. He felt that he was extremely strong, and he could sense the location of the spirit stone ore mother with a thought.

What made Ye Lin laugh and cry was.

As soon as this spirit stone ore mother arrived at the ancient ring space, it merged into the deep underground, and then began to sleep soundly. Ye Lin used his mind to perceive that the other party was like a stone, and there was no thought.

The magical thing is that when the spirit stone mother breathes, a blue light shines around her body, and then one by one, low-grade spirit stones are formed around her body.

"It's really magical, it seems that the spirit stones are the products discharged from their bodies when they breathe!"

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