Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 307 Guardian Puppet Beast

"It's a pity that there is no way to know which box contains the rare treasure. Otherwise, you can choose the most valuable box and spend several days studying the method to break the ban. It would not be a loss to take the treasure inside."

Xiao Qiang said: "Master might as well release thousands of snow silkworms and golden-backed man-eating ants to eat up the restrictions. Anyway, these restrictions are basically not aggressive. They all have sharp teeth. It might not take long to bite them open." Woolen cloth?"

Ye Lin shook his head when he heard this.

"This ancient pagoda is mysterious and abnormal. If we use violence to break the ban, we may be attacked by some unknown ban. Then we will be in big trouble."

"You forgot the instructions from senior sister and headmaster before setting off. Greed will kill people!"

"Since we have come to the territory of ancient monks, it is better to abide by their customized game rules. You can either obtain treasures by luck, or pass challenges by strength. As for using the formation skills to break the ban, it is also within the rules."

"But so far, no one has tested using violence to break the ban. Those who may have tested it are all dead!"

Ye Lin does have a lot of greedy insects, and his teeth are very sharp, and he can quickly eat up even a magic weapon. However, Ye Lin, who has always been cautious, will not rush into such a mysterious place until it is absolutely necessary. Making attempts with uncertain consequences.

Xiaoqiang rubbed the two calves in front of him like a fly.

"Okay, then I guess there's nothing to steal here, otherwise it would be very exciting!"

Ye Lin patted Xiaoqiang's head.

"Senior sister said that there shouldn't be many precious treasures on the third floor. Let's go look for the entrance to the fourth floor first and see if there are any boxes that are not covered by restrictions."

"I understand, Master!"

Xiaoqiang carried Ye Lin and flew past rows and rows of shelves with various styles of boxes at a slow speed.

After searching about sixty or seventy boxes, Xiaoqiang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Master, there is a stone box in front of you that has no restricted light!"

Ye Lin was also slightly happy. Opening the box was like a lottery. If you were unlucky, you would draw a low-grade spiritual weapon. If you were lucky, it might be a magic weapon or even a spiritual vein.

Xiaoqiang carried Ye Lin and turned into a black light, flying quickly towards the stone box. But just when they were about thirty or forty feet away from the stone box, they saw a ball of soil flashing on the surface of the stone box. The yellow rainbow instantly transformed into a monster with wings spread over two feet and two snake heads.

This strange monster is all khaki. If it wasn't spreading its wings and speaking to Ye Lin, Ye Lin would definitely think it was a clay statue. The powerful aura of the late foundation building period emanates from this strange bird, and its wings During the vibration, strong wind howled, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Ye Lin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"This is the guardian puppet that senior sister mentioned. From the looks of it, it should be a monster called a two-headed python. This monster is good at spraying poisonous mist. It seems that it wants to obtain the treasure in the stone box. You must kill the guardian puppet, otherwise you won’t be able to open the box even if you get it.”

"But senior sister said that most of the guardian puppets on the third floor are in the early stage of foundation building, and are relatively rare in the middle stage of foundation building. How could we meet a guy in the late stage of foundation building?"

"Behead it first!"

Following Ye Lin's command, Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai opened their mouths, and several rays of cold light shot through the air towards the two-headed monster python. The monster's bloody mouth opened wide, and with a pop, it spurted out green poison. The fog, these poisonous fog instantly turned into two giant pythons, facing the cold light, they opened their snake mouths and bit them.

However, a cold light flashed in Xiaobai's eyes, and one of the flying swords erupted with thunderous light, and the speed suddenly increased. With just two "swish" sounds, he chopped off the head of the giant python transformed by the poisonous mist, but the head did not fall on the ground. On the ground, it turned into a ball of green poisonous gas and merged into the python's body again. In a moment, two new heads sprouted out.

"It's quite difficult to deal with." Xiao Bai snorted lightly, and the thunderous sword light easily penetrated the two poisonous pythons transformed into poison gas again, and in the blink of an eye he came to the two-headed monster python.

An earthy yellow mana shield suddenly appeared on the body of the two-headed monster python.

However, the thunder sword light penetrated the body of the two-headed monster python in just a flash, and it seemed that it was not blocked at all.

The two-headed monster python screamed, and its body exploded with a "bang", turning into streaks of earth-yellow five-element essence that dissipated in the air. Dissipated with it, there was also the green poisonous mist. A poisonous python.

Xiaoqiang took back the three bloody scimitars with some distress.

I saw that there were some traces of corrosion on these three high-grade spiritual weapons, but Xiaobai's Sky Thunder Sword was naturally unscathed. The Sky Thunder Sword is a magic weapon, and its toughness is not at the same level as the high-grade spiritual weapons.

Ye Lin said: "The defense capabilities of the guardian puppets in this tower have not been enhanced, but the power of the spells should be much stronger than the monsters of the same realm outside. Xiaoqiang's three bloody scimitars are almost as tough as the best spiritual weapons. , it will be damaged, but as long as you maintain enough five elements essence, this damage can be recovered in a short time. "

Xiaoqiang looked at Xiaobai's Thunder Sword with some envy.

"It's a pity that Xiaoqiang's Blood Shadow Flying Sword can't be used yet, but Xiaoqiang's other top-grade spiritual weapon, the Flying Sword, is about to reach the level of triggering thunder."

Ye Lin bought this top-quality flying sword for Xiaoqiang at an auction. He spent hundreds of thousands of spirit stones on it. Xiaoqiang spent almost two years cultivating it. In order to advance it into a magic weapon as soon as possible, Xiaoqiang rarely used it. Come out to fight against the enemy.

Without the protection of the guardian beast, Ye Lin just grabbed the stone box on the shelf, and the palm-sized stone box flew into his hand.

This stone box looks very simple and should be made of black iron ore, which is extremely tough. There are also some simple patterns engraved on the stone box. Ye Lin specially asked Xiaoshu to look at it. There is nothing mysterious about the patterns. It seems that they are just for beauty.

Ye Lin was slightly excited.

"I opened three or four on the first and second floors. They are all worthless spiritual tools. This time, Xiaobai will open them."

Xiaobai was also excited with his eyes shining. The thumb-sized, white jade-like snake head pushed towards the stone box, and the lid of the stone box was pushed open. For a moment, golden light shone.

I saw that there was a bead shining with golden light, crystal clear, about the size of a child's fist, in the stone box. This bead was beautiful, like a work of art.

If you perceive it carefully, you can detect that it contains a magnificent life essence and extremely pure spiritual energy.

Ye Lin was slightly stunned, and then his face showed surprise.

He was very familiar with this bead, because he had obtained one not long ago.

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