Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 285 Ancient Teleportation Array Opened

On the way here, the guardians had already informed that the opening time of the secret teleportation array is at midnight tonight, and there are still about two or three hours before midnight.

Ye Lin had nothing to do. After looking at the people in Taiji Sect and Taicang Sect, he began to observe his surroundings.

I saw that the entire mountaintop was wrapped tightly with many restrictions, and there were complex and mysterious patterns on the ground. These patterns should be the ancient teleportation array that can be teleported to the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm.

Ye Lin is not a person who is proficient in formations, and he can't see any knowledge from these patterns, so like other monks, he sat cross-legged on the ground and meditated.

Soon, the sun went down and the moon hung high. A few hours passed in the blink of an eye. When Ye Lin woke up from his meditation state, he found that a man wearing Tai Chi robes, with fair hair and a childish face had appeared in the center of the square. A monk who is ruddy and whose age cannot be discerned.

When he was swept by the monk, Ye Lin felt his soul tremble, feeling that all the secrets seemed to be invisible.

Ye Lin was horrified.

This is definitely a Nascent Soul Ancestor, and his cultivation level may be a bit more tyrannical than Fairy Youquan, which is very scary.

"Could this person be the one sent by the Taiji Sect to guard the forbidden area? I heard that the three Nascent Soul Ancestors of the three sects took turns to wake up and preside over the exploration of the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm. It seems that this time it is the turn of the Taiji Sect ancestor. "

Other monks who woke up also noticed this scene, and immediately notified the other monks who had not yet woken up around them to stand up and salute respectfully.

"I've met my ancestor!"

"I've met senior!"

For a time, the sound of worshiping was heard endlessly.

The monk with the white hair and boyish face nodded slightly, and when he saw all the monks waking up, he said slowly: "Every twenty years, the spatial fluctuations in the forbidden area will be stable for a little more than half a month, and the time of each day is the same as before." When the power of the Dragon Forbidden Land's seal is at its weakest, it is most conducive to space teleportation."

"This is the Dragon Hunting Token. As long as the monk holding this token crushes it in the outermost area where the forbidden power is weakest, you can teleport back here instantly, but be careful, it must be in the outermost area. If you crush this token in other areas, you will most likely be killed instantly by the restrictions in the secret realm!"

"Little guys, do you understand?"

"I understand!" Everyone replied in unison.

The crane-haired monk nodded. He waved his sleeves and robes, and suddenly a total of thirty streams of light shot towards Ye Lin and others. Ye Lin grabbed it with his big hand and got a bronze token with the words "Righteous Alliance" written on it. , "Xunlong Secret Realm Teleportation Talisman".

The crane-haired monk added: "Don't be in a hurry to put the token into the Qiankun bag. When you wait for the teleportation, you must hold the token before it can be transmitted into the secret realm. Every time you open the ancient teleportation array, you need to consume two top-quality spiritual stones. , if someone fails to teleport into the secret realm due to an operational error, the teleportation array will not be opened a second time.”

For a while, many people took the tokens that they had just carefully put into the Qiankun bag in their hands.

When the crane-haired monk saw that everyone was ready, his figure flashed, as if teleporting, and appeared on a small stone platform.

"Everyone, quickly go to the center of the teleportation array!"

"When teleporting, remember to guard your mind. No matter what you see or hear, you are encountering a spiritual attack from an extraterrestrial demon. You can save your soul by ignoring it. If you don't abide by the teleportation rules, you will most likely be teleported to In the distant starry sky, the endless extraterrestrial demons will swallow you up instantly, your soul will fly away, and your body will disappear! "

"You can hear me clearly!"

"Listen clearly!"

Even Ye Lin did not expect that the teleportation process would be so dangerous, and he would even encounter spiritual attacks from extraterrestrial demons.

You must know that the extraterrestrial devil population is far away in the endless starry sky, and only a few individuals appear in the human world by chance.

"Could it be that the true location of the Dragon-seeking Secret Realm is still far away in the starry sky outside the territory? How did the master of transforming gods back then enter the secret realm? Even the old monster of transforming gods cannot have the ability to cross the starry sky. Ability!”

In Ye Lin's perception, the starry sky is many times wider than the endless sea.

Ye Lin is full of questions, but unfortunately, no one can give him answers. These profound questions can only wait until his cultivation level improves, and his knowledge will increase accordingly.

They saw the crane-haired monk making magic formulas with one hand and muttering words in his mouth. His other hand was so fast that a series of phantoms appeared, and he shot out a series of magic formulas and sank them into the ground.

Then, the ground shook violently, and Ye Lin saw the mysterious patterns on the ground begin to shine with silvery-white light. As the crane-haired monk entered more and more spells, the light became stronger and stronger.


Ye Lin only felt a dizzying strange sound coming from his ears, and then he saw that the space above his head became like water, arousing ripples, and then with a click, a huge black hole opened.

The moment the huge hole appeared, everyone in Ye Lin felt a strong suction force. The tokens in their hands suddenly shone with bronze light and wrapped them in it. Everyone turned into copper light and shot towards the dark hole.


In just a few breaths, thirty foundation-building monks were swallowed up and completely disappeared.

The white-haired monk had a serious face, looking at the dark opening like a sculpture. Suddenly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"According to the intelligence, the Demonic Alliance will take action against the Dragon Seeking Secret Realm. If they don't come, it's fine. If they come, they will definitely give the old guys of the Demon Sect a big surprise!"


In the Ten Thousand Mountains, there is a bottomless cold pond, and a series of restrictions completely cover the entire cold pond.

At the edge of the cold pond, there are sixty or seventy male and female monks in various clothes standing like javelins. The aura on their bodies is either evil, violent, or cruel and cold. You can tell at a glance that they are people from the Demonic Path.


A ray of spiritual light penetrated the heavy restrictions and was caught by an old woman with blood-red hair in her skinny fingers.

"Emergency information, the monks of the Righteous Alliance have opened the portal to the Dragon Seeking Secret Realm, and thirty Righteous Tianjiao Foundation Establishment monks have all been transmitted into the space crack."

The old woman with blood-red hair showed a cold smile.

"Okay, okay, this is the moment we've been waiting for. This time, we must give those old guys in the righteous way a big surprise!"

"Little guys, it's time to make contributions to the Holy Church and gain rich wealth and treasures!"

"Next, you will dive into the bottom of the cold pond and open the ancient teleportation array in it to enter the secret realm of dragon hunting. You should have known your mission. Kill all the righteous monks and capture the kid named Ye Lin alive. Anyone who kills a righteous Tianjiao will be rewarded with 300,000 spirit stones, and anyone who captures Ye Lin will be rewarded with 2 million spirit stones!"

"Remember, Ye Lin must be alive!"


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