Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 283: The Immortal Society Secret Realm Exploration Team

According to the three guardians, the Xunlong Secret Realm is divided into the outermost area, the outer area, the middle area, the inner area, and the core area according to the abundance of spiritual energy.

The further you go in, the more dangerous it is. At the same time, precious spiritual herbs and other natural treasures will also be fought for. Occasionally, you can find buildings left by ancient monks with restrictions.

Every once in a while, the restrictions of some ancient buildings will be temporarily invalid. During the invalid period, you can enter and explore them and take away some treasures in the ancient buildings.

As for what kind of treasures you can get from the ancient buildings, it depends on both luck and strength.

In the core area of ​​the Xunlong Secret Realm, there is a huge palace called Xunlong Palace. Xunlong Palace is covered by terrifying restrictions all year round. It is said that for tens of thousands of years, no monk has set foot in it once. The core inheritance of the predecessor who has transformed into a god is left in Xunlong Palace.

The guardians also told about various rare treasures, such as the five-thousand-year-old five-element spiritual herbs, the three-headed Luohan fruit that can strengthen the body, and even the discovery of an unexplored spiritual stone vein...

Ye Lin couldn't help but feel excited after listening to it.

This dragon-hunting secret realm is really full of treasures and opportunities.

"I hope I can also find a spiritual stone vein, even if it is a small spiritual stone vein. No one has dug it for thousands of years, I can also make a fortune. Unfortunately, even the existence of the out-of-body stage can't catch the mother of the ore. If a few mothers of the ore can be captured alive and put into the ancient ring space, the ancient ring space will not lack spiritual energy and spiritual stones."

Wang Hufa said: "We have almost said what we should say. Next, we will give you free time. You can take this opportunity to discuss matters of unity and cooperation with each other."

Another guardian also stroked his beard and nodded: "I hope you have a smooth trip, have great gains, and can return safely."

"Thank you three guardians for your guidance!" The twelve foundation-building cultivators saluted almost at the same time.

Then, the three guardians walked to the bow of the flying boat, leaving them with space for free conversation.

Wang Changsheng, Song Lingtian, and Ye Lin looked at each other and smiled very tacitly. The three of them came to a place on the side of the flying boat and sat down.

As early as a few days ago at the Changsheng Club gathering, the three had already discussed forming an alliance in the secret realm and had also discussed the specific methods of action.

Wang Changsheng patted his Qiankun bag, and three yellow talismans appeared in his hand.

"This is a telepathic talisman. As long as the three of us fuse our blood and then integrate it into the talisman, we can sense each other within fifteen days. If there is no interference, the sensing distance can reach two or three hundred miles, which can just cover the entire secret realm."

Ye Lin and Song Lingtian did not seem to be surprised. Wang Changsheng had prepared this talisman long ago.

Wang Changsheng took out a jade bowl, and the three of them cut their fingers and dripped blood. At first, the blood of the three did not blend. After Wang Changsheng cast a spell into the jade bowl, the jade bowl shone brightly, and the blood of the three merged into one.

Wang Changsheng took out a talisman pen that was shining with precious light, dipped it in blood and wrote quickly on the talisman. Not long after, three identical blood ancient characters appeared on the talisman.

The three talismans instantly shone with golden light, and subtle lightning connected the three talismans.

Then Wang Changsheng picked up the talisman, chanted the formula, and first pasted one of the talismans on his chest, and then pasted the other two talismans on the chests of Ye Lin and Song Lingtian.

The three of them instantly had a strong sense of induction. Without careful perception, Ye Lin could confirm the location of the two and even confirm whether they were in danger.

Ye Lin couldn't help but feel amazing.

This telepathic talisman seemed to have been lost in the immortal cultivation world of Xunlong Mountain Range. Ancient books recorded that this was a Xuan-level top-grade talisman.

"I have written down the ancient characters he wrote, and I will pass them to Xiao Fu later, so that he can study and learn them. However, it is not in vain to take his benefits. After entering the secret realm, take care of him more."

Then, Wang Changsheng took out a stack of Xuan-level magic talismans and handed them to Ye Lin and Song Lingtian as usual. Song Lingtian accepted it without saying a word, and Ye Lin put it into the Qiankun bag without saying much.

Although he also prepared a large number of talismans, talismans are not too many, and one more might be able to kill the enemy and save his life.

However, Ye Lin did not take Wang Changsheng's benefits for nothing. He also took out two stacks of talismans and gave them to Song Lingtian and Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng was stunned, with a puzzled look on his face. He opened the talisman and frowned slightly.

The talismans that Ye Lin gave to them were all Xuan-grade top-grade talismans, while most of the ones he gave out were Xuan-grade middle-grade, and Xuan-grade top-grade ones were relatively rare.

Because it takes a long time to make each Xuan-grade top-grade talisman... Wang Changsheng is very confident in his ability to make talismans, but no matter how good his talisman-making skills are, he is only one person.

Ye Lin has a talisman factory, and the small talisman can be multi-purpose, making four talismans at a time, and the success rate is still very high.

So, in terms of the number of talismans, Ye Lin really has more than Wang Changsheng.

Ye Lin said: "These talismans are different from those of Brother Wang, and their uses are also different. Bringing more will allow you to deal with various situations more calmly."

Song Lingtian was very surprised and gave Ye Lin a thumbs up.

"Brother Ye is really a rich man. These Xuan-level top-grade talismans are all valuable goods. This stack will cost at least more than 100,000 spirit stones!"

In fact, he was a little embarrassed. Ye Lin and Wang Changsheng had given away so many talismans, but he was the only one who showed no appreciation. But Song Lingtian was really poor compared to Ye Lin and Wang Changsheng... He could only give away his life. When Ye Lin and Wang Changsheng were in danger, he would step forward and rescue them with all his strength.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng stared at the talisman paper in his hand and murmured in a low voice.

"Who made this talisman, Brother Ye? This is a master. Look at these four hurricane talismans. Every stroke and every line of the ancient characters are exactly the same, just like printed handwriting. You know, when we write words, even if we write two identical words in a row, there will be some differences if we look closely. The same is true for ancient characters, but this person can do it exactly. How did he do it? It's terrible!"

It's no wonder that Wang Changsheng was so surprised. The ancient characters on the talismans cannot be printed. They can only be written by hand. Writing the characters exactly by hand makes Wang Changsheng feel that it is beyond his cognition.

At this point, Ye Lin could not help but begin to admire Wang Changsheng's professional ability in making talismans. As the old saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway. Wang Changsheng only took a glance and saw some of the doorways.

For a talisman maker, writing the same ancient characters means stability, which can greatly reduce the probability of failure in making talismans. This is also the reason why the success rate of small talismans is extremely high when making talismans.

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