Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 280 The First Magical Weapon

After learning about the deeds of Youquan Fairy, Ye Lin couldn't help but feel great respect in his heart, and at the same time he was completely relieved. A strong man with such a noble character was unlikely to do anything bad to him.

Also because of the mark of the Yuanying boss, Ye Lin's sense of security was greatly improved.

After returning to the courtyard, Ye Lin arranged for the refining factory to refine a huge copper tripod with refined copper, and placed the copper tripod in the training room. He also summoned a few golden-backed man-eating ants and asked them to move many huge stones into the copper tripod. Finally, he summoned a 12-level Qi training flaming scorpion to spit demonic fire under the copper tripod.

Not long after, the bottom of the copper tripod was red.

Gurgle Gurgle...

The stones in the copper tripod slowly melted into boiling red magma, and began to slowly boil in the copper tripod.

Ye Lin took out a bunch of five-element spiritual herbs from the ancient ring space and threw them into the magma. Soon, the smell of medicine came to his nose, and the power of those five-element spiritual herbs was completely dissolved in the magma.

Although Ye Lin was still ten feet away from the bronze tripod, he could already feel the amazing heat inside the tripod.

If an ordinary person were thrown into it, he would turn into a pile of charcoal in a short time. Even a cultivator in the foundation-building stage would not be able to last long without opening the magic shield to isolate the high-temperature lava.

"It deserves its name, "Hundred Refinements to Support the Sky". This is to use the human body as a tool to refine!"

Ye Lin took off his clothes, revealing his bronze body, and then took a long breath, and without opening the magic shield, he jumped into the red bronze tripod with a plop.

Soon, the extremely hot temperature completely surrounded Ye Lin's body, leaving only his head exposed, and his long hair was automatically coiled up under the control of magic power.

"It seems... it seems, not that scary!" Ye Lin muttered with a slightly distorted face.

Just after jumping into the copper tripod for more than ten breaths, Ye Lin's skin turned red, as if he was about to be cooked, but the boiling magma could not really hurt him for the time being. However, as time passed, Ye Lin's body temperature continued to rise rapidly, his blood was about to boil, and his more fragile internal organs seemed to be suffocated.

The longer the time passed, the greater the damage to the human body caused by high temperature.

"It's really... cool. If I use the Five Elements Vajra Gong, I should be able to hold on in this high-temperature lava for more than half an hour, but in this case, I can't use the Hundred Refinements to Support the Sky Gong."

Ye Lin endured the severe pain of being cooked in his body and closed his eyes. The Hundred Refinements to Support the Sky Gong started to run quickly in his body, and at the same time, the medicinal power in the magma was also being quickly absorbed by Ye Lin's body.

Not long after running the Hundred Refinements to Support the Sky Gong, Ye Lin felt that the heat in his body had no tendency to continue to rise. It seemed that the heat was tempering his body with the medicinal power, rather than destroying his body.

Ye Lin felt as if his whole body was being pricked by needles. Although it was painful, he also felt a little numb, which gradually relieved his physical discomfort.

"Fortunately, I practiced the Nine-Turn Demon God Body. If I only relied on the Five Elements Vajra Gong as a foundation, I'm afraid it would be very dangerous to practice."

The biggest difference between the Nine-Turn Demon God Body and the Five Elements Vajra Gong is that the Five Elements Vajra Gong needs to be practiced to exert its maximum power, while the Nine-Turn Demon God Body becomes stronger after practicing, and can exert its strongest power without running.

Not long after, Ye Lin entered a state of selfless practice, and he no longer had to worry about the magma cooking him. His flesh, bones, and internal organs were also becoming more tough and strong in the continuous practice.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Lin suddenly heard a plop, and then opened his eyes in surprise. He found that... only his head and neck were left. The senior sister was opposite him, smiling at him a little embarrassedly.

"Senior sister... what are you..."

The senior sister coughed twice.

"It's like this. I also asked the headmaster for the "Hundred Refinements to Support the Sky Technique". Seeing that you have ready-made training facilities, it's a waste to use them... From now on, we will practice the "Hundred Refinements to Support the Sky Technique" in the first half of the night, and practice the "Yin Yang Harmony Technique" in the second half of the night and the morning. In this way, we can strengthen our bodies and increase our cultivation without delay."

"What's the matter? Are you still afraid that Senior Sister will take advantage of you?"

Ye Lin's face was slightly flushed.

Thinking of Senior Sister's neck...

This is really a little exciting.

"If Senior Sister doesn't mind, Junior Brother will naturally welcome it, but for two people, the amount of medicinal materials must be doubled, otherwise the effect of cultivation will be greatly reduced."

As he said, Ye Lin took out another portion of medicinal materials and threw them into the gurgling lava.

Senior Sister smiled sweetly.

"You are so good. I am not afraid of you laughing at me. Senior sister also knows that your medicinal materials are not simple. I just come here to get them... Okay, don't look around. Hurry up and practice the skills. Otherwise, if you are boiled like a shrimp, you can't blame me."

As she said this, the senior sister closed her beautiful eyes and seemed to have started practicing the "Hundred Refinements to Support the Sky" and entered the state of practice.

Faced with such an exciting scene, although Ye Lin was a little uneasy, he did not disturb the senior sister's practice. He closed his eyes and quickly entered the state of selfless practice.

From this time on.

Ye Lin usually practiced "Mysterious Body of Ten Thousand Poisons" and "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" during the day, and waited for the senior sister to come at night and then entered the big cauldron to practice "Hundred Refinements to Support the Sky" together. In the second half of the night, the two practiced "Yin Yang Harmony Technique" together.

Time flies fast in the life of pure cultivation. Two years passed quietly.

One day, the space of the ancient ring was covered with dark clouds.

The electric snakes carrying terrifying power kept flashing and jumping in the thick black clouds. Almost all the spirit insects felt that they couldn't breathe well, as if a mountain was pressing on their chests.

This is... the thunder tribulation is about to come.

In the center of the thunder tribulation, there was a giant python with white scales like jade all over its body. There was a sharp sword light, which was circling and dancing around its body.


The sound of the sword was heard through the sky!


In the center of the thundercloud, a thick lightning bolt tore through the sky and fell from the sky.

At the same time, the white-scaled giant python spoke in human language and shouted "Go!".

The sharp sword light suddenly burst into a dazzling silver light, turned its direction, and shot towards the electric arc in the sky.

At the moment when the sword light and lightning came into contact, the entire ancient ring space was illuminated in white, and many spirit insects completely lost their ability to see.

After dozens of breaths, the black clouds suddenly dissipated completely, and the sky became extremely clear and bright.

The spirit insects gradually regained their vision.

Above the sky, there was a long rainbow of lightning passing quickly, and from time to time, a cheerful sword chant sounded. This sword seemed to have given birth to a soul.

Then, the spirit insects burst into cheers like a tsunami.

"It's done! Sister Xiaobai's natal flying sword has survived the thunder tribulation, bred a weapon spirit, and transformed into a real magic weapon!"

"This is the first magic weapon we have. It will definitely greatly enhance the owner's strength and clear the way for the owner's next trip to the secret realm!"

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