Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 271 The Conspiracy of the Demonic Alliance

Hundred Thousand Mountains, Blood Shadow Sect.

Boom boom boom!

A secret room built deep underground, extremely dark and gloomy, the doors of the four directions of the east, south, west and north suddenly opened.

Four monks with completely different outfits, but with strange auras on their bodies, appeared at the entrances of the secret rooms in four different directions.

Among them, the monk at the east gate had no clothes, no flesh and blood, and no weapons and protective gear. His bones were white, and there was a group of green ghost fire burning in his eye sockets.

The monk at the west gate wore a blood-colored hat, light red long hair shawl, and a blood-colored long skirt. She had a curvy figure and was obviously a female monk. She had an extremely cold aura, and it seemed that because of her appearance, the temperature in the secret room was dropping rapidly.

The monk at the south gate was a masked bald man. In the center of the bald head, there was a bloody word "kill". He was wearing a nightgown, like a ghost, and it seemed that he would escape into the shadow world if he was not careful.

The monk at the north gate was translucent. It was vaguely visible that he was a graceful and elegant young man holding a feather fan, but there was always a wicked smile on his face and his eyes were extremely deep. It seemed that one look would make one fall in love with him and not know how to get rid of him.

The four people strode into the secret room, and at the same time, the door of the secret room closed again with a "boom" sound. The whole secret room was completely dark. The only lighting came from the green ghost fire in the eyes of the skeleton monk.

It was vaguely visible that the four people all bowed slightly, and then sat on the four cushions in the center of the secret room.

The skull asked first: "Xue Mei Niang, this time you summoned us to a secret meeting, is it possible that the Holy Church has a new mission?"

The translucent and elegant young man chuckled.

"How can fellow Daoist Linggu be so unromantic? Even if there is nothing else to do, it is an indescribable enjoyment to come and take a few more glances at the figure of the Blood Fairy..."

The bald monk sneered: "Ghost Scholar, the essence and blood that was taken away from your body by Xue Mei Niang last time were replenished so quickly?"

It turned out that this was a secret meeting of the leaders of the Demon Alliance. The visitors were Xue Mei Niang, the leader of the Blood Shadow Sect, Ling Gu Shangren, the leader of the Xuanming Sect, the Ghost Butcher, the leader of the Extreme Killing Sect, and the Ghost Scholar, the leader of the Ghost Soul Sect.

They are the leaders of the four major demon sects!

At this time, the female monk in the bamboo hat called Xue Mei Niang snorted coldly, and the three of them stopped chatting and looked at her together.

Only Xue Mei Niang said coldly: "Dear Daoists, the array master sent by the Holy Church has confirmed that the broken ancient teleportation array leading to the Dragon Seeking Secret Realm has been found!"

When these words came out, the other three monks were all shocked. After a slight silence, they all showed surprise.

"Is there really such a happy event? Over the past few hundred years, the Holy Church has sent more than ten array masters to search for other teleportation arrays leading to the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm, but they found nothing. This time, they actually found it?" Linggu Zhenren said in surprise and joy.

"God is really helping me. It seems that our Demon Alliance will not have to wait too long to enter the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm to search for treasures and get a share of the spoils." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Shadow Butcher.

"I wonder where the broken ancient teleportation array is, can it be repaired? Or how long will it take to repair it?" The Ghost Scholar grasped the key to the problem.

Xue Mei Niang said: "Repairing this ancient teleportation array is also the purpose of my summoning you all to this secret meeting!"

"The array master sent this time is said to be a rare array genius in the outside world in five hundred years. Although his cultivation is only in the late Jindan stage, it is said that he once set up a killing array and killed an old guy in the early Yuanying stage. Because of this, it took him only ten years to find the remains of the ancient teleportation array that we have been thinking about for hundreds of years!"

"It's a pity that the teleportation array was built too long. The world has changed, and no one has taken care of it. It is now in ruins, but fortunately, the core array eye is still intact. , but seven of the nine auxiliary array eyes are no longer functioning. "

"The array master told me that with his current ability, it is not impossible to repair this array in a short period of time, but it requires a large number of spirit stones and various ancient five elements materials."

"As everyone knows, the Righteous Alliance will open the Dragon Hunting Secret Realm in two years and send the foundation-building geniuses of the three factions into the secret realm to search for treasures. If you want to send a large number of geniuses into it on the same day, intercept and kill the Righteous geniuses, destroy their foundation and heritage, and take away the countless treasures in the secret realm, how to do it, naturally, I don't need to say more! "

When the other three heard it, a gleam of brilliance flashed in their eyes.

The Shadow Butcher said, "Just tell me how many spirit stones and treasures you want. As long as it's within the acceptable range, our Jisha Sect will definitely cooperate."

Shangren Linggu said, "But before that, we have to confirm the authenticity of the ancient teleportation array, and send experts to supervise the use of these spirit stones and ancient five-element materials. In addition, we have to agree in advance on the remuneration for the master of the array. The spirit stones of our sects are not blown by the wind, and the ancient five-element materials are the foundation of the sect, which are extremely precious. We can't let the middlemen make a profit from the price difference."

This middleman, of course, refers to the Blood Shadow Sect and Xue Mei Niang.

Xue Mei Niang snorted coldly, "If I had known you would do this, I would have almost discussed it with the master. This is the remuneration he proposed for repairing the teleportation array and the list of ancient five-element materials he needed. Take it for your review."

As she spoke, three rays of spiritual light burst out from between Xue Mei Niang's jade fingers. The other three cultivators gently grabbed the spiritual light in their palms. It turned out to be a jade slip.

The three people invaded the jade slip with their spiritual consciousness, and their faces suddenly looked a little ugly.

Among the four major demon sects, the Jisha Sect has the weakest economic strength, so after reading it, the Shadow Butcher did not think much and said in a deep voice: "This formation master is really asking for too much! To repair an ancient teleportation formation, he actually wants to charge us 10 million spiritual stones. If we add other ancient five-element materials, it will cost at least 30 million spiritual stones. It doesn't matter if we don't go to this dragon-hunting secret realm. It's not worth it to just kill a few righteous foundation-building geniuses, and we have to send people to do it ourselves!"

The ghost fire in Linggu Zhenren's eyes jumped: "This price is indeed a bit expensive. The formation master has lived in the outside world with abundant spiritual energy and spiritual veins since he was a child. He is really a full man who doesn't know the hunger of hungry men."

After a brief thought, the ghost scholar also shook his head.

"The cost is really too high. Even if we can send a group of geniuses into the secret realm to search for treasures every few decades after repairing the ancient teleportation array, it will take at least one or two hundred years for us to earn back the cost. Moreover, the foundation-building geniuses of the Righteous Alliance are not so easy to deal with. Maybe the foundation-building masters sent by our Demonic Alliance will be killed by the Righteous Alliance. What does this mean? Are we just paying for our lives?"

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