Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 269 The battle for territory ends

In the VIP seats, Master Xuanyi saw that Taixuan Sect had already secured the first place, and he no longer cared about his image and laughed out loud.

Taixuan Sect had been declining for hundreds of years, giving away one piece of territory after another. Now he could finally get a piece of territory back. This feeling was both sad and exciting.

He had resisted the risky decision made by many elders and let Ye Lin and Song Lingtian play. Now it seemed that he was really wise. He could almost imagine that if the decision had not changed, the battle for territory would be more dangerous with the powerful strength of Taiji Sect and Taicang Sect.

There would be no chance to compete for the first place, even the second place would be extremely difficult.

Master Xuanyi suddenly had a strong premonition in his heart that Taixuan Sect had reached the turning point from decline to strength!

As long as Ye Lin and Song Lingtian survived the thunder tribulation and condensed the magic pill, it would not take many years for them to become the existence that was hard to find rivals in the entire Xunlong Mountain Range. As long as the Yuanying old monster did not come out, they would be almost the strongest.

The Taixuan Sect can use this as a starting point to gain more say in the Righteous Alliance, and at the same time continuously obtain resources from the Demon Sect and the other two major sects for the Taixuan Sect to develop.

At this moment, Xuanyi Zhenren saw that the future of Taixuan Sect was infinitely bright!

"It's a pity, this is a turbulent era. If the war between the righteous and the evil can be postponed for hundreds of years, no matter who breaks through the Yuanying between Ye Lin and Song Lingtian, my Taixuan Sect will definitely be able to regain the position of the leader of the righteous path, but the human demons and the earth demons will not give them hundreds of years to grow."

Xuanyi Zhenren's thoughts diverged at this moment, and it seemed that he had already calculated the major events that would happen in the next hundreds of years.

Sitting at the highest point, Zhenren Haoyuan's face was slightly solemn. He stood up and bowed to Zhenren Xuanyi.

"Then congratulations to your sect for locking in the leader of this territory battle in advance."

And Zhenren Cangming, who was wearing a veil and could not see his expression, had a slightly pale upper face at this time, but he also took his image into consideration, stood up and reluctantly bowed and said a few words of congratulations.

Up to now, Taicangmen still only has two pitiful points, how can she be happy?

And there is one last match between Taicangmen and Taijimen.

He has seen the strength of the Taijimen team before, which can be said to be rare and tyrannical. Taicangmen has little chance of winning. Once they lose this game, it means that they have to contribute a state to Taixuanmen.

"Although Yusanzhou is a poor and remote state with a mortal population of less than 10 million, there are many black iron veins, five elements spirit crystal veins and a small spirit stone vein underground in Yusanzhou... This is actually not much different from exporting to a populous continent."

Thinking of this, Cangming Zhenren's heart was about to bleed.

"I can only hope that a miracle will happen!"

Xuanyi Zhenren laughed and bowed in return.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"We are all members of the Righteous Alliance. In a competition, friendship is the most important thing. Territory is not important. Winning or losing does not affect the overall situation. What is important is that our three factions should unite and love each other to face the increasingly powerful threat of the demonic path together and safeguard the interests of the Righteous Alliance and the people of the world!"

Zhenren Haoyuan forced a smile and said, "Fellow Taoist Xuanyi is right."

Zhenren Cangming said in a gloomy tone, "I also think that what Fellow Taoist Xuanyi is right. Winning or losing is temporary. Maybe the lost territory will be back in the next territory battle? After all, a perverted genius like Ye Lin is rare in a thousand years. It is impossible to meet one or two in every territory battle!"

Zhenren Cangming was also complaining in his heart when he said this. "Xuan Yi, you hypocrite, what do you mean by winning or losing is not important? It's nothing more than emphasizing that the three sects should unite, fearing that the old guys of our two sects will plot against Ye Lin and Song Lingtian, the two geniuses. At this critical juncture, the more geniuses of the righteous path, the better, the stronger the better, so that they can share more pressure in the future in the great array of righteousness and evil. No one will be stupid enough to do such a thing that will make their relatives sad and their enemies happy."

After the Taixuan Sect's game ended, according to the rules of the game, after a half-hour break, the Taiji Sect and the Taicang Sect started the last duel of this territory battle. The victory or defeat of this duel is related to the ranking of the second and third place. If you get the third place, you have to hand over the territory to the Taixuan Sect.

There were not many surprises in this game.

There is a big gap between the overall strength of the Taicang Sect team and the overall strength of the Taiji Sect team. At the beginning of the battle, the Taicang Sect team could rely on two magic cultivators to continuously cast various small spells to suppress the Taiji Sect team that is good at close combat.

But the good times didn't last long. When Kang Wenxuan and Cao Lingxiu from Taiji Sect both finished preparing for the large-scale spells, the tried-and-tested spells of "Ten Miles of Siege" and "Fire Rain from the Sky" were performed again on the duel stage.

The Taicang Sect obviously didn't have Xiaoqiang, a demon beast spirit insect that could transform into a wild beast and become extremely powerful, nor did they have the ability to break through the hard and heavy city walls in one fell swoop. After being bombarded by the fire rain for less than fifteen breaths in the city wall, the three people's mana was completely exhausted and unable to resist the continuous attack of the fireballs, so they had to admit defeat together.

The miracle that Master Cangming expected did not happen.

In terms of personal strength, Shangguan Wei, who had built a foundation in the Heavenly Dao, was actually ranked among the top among all the contestants in this competition, but this was the case with team battles. Personal strength was not the key to victory or defeat, unless the personal strength could completely crush the opponent like Ye Lin.

After Shangguan Wei lost the game, her pretty face turned pale and she bit her red lips. She lost her former strength and looked a little pitiful and lovable.

It was obvious that this game had dealt a heavy blow to her.

The entire Taicangmen team only got two points in total, which was indeed a great shame.

In this way, the battle for territory came to an end.

The final rankings of the three factions are as follows.

Taixuanmen, 20 points, first place, obtained the sparsely populated but resource-rich Yusanzhou, and 12 places in the Xunlong Secret Realm.

Taijimen, 14 points, second place, did not obtain the prefecture nor contribute to other prefectures, and 10 places in the Xunlong Secret Realm.

Taicangmen, 2 points, third place, let Yusanzhou be given to Taixuanmen. 8 places in the Xunlong Secret Realm.

After the game, Master Hao Yuan said something about the game being a bridge of friendship between the three factions, and then announced that everyone could leave. The spectators and contestants from all parties also flew away from the Taiji Square like locusts.

Ye Lin, Song Lingtian, and Han Lingyue were invited to board a small flying boat of Master Xuanyi, and then turned into a long rainbow and shot towards the direction of Taixuan Gate.

Master Xuanyi promised the three people a lot of benefits on the flying boat.

First of all, before participating in the game, it was said that as long as they got the second place, each person would be rewarded with 100,000 spirit stones. Now that they got the first place and also got Yusanzhou, which has a small spirit stone vein, Master Xuanyi was also generous, increasing the reward of 100,000 spirit stones to 300,000.

This made the three people very happy, especially Han Lingyue, who almost made money without doing anything, but Master Xuanyi still treated everyone equally, which shows that he is very generous to his own disciples.

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