Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 256: Caught by Ye Lin

Kang Wenxuan almost thought he had misheard.

500,000 Spiritual Stones!

A small prize!

Can these two words be linked together!

Even the referee monk in the late Jindan stage was surprised when he took Ye Lin's Spiritual Stone bag. After looking at Ye Lin in disbelief, he opened the Spiritual Stone bag and counted it.

"It is indeed 50 pieces of upper-grade Spiritual Stones, equivalent to lower-grade Spiritual Stones, 500,000!"

"What do you think, Kang Wenxuan, do you want to follow?"

As soon as the referee monk finished speaking, the entire Tai Chi Square with tens of thousands of people was silent.

Most of the monks watching the game had their eyes wide open and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

This was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Ye Lin's words about adding a prize were already surprising, but the degree of surprise was okay, but now he was offering 500,000 Spiritual Stones at once, which was too exaggerated.

Hundreds of thousands of Spiritual Stones, ordinary foundation-building monks simply can't take them out, and it's not enough to sell all their worth. Even for Jindan monks, it takes a long time to accumulate.

Ye Lin, a cultivator at the initial stage of foundation building, actually took it out casually.

He can only be described as a local tyrant.

And he is a local tyrant who is stupid and rich.

In this competition, even the Jindan cultivators think that Ye Lin has little chance of winning... Is he going to give money to Kang Wenxuan? Why haven't I encountered such a great opportunity?

This is what most cultivators think at first.

But at the second time, they feel that this matter is not simple. Ye Lin is a super genius, the former number one in the Qi Refining Stage. How could he be so stupid?

There must be something strange about this matter!

And Kang Wenxuan now has exactly this idea.

He has 500,000 spirit stones, but this is almost the sum of all his spirit stones. If Ye Lin really wins it, he will be so angry that he will spit blood five feet high.

"What's going on? What tricks is Ye Lin playing? What conspiracy or reliance does he have!"

When Kang Wenxuan thought of this, his brows suddenly wrinkled into a "chuan" character, as if he was carefully thinking about Ye Lin's true purpose.

But at this time, Ye Lin spoke again.

"Does Brother Kang want to regret in front of tens of thousands of fellow Daoists? Are you not sure of winning? Or is he short of money and can't afford this little prize?"

"Well, if that's the case, then let's not take the prize. Let's start the fight like this."

Kang Wenxuan, who was already in a state of confusion, suddenly had veins on his forehead, and he couldn't control his emotions and showed a hint of murderous intent towards Ye Lin.

"What a joke, even a cultivator who has reached the great perfection of the foundation building of the demon path may not get any benefit from Kang, so how can he be afraid of you, a cultivator in the initial stage of foundation building!"

"A gentleman's word is as good as his horse. Naturally, I will also take out 500,000 spirit stones to add a little prize to this competition!"

Kang Wenxuan took out a bag of spirit stones from the Qiankun bag, counted them, and handed it to the referee monk next to him.

At this time, the referee monk also frowned, and after counting Kang Wenxuan's spirit stones, he asked seriously: "It is confirmed that it is 500,000 spirit stones. Please confirm whether to add this prize!"

In fact, this sentence of the referee monk was specifically said to Kang Wenxuan. After all, this referee is a member of Taiji Sect. Within the rules, there is always a little selfishness.

Anyone who is slightly experienced can see that Kang Wenxuan was provoked by Ye Lin, and was controlled by Ye Lin emotionally.

Since Ye Lin dared to take out 500,000 spirit stones, there are only two possibilities.

One is that he really has something to rely on, and he is not afraid of Kang Wenxuan at all, thinking that he will win.

The second is that Ye Lin thought that Kang Wenxuan could not take out so many spirit stones, or did not dare to follow the bet, and deliberately let Kang Wenxuan lose face before the game, thereby affecting Kang Wenxuan's mentality. During the duel, Kang Wenxuan will be extremely angry and lose some reason when fighting him, making the balance of victory tilt towards Ye Lin who has always remained rational.

No matter which situation it is, it is not good for Kang Wenxuan's combat status, but Ye Lin is also willing to take the risk of losing 500,000 spirit stones, which can be said to be extremely bold.

After a careful analysis, many Jindan cultivators who have lived for hundreds of years frowned slightly and looked at Ye Lin in surprise. No matter how strong Ye Lin is, they have a new understanding of Ye Lin's cunning.

Kang Wenxuan snorted coldly.

"Confirmed! I want to experience the strength of Fellow Daoist Ye's spirit insect!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Lin smiled and said, "I confirm it too!"

In this way, the 500,000 bet is already a done deal, and both parties can no longer regret it.

The referee cultivator on the stage and the Jindan strongman in the VIP seat frowned even more deeply at this time, especially Kang Wenxuan's father, Hao Yuan Zhenren, who rolled his eyes at him with some displeasure.

"Wenxuan is a kid who cares too much about his face, especially his image in front of Qin Qing, but he doesn't know that by doing this, he will only look like a fool."

"Although he also knows that Ye Lin has obviously provoked him, and he also knows that it is not appropriate for him to take out 500,000 spirit stones, he has to deal with it according to Ye Lin's idea, because Ye Lin has completely grasped his character! This is very disadvantageous for his next fight!"

"This Ye Lin is really an unexpectedly good boy!"

At this point, he also glanced at Xuanyi Zhenren.

It can be seen that Xuanyi Zhenren was no longer panicking at this time, but changed into a master who was confident and calm.

He stroked his beard and looked at Master Hao Yuan with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Hao Yuan, there is no need to worry too much. Although the noble young master is a little difficult to control his emotions now, when he is in a state of anger, his fighting methods will definitely be more fierce. I am afraid that Ye Lin will find it difficult to withstand such a fierce attack. I am afraid that he will be defeated soon and lose 500,000 spirit stones... Hey, I am also very distressed!"

Master Hao Yuan's face became even gloomier when he heard Master Xuan Yi's sarcastic words.

In fact, Master Xuan Yi was a little panicked at this time, but much better than before.

He had some understanding of Ye Lin's character.

That is, Ye Lin would never do a business at a loss!

This was told to him by his beloved daughter Su Lingwei.

No matter how Su Lingwei did business with Ye Lin, she found that Ye Lin made a lot of money and never lost money. Even if some businesses seemed to be a bit disadvantageous to Ye Lin, Ye Lin's assets had been growing at a visible rate.

Master Xuan Yi couldn't help but become curious at this time.

Ye Lin, who had been building the foundation of the Heavenly Dao for three or four years, how powerful is he now? He actually wanted to make money from his opponent, who was a genius in the late stage of the foundation building.

Just at this time, the referee monk shouted loudly.

"Please prepare the two parties to fight, open a distance of fifty feet, salute each other, and the game will begin immediately!"


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