Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 250: Ice Spirit Body Han Lingyue

"The first thing to be done is an individual battle. Each of you will compete twice, and the opponent will be determined by drawing lots. But what is certain is that each of you will compete with Tai Cang Sect contestants, and Tai Chi Sect contestants. In a game, the winner gets one point and the loser gets no points. That is to say, if all three people win in the first round, they get six points!”

"In the second half of the team battle, the participating teams from the three factions will compete once each. The winning team will get three points, and the loser will get no points. If the team wins both games, it will get six points."

"Under normal circumstances, after two rounds of competition, the final ranking of the three major factions has been determined. If two teams have the same points, the winner of the team battle will be used to determine who is better and who is worse. If there are three teams, If both have the same points, it will be a rematch. Of course, we have never encountered such a rare situation so far. "

"Does everyone understand the rules and procedures?"

This competition process can be said to be very simple, and you can basically understand it once you hear it.

The total score is twelve points, and the points determine the ranking. Individual strength and team strength both account for six points. The same proportion can be said to be very reasonable.

Ye Lin and the three of them all nodded.

Protector Wang took out three more secret letters and said in a low voice: "Before the competition, it is as important to understand your opponent as it is to understand your teammates. This is the detailed information about Tai Chi Sect and Tai Cang Sect contestants collected by our sect's intelligence personnel. Take it and memorize its meaning.”

"Of course, this information is definitely not complete. They must have hidden many trump cards and tricks, and they may even have hidden their cultivation. When facing the enemy, you must always be wary of using unpredictable tricks."

After the three received the secret letter, they looked at each other and opened the letter, taking out one piece of intelligence information and reading it carefully.

Relying on the memory of a cultivator, it was extremely easy to memorize the detailed information of only six people. In a short time, the three of them had read them all.

Tai Chi Sect sent out a contestant who was in the late stage of foundation building, one who was in the middle stage of foundation building, and one who was in the early stage of foundation building. Among them, the monk in the early stage of foundation building was naturally Qin Qing, who had just established the foundation of Tiandao for a few years. Face the strongest participating teams.

Taicang Sect, on the other hand, sent out two contestants who were in the middle stage of foundation building and one who was in the early stage of foundation building. Among them, the contestant in the early stage of foundation building was naturally Shangguan Wei who had just left Yelin Cave Mansion. According to intelligence, Said that the two mid-stage foundation-building monks were already very close to the late-stage foundation-building stage and were the second strongest team on paper.

Looking back at Taixuan Sect, although Ye Lin has broken through the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, no one knows the news yet. The information about him from the major sects should be that he is in the early stage of Foundation Establishment. Song Lingtian is also in the early stage of Foundation Establishment, and Han Lingyue is the only one. It has reached the middle stage of foundation building, and its paper strength can be said to be its weakest.

Therefore, Ye Lin can almost expect that there will be many monks who are not optimistic about this competition, belittle and criticize Taixuan Sect.

Even if his cultivation is exposed, from a realm perspective, Taixuanmen still has no advantage compared to the participating teams of Taijimen and Taicangmen.

After reading it, the three people's faces became a little serious.

The same is true for the King Protector.

"The current situation is indeed very unfavorable for our sect, but we have no way out. Our goal in this competition is not to win the first place. As long as you can get the second place and maintain the foundation of the sect. , is already the most satisfying result for the headmaster.”

Having said this, Protector Wang sighed again.

"Actually, our sect has already started preparing for this competition a few years ago. We originally planned to have another mid-stage Foundation Establishment disciple and an early-stage Foundation Establishment disciple come to compete, but even so, the headmaster was unable to maintain the territory. I still don’t have much confidence, Taiji Sect and Taicang Sect have also been preparing for this for many years, and they have more abundant resources.”

"In the past few years before the start of the competition, Ye Lin and Song Lingtian have made breakthroughs one after another, which gave the head coach the idea of ​​making dangerous moves. Many elders in the sect are opposed to this matter, thinking that you will have to wait until you have just entered the early stage of foundation building. Fighting on the stage, even if it is to build the foundation of heaven, is still very risky, but the master still insisted on his decision. "

"The headmaster said to the elders, you two are people who have created miracles and cannot be measured by ordinary people's eyes. If you stick to the original plan unchanged, losing the territory will be a high probability event. If you two are allowed to appear, then It’s full of infinite variables, and only God knows the outcome.”

"The elders were silent and passed this important decision."

Protector Wang said: "Although it is unfair to put the burden on you, the head coach has no choice. We can only hope that you can create new miracles again in this competition!"

Ye Lin and the other three were silent.

It turns out that there is such a tortuous story behind sending Ye Lin and Song Lingtian to fight.

After a long time, Song Lingtian and Ye Lin looked at each other and said in unison: "We will definitely fight with all our strength, and we will never disappoint the headmaster's expectations and never disgrace the sect's reputation!"

Ye Lin added another sentence.

"I promised my senior sister before I went out that even if I don't get first place, I will do everything possible to get second place. Don't worry, Protector Wang."

Seeing Ye Lin being so confident, Protector Wang stroked his beard and nodded.

"We are all good boys. The rest of the time will be left to the three of you to get to know each other. I will not participate, old man. When you feel that we understand each other almost, you can leave on your own. Tomorrow is approaching six o'clock (nine o'clock in the morning). I will take you to the Tai Chi Square at Qianyuan Peak."

After saying that, Wang the Dharma Protector returned to his bedroom and closed the door. Only Ye Lin and the other two were left in the living room.

Han Lingyue glanced at Ye Lin and Song Lingtian: "I know you are all good friends. Now you have nicknames in the martial arts world, such as the Three Great Masters of Taixuan... and the wretched fat man."

"I guess you should know each other better, so let me introduce the functions of my magic weapon and the spells I am good at, and then you can introduce them. In this way, we will have a better understanding in the team battle tomorrow."

Ye Lin and Song Lingtian both nodded in agreement.

Next, Han Lingyue began to talk about her abilities.

First, this woman has two spiritual weapons, one of which is a top-grade spiritual weapon, the Ice Spirit Pearl, which can greatly enhance the power of ice attribute spells, reduce the mana consumption when casting, and cast faster. The other is a mid-grade spiritual weapon body protection robe.

In addition, just as the rumors said, she had practiced the lower-grade Xuan-level mental method "Ice Spirit Art" to perfection and developed an ice spirit body. With the ice spirit body, she could also greatly enhance the power of ice-attribute spells and reduce mana consumption.

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